Anchor / Project Name / Location / Beneficiaries / Project Description / Total Budget 2006/07 / Quarter 3 Projection / Quarter 3 Actual / Balance / Remarks /
Horticulture / TAAMF CPA / Steelpoort / 78 / Fencing / 118,000 / 118,000 / 146,478 / -28,478 / Project completed
Rietfontein Homeless People Trust / Ohrigstad / 560 / Earth Dam (2) / 600,000 / 45,000 / 57,595 / 542,404 / Prizes went up after tender was adjudicated. SRM will implement from January.
Kuyasa Agri-processing and Pre-Packing / Tonga / 6 / Bore Hole & Water Supply / 90,000 / 80,000 / 91,588 / -1,588 / Project completed
Bambanani Multi-Purpose Centre (5 Villages) / Malekutu / 28 / Irrigation Infrastructure & Fencing / 475,000 / 35,625 / 283,549 / 191,451 / 5 boreholes drilled. Hand generator provided. Extension to assist to install drip irrigation.
Siyabuyela Farmers Association / Malekutu / 10 / Fence and Store Room / 288,000 / 21,600 / - / 288,000 / Quotation for fencing turned for more information
Jabulane F/A / Sibange / 350 / Irrigation Infrastructure (Phase 2) / 1,677,220 / 777,000 / 865,061 / 812,159
Livestock / Ardwick CPA / Ohrigstad / 115 / Centre Pivot (2) and Irrigation water pipe Infrastructure / 900,000 / 67,500 / 936,752 / -36,752 / Project completed
J.D.P. Piggery Project / Burgersfort / 7 / Piggery & Fencing / 120,000 / 9,000 / 186,032 / -66,032 / Project completed
Majakathatha Multi Project / Steelpoort / 12 / Poultry & Fencing / 160,000 / 12,000 / 127,961 / 32,039 / Contractor appointed to construct the chicken houses. Borehole still being drilled
Jerusalem Poultry Youth Project / Jerusalem / 12 / Broiler Production (5 Units) & Borehole / 230,000 / 17,250 / 216,100 / 13,900 / Project on track.
Macadamia / Legogote Trust / Hazyview / 22 / Fencing, Engine, Irrigation Infrastructure, Reservoir / 273,500 / 20,513 / 253,142 / 20,358 / Project on track.
Express Model Trading 261 (PTY) Ltd / Noord Kaap / 69 / Irrigation / 1,021,590 / 760,000 / 1,500,000 / 478,410 / Project on track.
Benguni Trust / Ngodwane / 8 / Weir and Pipeline (1.2km) /irrigation / 375,000 / 28,125 / 332,326 / 42,674 / Project on track.
Abundant Life Skills cc / Nelspruit / 11 / Borehole / Broiler Houses / Fencing / 318,461 / 23,885 / 411,333 / -92,872 / Project completed
Sitama Impilo CPA / White River / Upgrading Irrigation / Electricity / Fencing / Repair Truck / 235,000 / 17,696 / 20,996 / 214,954 / Project abandoned as land for this project will be auctioned. Funds re directed to other projects within the Programme.
Mathebula Family CPA / Rocky's Drift / 37 / Fence / Micro Drip / Refrigeration Room / 276,000 / 20,700 / 244,457 / 31,543 / Material delivered. Borehole sited and still to be equipped
Sabie River Farmers Association / Hazyview / 75 / Irrigation Infrastructure (Phase 2) / 1,000,000 / 75,000 / 43,429 / 956,571 / Still a problem to appoint a consulting engineer
E Mahommed / Mara(Croc Gorge) / 1 / Borehole / 85,229 / - / 8,900 / 76,379 / Borehole sited. Contractor will be appointed to install water works.
Sugarcane / Porpax Investments (Pty) Ltd / Komatipoort / 14 / Water rights & Drip Irrigation / 950,000 / 77,775 / 207,480 / 742,520 / Water rights application submitted to MACCW. More work to be done in Feb/March
Khiphulwazi Sugar Cane Project / Mawewe / 22 / Fencing - 15 Km / 127,000 / 9,525 / 125,921 / 1,079 / Project completed
Driekoppies Combine Sugar-Cane Forum / Driekoppies / 214 / Fencing - 22 Km / 190,000 / 14,250 / 198,165 / -8,165 / Project completed
TOTALS / 1,651 / 9,510,000 / 6,257,265


Anchor / Project Name / Location / Beneficiaries / Project Description / Total budget 2006/07 / Quarter 1- 3 Projection / Quarter 1- 3 Actual / Balance / Remarks /
LandCare Projects / 1. Langeloop / Nkomazi East / 20 / Veld improvement / 116, 450 / 100,000 / 102,000 / 14,450 / Project completed
2. Mdladla / Nkomazi East / 30 / Veld improvement / 136,800 / 120,000 / 123,875 / 12,925 / Project completed
3. Nkomazi Through Land Care / Nkomazi East / 95 / Veld improvement / 600,000 / 600,000 / 600,000 / 0 / Project completed
