ACTIVITY / VENUE: Activities on Narrowboats COMPLETED BY:


1. Hazard
List significant hazards which may result in serious harm or affect several people / 2. Risk
List possible risks associated with these hazards / 3. Who might be
List groups of people who are especially at risk
from the hazards identified. / 4. Is the risk adequately
List existing control measures or note where the information may be found.
(e.g. Information, instruction training, systems or procedures) / 5. What further action
List the risks which are not adequately controlled and proposed action where it is reasonably practical to do more
Sitting or standing on/over sides of boat. / Arms and/or legs could be crushed by the boat. / Young people and staff. / No one except crews permitted on the gunwales or roofs. Staff members are given training prior to outings and young people are given boat safety talk at beginning of outing.
Getting on/off the boat. / Slipping and/or falling into the canal. / Young people and staff.
Other boat users. / Trained and experienced staff are always present. Young people are given boat safety talk on dangers, risks and are instructed what they should and should not do. Young people are supervised carefully at all times. All boats have life rings and jackets available.
Entering boat / Banging head on roof when entering cabin at bow or stern.
Rain damage to cabin.
Slipping on steps into cabin / Young people and staff / Safety talk.
Sliding hatches to remain fully open in fine weather.
When raining – hatch section to be closed - Doors to be closed dependant on rain direction. Non slip steps
Children or unqualified or unlicensed persons taking charge. / Danger to themselves and others. Boat insurance would become invalidated. / Young people and staff on boat. Other boat users and general public. / Only suitably qualified adults are permitted to steer the boats unsupervised. The skipper will always remain at the helm if the boat is being steered by an unqualified person.
Handling of ropes. / Possible entrapment of hands and fingers between ropes and bollards.
Tripping up over or getting caught in ropes. Stern rope tangling round propeller. / Young people and staff on boat. / Ropes are managed by experienced boat handlers and not left in a hazardous state.Bow and Stern rope to be stowed correctly. Boat safety talk.
Running and climbing / Slipping and falling into canal. / Young people, staff and other boat users. / These dangers are explained in boat safety talk. Young people are supervised closely. There are safety ladders in all the locks in case anyone falls in. All boats have life rings and life jackets/preservers.
Operating locks / Loss or theft of windlasses. Being knocked into canal by moving balance beam. Slipping on wet lock side or gate and falling in.
Slipping on wet lock side and banging head on gate.
Injury to hands / feet if trying to stop the boat banging into the lock
Loss of anti vandal keys / Young people, staff and other boat users. / Staff are trained and experienced. Young people are closely supervised. Young people are given full and proper instructions. Young people are shown working example before using lock for the first time with the boat.
Safety talk.
Approaching bridges or narrows. / Anyone on the roof or sides of the boat could be crushed. Injury to arms, legs and head. / Young people and staff. / Passengers are not allowed to travel on roof of boat. Young people monitored at all times.
Operating lift bridges. / Lift bridge crashing into boat. / Young people and staff / Operate lift bridge in accordance with instructions.
Going over an aquaduct. / Falling over the side
Danger of being trapped between boat and side of aquaduct / Young people and staff / Following of boat safety guidelines.
Working on the deck.
Sitting and travelling on the deck areas. / Falling off the side. / Young people and workers. / Follow boat safety guidelines at all times.
Experienced boat handlers and supervision of young people.
Mooring the boat. / Possible injury to passengers. / Any passengers. / Experienced boat handlers.
Follow boat safety guidelines.
Supervision given to young people when using mooring pins and hammer.
Using gas cookers on boat. / Carbon monoxide build up. Gas build up which could cause explosion. Injury to persons using the cooker – burning and scalding, etc. / Persons on boat.
Persons using cooker. / Young people do not use cooker without adult supervision. Checks are done regularly to ensure equipment is safe.
Locking / Injury to passengers on board if boat bangs about or passengers arms get trapped.
Danger of passengers falling off lock gates or lock sides.
Possible injury due to windlasses flying off the spindles.
Injury due to hair, fingers or clothing getting caught in the paddles. / Experienced boat handlers and correct procedures followed.
Correct procedures followed and supervision.
Following of correct procedures.
Appropriate clothing worn, etc.
General water related activities. / Catching diseases , etc. from the water or local environment / Young people and adults / Follow safety measures. Weils Disease covered in Safety talk.
Attempting to enter or leave a boat or dinghy which is being towed. / Danger of slipping and falling into water. / Passengers on boat. / Follow safety guidelines.
Qualified boat handler on board at all times.
Security / Petty crime, theft of valuables / Passengers on board / Locking up when leaving the boat.
Not leaving expensive items on the boat.
Swimming in the canal or river. / Danger of catching disease, injury or drowning. / Swimming prohibited in canals. Weils disease information covered in Safety talk.
Smoking / Danger to smokers and passive smoking.
Fire risk / Smokers and other passengers. / Smoking not permitted on boat.
Fire extinguishers on boat.
Fire from boat engine / Fire Risk / Young people and staff / All passenger and crew to be made aware of danger – explained in safety talk. Regular engine checks and maintenance.
Fuel cut off switch.
Fire extinguishers on boat
Fire to boat or environment by using BBQ’s / Fire Risk / Young people and staff / No BBQ’s to be used on the boat.
Follow BBQ instructions.
BBQ’s to be lit by a member of staff.
No BBQ’s to be left unattended until fully extinguished.
Extinguished BBQ’s to be disposed of correctly.

Before the boats move, we deliver a Health & Safety Talk, regardless of whether a group has been on the boat before or not.