Minutes of meeting Tuesday 17th May 2016, 7.30 to 9. 30 pm,

The Imperial Hotel, Station Road, Stroud GL5 3AP

Present: Seb Buckton;; James Beecher: Erik Wilkinson (chair), Yvon Dignon, Caroline Aistrop Tim Martel Paul Flinn, Graham Tennant; Lou Perry, Jim Pentney, Philip Booth; Andy Treacher;, Crocket; Nigel Westaway;,

Apologies: Simon Allen, Claire Deacon; Sue Fook

  1. Focus of the Meeting: The “Transition Stroud: Ten Years and Beyond” event took place at the Stroud Sub Rooms on the 6th May - with Rob Hopkins as the keynote speaker. The event also publicised this evenings meeting as a follow up forum where individuals who suggested ideas/projects for our next ten years could pitch and expand on them so they can be recorded and discussed. Then the intention is to publicise these ideas to all Transition Stroud supporters via our 750 newsletter database - to access their support and skills. The meeting also looked at how we might develop a framework to assess different projects – particularly if they are requesting funding from the recently launched “Facilitation Fund”.
  2. Brief Pitches:
  • Bus Walks - Paul Flinn To develop a series of walks that links public transport to the beauty of the Stroud countryside
  • Community Food Processing Hub – Dom Thomas:To develop a fully equipped space to prep and process local produce – open to all
  • Local Enterprise Forum – Caroline Aistrop Where new local businesses can present their ideas - and seek local funding
  • Transition Streets– Erik Wilkinson – Brings neighbours together to reduce their carbon footprint - e.g. energy, food, water, travel costs – and save money
  • Transition Diploma –James Beecher To develop a ten week certified course similar to the Permaculture course
  • Canal crafts project– Jim Pentney Making the most of the canal by using imaginatively designed pedalos to create employment, add colour and improve health
  • Disinvestment Campaign– Paul Flinn Developing a local campaign to get people to disinvest from fossil fuel companies and invest in renewables
  • Friends of Stroud Station - Paul Flinn – with a focus on creating a permaculture/edible gardens in the sidings
  • Stroud Energy Descent Action Plan for next Ten Years–James Beecher Using the Totness Energy Descent plan as a template for developing a Stroud one
  • Pop up Gardens - YvonDignon Pop up “How to grow/sow/look after plants for food “– at community gate venue – e.g. schools etc – using a wheelbarrow and minimum props
  • How Stroud could look in 2027– James BeecherDeveloping a vision of what Stroud could look like so we know what actions we need to initiate – and can measure progress towards it.
  • Visual Mapping of Transition and Partners initiatives –James BeecherUsing computer mapping software to show where Transition Stroud and its partners activities take place.

Agreed Action

Pitchers were invited to put more flesh on the bones with the intention that these ideas would be circulated to all Transition Stroud supporters – those 750 people who get the TS newsletter. Write ups to be sent to Erik atby the 30th May

  1. In the final part of the meeting Nigel Westaway proposed a way of evaluating projects through a framework. His approach was supported by the meeting.

Developing a Framework to evaluate projects for possible funding by the Facilitation Fund

Aims of the Facilitation Fund

The over-riding aims of the Facilitation Fund are:

1.To pump prime Transition Stroud’s own priority projects (and particularlyprojects that engage individuals and groups that previously have not got involved with Transition Stroud )


2. To support other projects that volunteers with enthusiasm and commitment want to turn into reality – provided that these are core to Transition Stroud’s work


How well does the proposal meet each of these aims?

Poorly = not recommended for funding (no pts)

Moderately well = 2pts for each objective (i.e. max 4pts)

Very well = 4pts for each objective (i.e. max 8pts)

Other criteria

Realism/practicality(Is it viable? Does it have a track record? How clear are the roles & responsibilities? Contingency plans?)

Timescale(ie shorter time to set up generally = good!)

Visibility (who will become aware of it and how will this impact on the dissemination of TS values?)

Potential for further development/wider application

Resilience(is it secure against - rather than vulnerable to - changes of circumstances/loss of particular support?)

Funding impact(Does it really need TS grant aid? Could it be funded some other way? How much difference will grant aid make?)

Funding level(lower grant requirement = good!)

Funding (should someone else fund it?)

Other TS support requirements(time, expertise, publicity etc; less = good!)

Track record (will they deliver?)

Support from other organisations(how much does it need and is it likely to secure this?)


How well does the proposal perform against each of these?

Poorly = no pts; moderately well = 1 pt; very well = 2pts

NB: The points system is meant as an aid to evaluation, not a hard and fast determinant. If the total score for a project doesn’t feel right, there will need to be discussion to find out why and a liberal application of common sense. For example, if a project scores really well on most criteria but gets no points for viability, it’s probably not going to be a priority for funding!