4 Lomshiyo / Nkomazi / 40 / Veld improvement / 92,260 / 50,000 / 49,922 / 42,338 / Project on track.
5. Mlilo / Nkomazi / 350 / Soil rehabilitation / 27,000 / 16,000 / 16,924 / 10,076 / Project completed
6. Thaba Tlou / ThabaChweu / 200 / Junior Care / 134,547 / 40,000 / 40,210 / 94,337 / Project on track.
7. Tsembanani / Tsembanani / 300 / Junior Care / R34,000 / R23,451 / R23,451 / 10,549 / Project completed
TOTALS / 1035 / 1,141,077 / 922,661 / 922,661 / 184,675


Anchor / Project Name / Location / Beneficiaries / Project Description / Total budget 2006/07 / Quarter 1- 3 Projection / Quarter 1- 3 Actual / Balance / Remarks /
Project Harvest / Amersfoort Apple / Amersfoort / 25 / Establish apple orchard / 801, 000 / 50,000 / 277,159 / 523,841 / 499,410 has been committed on electricity connection, dam construction, sprayer, apple structure development, drain construction and chemicals
Land Reform farms / Msukaligwa / 270 / Social mob & BP dev / 210,000 / 210 / 0 / 210 000 / Service provider for farmer mobilization and development of business plan is on site and 392,832 have been committed for this.
Apple Cluster / Hlanganani / Daggakraal / 560 / Establish apple orchard / 4,832,990 / 50,000 / 82,490 / 4,750,500 / 3,315,851 committed on development of 10ha apple orchards, netting for 2ha orchard, storage house, improvement of irrigation system and 2,6km fencing
Upper Komati / Mantjolo Trust / Roux's farm / 200 / Develop irrigation system / 1,700,000 / 1,420,000 / 8,208 / 1,691,792 / 591,819 committed on irrigation system development and electricity connection
Sukuma Mswati / Vygeboom / 130 / Develop irrigation system / 800,000 / 800,000 / 165,117 / 634,883 / 1,385,375 committed on development of 1rrigation system, development of geranium plot and cleaning of water canal
Food Security / Khuphukani / Ngodini / 13 / Fencing & irrigation material / 140,000 / 140,000 / 142,229 / -2,229 / Project completed
Buhle Buyeza / Robinsdale / 7 / Fencing / 30,000 / 30,000 / 28,610 / 1,390 / Project completed
Zamukuzakha / Bettysgoed / 16 / Fencing / 35,000 / 35,000 / 34,992 / 8 / Project completed
Zwelisha / Hartebeeskop / 9 / Fencing / 25,000 / 25,000 / 27,318 / 0 / Project completed
Thuthukani / Avontuur / 24 / Fencing & irrigation material / 120,000 / 120,000 / 119,642 / 358 / Project completed.
Khutsalani 2 / Oshoek / 7 / Layer house & water provision / 200,000 / 200,000 / 107,586 / 92,414 / Project completed
Yinhle Lento / Mayflower / 10 / Fencing & irrigation material / 60,000 / 60,000 / 57,803 / 2,197 / Project completed
Vukabasha / Tjakastad / 18 / Fencing & irrigation material / 263,535 / 263,535 / 255 580 / 7,954 / Project completed
Ekulindeni Hydroponics / Ekulindeni / 12 / Improve irrigation & coolant system / 270,571 / 270,571 / 88,700 / 181,871 / On track
Inhlansi Youth / Bethal / 12 / Fencing / 22,904 / 22,904 / 23,101 / -197 / Project completed
TOTALS / 1,313 / 9,511,000 / 3,223,948 / 1,368,535 / 8,097,208 / 6,376,735 committed


Anchor / Project Name / Location / Beneficiaries / Project Description / Total budget 2006/07 / Quarter 1- 3 Projection / Quarter 1- 3 Actual in (R) / Balance / Remarks /
LandCare Projects / Inhlansi Yothando LandCare Project / Govan Mbeki
Bethal / 8 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 100,000 / 70,000 / 73,097 / 26,902 / On track
Isibane LandCare Project / Albert Luthuli
Oshoek / 26 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 84,060 / 80,000 / 92,876 / -8,816 / Project complete.
Zendelingspost LandCare Project / Mkhondo
Ntombe / 70 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 600,000 / 420,000 / 429,532 / 170,467 / On track
Injabulo LandCare Project / Mkhondo
Driefontein / 400 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 31,000 / 28,000 / 28,966 / 2,033 / Project complete.
Shukuma LandCare Project / Lekwa
Standerton / 400 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 32,000 / 27,000 / 28,199 / 3,801 / Project complete.
Inkanyezi Traditional Healers / Mkhondo
Piet Retief / 6 / Nursery of Indigenous Medicinal Plants / 70,000 / 61,000 / 62,457 / 7,543 / Project complete.
