Drought Recovery

Concessional Loans Scheme

(South Australia)


Business Name:

1.Business Details

Business Name:
Trading Name:(if applicable)
Business Owners:
Full Name of all registered proprietors. If the business is a company also show details for all Directors. / Business Involvement: Role (manager, partner etc.) and whether full-time / part-time / not actively involved.

2.Evidence of Significant Financial Impact

Option A
If your Farm Businessis located in an area that has experienced a rainfall deficiency equivalent to, or worse than, a 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 year rainfall event, as indicated in a valid Bureau of Meteorology Rainfall Deficiency Report, you must demonstratethe Farm Business hasexperienced a Significant Financial Impact over at least a 2 year period (which can include the forthcoming season).
Option B
If your Farm Business is notlocated in an area experiencing a rainfall deficiency equivalent to, or worse than, a 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 year rainfall event, as indicated in a valid Bureau of Meteorology Rainfall Deficiency Report, you must demonstrate the Farm Business hasexperienced a Significant Financial Impact as a direct result of the effects of drought over at least a 3 year period (which can include the forthcoming season).
Where relevant in points 1 to 6 below, please provide details of the Significant Financial Impact experienced by your business. For each impact, please provide i) a brief description of the impact, ii) an estimate of the $ impact due to reduced income / and or increased expenses and iii) timing of the impact (which can include the forthcoming season).
  1. Large reductions in the Farm Business’s net cash flow

  1. Large reductions in production and/or yields

  1. Large reductions in operating margins (the percentage margin of farm receipts over farm OperatingExpenses)

2.Evidence of Significant Financial Impact (Continued)

  1. Increases in drought-related operating expenses, particularly fodder and agistment expenditure

  1. Large reductions in livestock numbers through forced sales or losses.

  1. Other Significant Financial Impacts

3.Steps already undertaken to prepare the farm business for drought

Option A
If your Farm Businessis located in an area experiencing a rainfall deficiency equivalent to, or worse than, a 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 year rainfall event, as indicated in the Bureau of Meteorology’s Rainfall Deficiency Report, you must demonstrate that the Farm Business has taken reasonable steps to prepare for drought.
Option B
If your Farm Business is notlocated in an area experiencing a rainfall deficiency equivalent to, or worse than, a 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 year rainfall event, as indicated in the Bureau of Meteorology’s Rainfall Deficiency Report, you must demonstrate the Farm Business has undertaken Drought Management Activities for at least a 3 year period to prepare their business for the effects of drought.
Where relevant in points 1 to 6 below, please comment on the strategies already undertaken to prepare your farm business for the effects of drought. For each strategy, please provide i) a brief description of the strategy, ii) an estimate of the $ cost of implementing the strategy and iii) the timing of when the strategy was first implemented.
  1. Use of weather and seasonal climate forecasting products or tools to inform production decisions

  1. Proactive water management measures, such as increasing dam capacity, investment in water reticulation and groundwater infrastructure

  1. Water-efficient cropping techniques

3.Steps already undertaken to prepare the farm business for drought (Continued)

  1. Reduction or agistment of stock

5. Change to more water efficient crop types

6.Accumulation of feed reserves for stock or sale

  1. Other drought preparedness measures already undertaken


The following table is to be completed by all applicants that grow crops or fodder.

Cropping Information - cereal, legume, fodder and other crops (including horticultural crops)
Crop / Normal
Year / 2011/12
(2011 crop) / 2012/13
(2012 crop) / 2013/14
(2013 crop) / 2014/15
(2014 crop) / 2015/16
(2015 crop)
Wheat / Area (ha)
Tonnes produced
Barley / Area (ha)
Tonnes produced
(details) / Area (ha)
Tonnes produced
(details) / Area (ha)
Tonnes produced
(details) / Area (ha)
Tonnes produced
(details) / Area (ha)
Tonnes produced
Please provide further comments on the Cropping Information Table.

5.Livestock Management

The following table is to be completed by allapplicants that farm livestock.

Livestock Numbers
Please provide details of livestock numbers both prior to the commencement of the drought and currently on the property:
Livestock numbers on the property
Livestock Type / Prior to drought
as at / / (specify date) / Currently on property
(at time of application)
Other e.g. goats
Details of Stocking Rates
Long term stocking rate / DSE/Ha
Current stocking rate / DSE/Ha
Details of Destocking due to drought conditions
Reasons / Year / Month / Numbers / Class e.g. Steers
Deaths due to drought
To Agistment / Feedlots
Forced Sales
Please provide further comments regarding livestock management if applicable.