  1. Next Meeting. Monday 20th June - Imperial Hotel 7.30 pm to 9. 30 pm

Erik Wilkinson 26th May 2016


Other Ideas put forward at the 6th May event but not represented at this meeting

  • School commute walking scheme (“Pedibus” in France). Two or three adults accompanying kids to school, increasing the group on the way and walking to school. Works as a “bus” scheme with meeting points on the way.
  • Stroud lift share - website.
  • Create a local group of generators. Helping people once a year is good but you need to show constant progress and results. Something like Energy Deck would allow local generators to share info about what they are generating, costs, installers etc
  • Get kids from schools (primary and secondary) to meet elderly often isolated and lonely either in private homes or in day care or nursing homes. Get them together singing, writing stories, sharing pasts – maybe kids bring in technology for interaction, integration and communication.
  • Crowd funding for small local projects (shops, services) – 0% microcredit
  • I would like a bigger umbrella, big enough to shelter TS, SPG, SVA, Foodhub etc to link them and their legacy 
  • Twin with another Transition movement in another country
  • Stroud businesses associate publicly with TS by adding an emblem of TS to their logos and publicity materials. Greg Dance
  • New High Street to have TS planters in it. Greg Dance
  • Going into communities and asking them what they really need (could start with communities where TS hasn’t worked before). Caroline Aistrop
  • Explore scope for working with Stroud Credit Union
  • Reinvent a LETS scheme
  • Intergenerational project. Children gather memories from senior citizens about where wildlife was when they were young and then make a map and compare to wildlife districts today.


  • Have a bid at allotments where people can bring their veg peelings and lawn mower cuttings etc
  • Everyone to be given a free compost bin or two and taught how to compost
  • Horse and cart collection service for garden trimmings and waste to compost locally
  • Community equestrian mulch heap composting

Ideas for 10th Anniversary – what shall we do to celebrate

  • Create a book of success stories. Could this also use modern media channels (to encourage others, promote ideas, raise money)
  • Tell stories, dance and sing. Share wonderful local food
  • Show Jerry Rothwells excellent film (Change the World) – very inspiring. A picnic.
  • Anybody who has been to ANY Transition Stroud event goes to find ONE PERSON who has never been to a Transition Stroud event and explains what we are all about. This has to be EVERYBODY NOT ANYBODY!
  • Take events out into the provinces! Put events on in Cashes Green, Bussage, Woodchester, Ebley etc. In order to reach more people. Put events on housing estates greens and green spaces. Comment next to this – Yes essential to integrated communities!!!


  • Stroud pound - relaunch it
  • Set up a LETS scheme
  • Start a Transition Stroud bank
  • Buy homes that have TLC; use TS skills to do them up; plus affordable rent equals income and ethical. Jane Brown

Health and Wellbeing initiatives:

  • Sponsor a granny (connect young people to older generation). Befriending schemes.
  • Alternatives to NHS doctors (Transition Newent intergenerational project for sharing skills and knowledge
  • Educating our NHS doctors in alternative medicine

Projects that attract Younger People

  • Elders teaching cooking to school age kids

A Project for the Wider Community

  • Waste – teach people about the benefits of not creating so much waste in the first place and secondly, how to responsibly recycle (invite Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall)
  • Support other small Transition Groups (Transition Newent)
  • Share – exchange DIY and other equipment. Paul Shevlin
  • Support other groups that are already set up by finding ways to support each other
  • Produce a list of all Groups with top three initiative

Campaigning for better public transport

  • Youth wing?
  • Improve cycle network and awareness
  • 20 mph in all built up areas
  • Transport that caters for those with remedial difficulties
  • Stroud to Bristol bus route
  • Stroud to Minchinhampton bus route
  • The Rodborough rikshaw – which is an electric rikshaw taxi in to town

Local bus – walk guide

  • Early days of Transition Carol Mathews researched this
  • Promote the benefits of informal car sharing arrangements between friends and neighbours
  • Plus equipment sharing in general – lawnmowers, hedge trimmers etc
  • Regular TS stall at Stroud market showcasing projects
  • Focus on health and leisure benefits. Time to smell the roses

Rail user Group (Stroud branch) for Swindon – Cheltenham line

  • Stonehouse railway station on Bristol line
  • Go the horse route – carriages, whatever.
  • Yes please - Interested in doing it – also Stonehouse Station
  • Link with the local farming community to develop increasing local food for local communities. Producer/consumer alliance. Make use of council spaces for fresh food markets for all. Liz Child

A project to help people avoid plastic packaging. The amount of plastic is overwhelming – even in health food shops and with wholesalers like Essential/Suma/Doves Farm etc. We need a place where we can buy staples (milk, pulses, coffee, rice, pasta etc) that is NOT wrapped in plastic packaging – i.e. bring your own containers and fill up. (Claudia