Keynote Speaker - David A. Christian
David A. Christian (born October 1948) is one of America’s most decorated veterans of any war. His service in Vietnam earned him seven Purple Hearts, the Distinguished Service Cross, two Silver Stars, a Bronze Star, the Air Medal, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge and two Vietnamese Crosses of Gallantry, among other medals, awards and honors.
David Christian enlisted in the United States Army at the age of 17. Rapidly promoted through the enlisted ranks to Sergeant, he was admitted to OfficerCandidateSchool and commissioned at age 18. Following OfficerCandidateSchool, he completed JumpSchool and Green Beret training. He was promoted to Captain (0-3) at the age of 20. Christian’s service in Vietnam ended January 13, 1969, when he was severely burned by napalm. He was medically retired from the Army at age 21.
Although highly decorated for his military service, he is best known for his veteran’s advocacy efforts.Christian was elected National Commander of the Legion of Valor in 1978, and holds a lifetime Board of Director’s position with the organization. Membership in the Legion of Valor is restricted to those who have been awarded the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross or Air Force Cross. He was a founding Vice-President of the Council of Vietnam Veterans Organization (UVVO), which merged with the VVA in 1986.
Christian served as Assistant State Director, US Department of Labor-Veterans Employment during the Reagan Administration. In July 1981, material pertaining to Agent Orange health issues was stolen from his office in what Christian characterized as a “Watergate type” burglary. He authored Agent Orange legislation for the state of Pennsylvania (signed into law in 1982) and ran Veteran Outreach Centers.
David Christian is a former Fox News military analyst; he appeared with Fox in 2002-2003. Christian is also interviewed in the documentary Picking Up the Pieces (Making sense of the 60’s V.5). He is a veterans and military benefits activist and has served as an expert consultant to ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN. David worked on numerous historic TV documentaries including “The Ten Thousand Day War.” He collaborated with William Hoffer on the autobiographical Victor Six.
“David Christian is this Country’s most decorated living war hero. Twice he received the last rites in Vietnam. But he is back – with something to tell us.” (Today Magazine-The Philadelphia Inquirer)
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