/ CSU Portal
Consolidated Financial System
Data Warehouse
Basic Login

Last Revised: 12/20/10


Document Title: CSU Portal_Consolidated Financial System_Data Warehouse Basic Login

Author: CMS/DW SME

File Reference: CSU Portal_Consolidated Financial System_Data Warehouse Basic Login_CMS

Revision History

Revision Date / Revised By / Summary of Revisions / Section(s) Revised
12/15/10 / CMS / Create / All
12/16/10 / CMS / Update / All
12/17/10 / CMS / Update / ALL
12/20/10 / CMS / Update / Page 8


This document provides basic login information into the CSU Portal which will become effective Jan 3, 2011. All PeopleSoft users will use the CSU Portal to access information related to PeopleSoft.

This document specifically focuses on log in instructions for the Consolidated Finance System and Data Warehouse.

Accessing MyCoyote is the same via the links available at
the CSUSB Campus page
CMS websites / http://www.csusb.edu/

Image of CSUSB home page
http://www.cms.csusb.edu/index.jsp image of CMS home page

At MyCoyote Login page use existing Coyote ID and Password.
Enter Coyote ID and Password.
Select Sign In button. /
Image of mycoyote sign in fields Coyote Id and password
The campus portal page will display.
Select the ‘Administrative Systems’ tab.
Next, select the CSU Portal Finance Sign-on link. / Image of CSUSB Portal log in page emphasis on Administrative Systems tab and CSU Portal Finance Sign-on link
The CSU Portal page appears.
Accessing CFS Production
Below the Financial Services tab select the Production link.
The system will open a new window.
CFS Main Menu will appear in a new window.
NOTE: The CSU Portal page as well as CFS Production are open.
If the end user logs out using the CFS Sign out link, be sure to also log out of the CSU Portal (see page 7 of this guide). /

A slight delay will occur while the page is loading. The following message will appear.

Data Warehouse
At the CSU Portal page select the Financial Reports link to access the Data Warehouse. /
At the Financial Reports page select the Login link.
NOTE: You will not need to login twice – the initial CSU Portal login is active unless you logged out of the portal (see page 7 of this guide). /
A slight delay will occur while the page is loading. The following message will appear.

The Data Warehouse page appears. /
If the end user logs out of the Data Warehouse using the logout link in DW the page to the right will appear.
The End user remains logged into the CSU Portal until they have logged out of the CSU Portal (see page 7 of this guide). /
To LOGOUT of the CSU Portal use the link provided in the top upper right of the page. /
End User is logged out.
To return to the CSU Portal Login page select the link “return to the login page”. /
To login from the CSU Portal
First, San Bernardino Campus must be selected.
Use the drop down menu to select San Bernardino.
Next select the Login button to the right of the Campus fieldbox. /

The end user Coyote Id and Password is required. /
Select the Login button. /
The End user is directed to the CSU Portal main page. /
End User is timed out / Close the window and Return to the MyCoyote log in.

For additional help logging in please contact the Data Center & Help Desk Services office at extension 77677.

Last Revised: 12/20/10 Page 1 of 8