NALBOH Self-Evaluation & Enhancement Tool


Instructions: Please grade and provide improvement suggestions and comments for each indicator. All indicators should have a grade AND a comment focusing on what we can do to improve. Board member responses will be compiled and reported to the full board. Suggestions and comments will be used by the Board Governance Committee to guide future board development. Please return in the anonymous, postage paid envelop by Friday, November 2, 2012. Thank you in advance for your candid, deliberative, and thoughtful comments.

Indicator / Grade (A+ to F) / What can we do better? How can we improve? Comments?
1 – The frequency & duration of our board of director meetings are appropriate to effectively carry out your roles & responsibilities.
2 – I effectively represent the interests and concerns of board of health members across the nation during board discussions.
3 – The expectations of what each NALBOH board member should do, get, and give, are clearly defined.
4 – As a NALBOH board member, I feel valued,engaged, and properly utilized.
Indicator / Grade (A+ to F) / What can we do better? How can we improve? Comments?
5 – NALBOH board member and staff roles are clearly defined, respected, and complement each other.
6 – I am confident that my colleagues’ intentions are trustworthy and there is no reason to be protective or careful when interacting with the board.
7 – Our board holds its members accountable. Poor performers sense pressure to improve and potentially problematic actions are identified quickly. Mediocrity is unacceptable.
8 – I actively participate in identifying individuals to recommend as potential directors and/or committee members.
9 – The current board structure and composition supports and advances NALBOH’s mission and strategic goals.
10 – There is a long list of qualified volunteers ready and willing to serve in committee and board leadership positions.
Indicator / Grade (A+ to F) / What can we do better? How can we improve? Comments?
11 – Rate the overall effectiveness of the NALBOH Board of Directors.
12 – Serving on the NALBOH board of directors is productive and I am engaged and involved as a director on the board.
13 – The current NALBOH committee structure and activities support and contribute to the board’s productivity to advance NALBOH’s mission and goals.
14 – All committees have a well defined purpose and a stated annual plan of work.
15 – My participation on NALBOH committees is productive and I am engaged and involved in my committee work and responsibilities.
16 – What is the one thing NALBOH board members are doing now that you think we should CONTINUE doing?
17 – What is the one thing NALBOH board members are doing now that you think we should STOP doing?
18 – What is the one thing NALBOH board members are NOT doing that you think we should START doing?
19 - Additional comments and suggestions

Thank you!!Your comments and suggestions will be heard. Implementation of these suggestions will be discussed by the Board Governance Committee. The NALBOH Board of Directors will be better able to serve the members of this organization because of the time you took today. Your input in appreciated.

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