August16, 2012
A regular meeting of the Town Board was held on August16, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall Auditorium.
Item 1 – Roll call. Those present and answering roll call: Trustees;Daniels, Heaton, Moos, Rohn, Ross and Truax and Mayor Moser. Also present: Attorney Anson.
Item 2-Review of the Minutes of the July19thmeeting. TrusteeMoos moved to approve theJuly 19th minutes as written, seconded by Trustee Ross. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 3–Resolution 2012-05 – UP First Street Closing. As there was no further discussion, Trustee Ross moved to approve the resolution, seconded by Trustee Truax. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 4 –High Plains Library District IGA. Gary reported the library board has already approved the agreement at their last meeting. Attorney Anson reported everything appears to be in order. Trustee Moos moved to accept the agreement as presented, seconded by Trustee Rohn. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 5 –D & J Maplewood Wine and Spirits license renewal. Attorney Anson has reviewed the documents and everything is order except for one item which will be corrected. Trustee Heaton moved to approve the renewal, seconded by Trustee Daniels. Motion carried 6-0.
Item 6 – Citizen comments/questions. Carol Mogus appeared before the board to find out where things are on a flood plan in her neighborhood. Gary reported staff is in the process of gathering information and formulating a plan to deal with the problem of flooding. The study will take some time to complete.
Item 7 - Reports. Gary reported the Collins Street project has been completed. Gary also informed the board the town has been awarded an MPO Grant that requires a transportation plan which staff has started working on. The study will cost approximately $60,000, but with the grant will cost the town about $12,000. Don reminded the board of the upcoming joint meeting with the School Board scheduled for August 20, 2012 at 6:00 p.m.
Item 8–Adjourn. As there was no further business Trustee Ross moved to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter of an employee at 7:22 p.m., seconded by Trustee Moos. Trustee Moos moved to reconvene to the regular meeting, seconded by Trustee Ross. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Erika C. Bagley, Town Clerk