Frequently Asked Questions:

Below are some commonly asked questions and answers regarding budget prep.

What is the first step I should complete when starting my budget?

When you receive access to budget prep all extracts have been run and you

are ready to start working on your budget. In order to know your starting

point you should run a Schedule G, G-1 and Aggregate Detail .

How do I prepare my budget?

Update Personnel Services Budget

Update Non-Personnel Budget

Run Fringe/Aggregate Generator

Run Aggregate Detail Report/Query

Verify positions have appropriate fringes budgeted

Verify budget balances to Allocation

Run reports and balance reports

Turn completed budget in to appropriate personnel.

HR has informed me that a reclass, promotion or new position I sent over

has been completed. How do I pull that information into my budget prep?

In order to pull information that has been keyed into Human Resources

after the budget has been loaded you will need to run an extract.

Log in to PSFINBOR Menus

Budget Prep ProcessingHR/FIN ExtractAdd (Create a Run Control for


NOTE: If you have already created a run control select Update/Display

and pick the appropriate run control name.

Click OK. This will take you to the HR/FIN Extract Page

Enter Individual Department number. DO NOT CHECK ALL DEPARTMENTS!

Click Run. This will take you to the Process Scheduler Request.

Select Server Name –PSUNX

Process List - Select Budgets HR Extract V8

Select Type and Format

Click OK. This will run the process to pull updated HR information into the Budget Prep System.

How can I tell if the process I ran is complete?

In order to tell if a process is complete:

On Process Scheduler pageclick Process Monitor at top rightThis will bring you to the Process Monitor page. You should see the process you just ran as either Queued or Success. If the process has not completed (Success) you can click refresh to expedite the process.

How do I clear all of the Success processes out of my Process Monitor?

On Process Monitor page select PSUNX from Server dropdown.

Select Cancel from Run Status dropdown.

Click Refresh.

I have a position whose minimum pay 7/1 will be more than their current pay, what do I do?

On the budget prep personal services panel the Current Salary box indicates a person’s current rate which should also be their 7/1 rate. If you need to change someone’s 7/1 rate you will need to enter the change amount in the Other Adj. block (This must be entered as a dollar amount). You will enter a negative amount to reduce the salary. The Current Salary plus Other Adj. will be their new 7/1 rate. If you enter an amount in the Other Adj. block you will need to have documentation for this increase/decrease.

Valid documentation is as follows:

Approved PCF form indicating the new rate effective 7/1

Updated Alphabetical Index of Classified Position Titles

I have a person whose salary is split. I have entered my merit amount. What do I do about the other department’s merit amount?

If you have a person whose salary is split between your department and another department you need to communicate with the other department in order to ensure all of the person’s merit has been entered and the distribution is correct.

I have a person who is supposed to get a grant 7/1, however the CFC is not set up in the budget prep system for me to use. What do I do?

Use the same procedure you use all year. If it is a SPA grant (20000, 21021) you will contact them to set it up and they will send it on to Budget to create the CFC in Budget Table. For all others contact your department manager to request it.

What schedules/reports do I need to turn in with my budget?

For each department you are responsible for you will need to turn in the

following documents. Note: The Schedule G, G-1 and Aggr Query must


Signed Declining % Report

Schedule G

Schedule G-1

Aggregrate Detail Report or Query

What if I can not turn my budget in by the published due date?

While we understand that emergency may arise and Technical problems

may occur the deadlines that have been set have been carefully analyzed to

ensure that the budget office has time to run and balance their reports in

order to meet the deadline set by the Board of Regents. The Board of

Regents deadline MUST be meet. Therefore, the budget office can not

grant an extension to the published deadlines.

Who should I contact if I receive an error message while working on my


You need to send an e-mail to your Budget Analyst. Be sure to indicate in

the subject line that this is a Budget Prep Error. The Budget Analyst will

determine if it is something they can handle or if IT help is needed. If the

analyst can handle the question they will get back with you, if it is an IT

issue the e-mail will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel in IT with

you copied on the e-mail.

How do I clear my cache?

Internet Explorer


Internet Options

Delete Cookies

Delete Temp Files

You should do this at the beginning of each day.

Do I enter the amount in the Other Adjustment block as a dollar or percent?

The amount entered in the Other Adjustment block must be entered as a dollar amount. This amount will be added/subtracted to the Current Salary for the July 1 rate.

I tried to set up the non-personnel for a Fund 20000 and 21021 account. I have changed the “to” dates and saved, but it doesn’t show up the Schedule G.

You can not set up non-personnel for Fund 20000 and Fund 21021

(Sponsored). SPA will set these up with a journal entry. Call Tammy Murrell in SPA with any questions.

A vacant position does not have a Pay Group.

A vacant position does not have a Pay Group until it is filled. If you have done a re-extract the Job Code, Pay Group and Dept # will not change. You can manually change the Job Code in Budget Prep with permission from HR.

I have a part time/temp position that will be paid up to $xxxxx. How do I put it in so that the budget will stay at that amount?

Key the $ amount in Proposed Salary. Check Override box or it will factor the salary down to .5 of that amount. Zero out all fringes except 1.45% Fica Med and lock.

How do I submit a non-research sponsored project Non-Personnel (i.e. PPG, MCGHI, etc.)

Only project/grants with fund 20010-20080 can be set up in Budget Prep. The department enters the amount into Non-personnel. Budget department receives an email showing the amounts to be able to balance.

How do I know if the fringe generator and aggregate worked?

There are two ways to complete this process

1.  Before you run the fringe and aggregate generator run the Aggregate Detail. Copy and print. Run the fringe and aggregate generator and compare the two reports to ensure the data had updated.

2.  Once you have run the fringe and aggregate generator go the Process Monitor

to verify that the process is complete.