Gert Sibande Awareness Program / G Sibande / 125 / LandCare Awareness / 100,000 / 90,000 / 101,997 / -1,997 / Project complete.
DISTRICT TOTAL / 1,035 / 1,017,060 / 776,000 / 817,125 / 199,933


Anchor / Project Name / Location / Beneficiaries / Project Description / Total budget 2006/07 / Quarter 3 Projection / Quarter 3 Actual / Balance / Remarks /
Biodiesel (Soybeans Project) / Manzi - Mahle Trust / Blaaupoor, Rietkuil & Mooiwater / 150 / Fencing, resources survey, soil preparations, harvesting, mechanization units, storage facility / 662,500 / 75,723 / 586,776 / 8 km camp fence completed; contours underway; land preparation underway
Rietkuil Farmer Association / Rietkuil / 253 / capacity building and training, Drilling and equipping boreholes, waterways & contouring & Production inputs / 662,500 / 0,00 / 662,500 / 12 km camp fence at 80% completion; land preparation underway
Beef Production / KwaMaqhuze Farming Trust / KwaMaqhuze / 15 / Construction of fence, dipping tanks, Livestock handling facilities, Drilling and equipping boreholes, Purchasing of livestock / 1,400,000 / 6,490 / 1,393,510 / Tested borehole delivery rate & quality; handling facilities to 70% completion; pens to 80% completion; fencing material all purchased & delivered
Siza Goat Production Project / Siza (Hlakaniphani) - Draaihoek / 8 / Abattoir/cold storage facilities, Upgrading road infrastructure, Hide & skin processing plant, Transportation facilities / 1,300,000 / 263,143.17 / 1,036,856.83 / Handling facilities to 90% completion; water reticulation, storage, ablution & electricity underway; 7km bonnox fence to 50% completion.
Broiler production (including food security projects) / Sinamuva Kwezolimo / Groenfontein / 11 / Construction of complete broiler houses, Security fencing, Provision of automated standby generator, / 2,251,332 / 0.00 / 2,251,332 / Site clearing & preparations already done & materials being purchased.
Itireleng Layer Project / Maganagobushwa / 11 / Electricity connection, Drilling and equipping boreholes, Fence erection, water supply systems / 610,459 / 0.00 / 610,459 / Service provider already completed a layer unit; storage at roof level, 600m security fence installed to 90%.
Ntshatlala Vegetable project / Tshikanoshi / 17 / Borehole drilling, casing and quantity testing / 43,125 / 0.00 / 43,125 / Service provider already divining & sighting
Tshwaraganang Vegetable Project / Lefisoane / 8 / Borehole drilling, casing and quantity testing / 43,125 / 0.00 / 43,125 / Service provider already divining & sighting
Ramokgeletsane Youth Poultry (Broiler) Project / Ramokgeletsane / 8 / Four litre water fount, regulators, cheek feeds trays,infrared-lamp+holder, Automatic feeders, water boots, brooms, / 125,881 / 0.00 / 125,881 / 100% equipments purchased & installed & nylon curtains installed (payment underway); production inputs underway
Zivuseni Poultry (Broiler) Project / Vriesgewaght / 14 / Electric + tubing, taps, 20mmPipe & Elbow, stand pipe1m, T. pipe hemp, Feeds, medication, litter material, chicks / 126,200 / 0.00 / 126,200 / 100% equipments purchased & installed & nylon curtains installed (payment underway); production inputs underway
Simunye Farmers (Broiler) / Kwaggafontein industrial site / 7 / Tube feeders, Anti-waste ring, Chick feed tray,4L water fount, Anti drown ring, fount heightener, broiler drinker mk 6 / 123,400 / 0.00 / 123,400 / 100% equipments purchased & installed & nylon curtains installed (payment underway); production inputs underway
Sidlakhona Poultry Project (Broiler) / Troya Trust / 6 / Tube feeders, Anti-waste ring, Chick feed tray,4L water fount, Anti drown ring, fount heightener, broiler drinker mk 6 / 162,000 / 0.00 / 162,000 / 100% equipments purchased & installed & nylon curtains installed (payment underway); production inputs underway
Amogelang Poultry (Broiler) Project / Lefisoane / 10 / Tube feeders, Anti-waste ring, Chick feed tray,4L water fount, Anti drown ring, fount heightener, broiler drinker mk 6 / 104,478 / 0.00 / 104,478 / 100% equipments purchased & installed & nylon curtains installed (payment underway); production inputs underway
Continuing projects / Alkebu-Lan cc / Portion 24, Rietkuil 491 JS / 121 / Fencing 2km; planning, designing & construction of cattle kraals, installation of neck clamp and scale / 200,000 / 121,833 / 78,166 / Reprioritised completion of rearing facilities to completion; supplied & delivered rearing pens; ESKOM connected.
Completing Outstanding projects items 2004/05 / Various areas in Nkangala District / 89 / Broiler feeders and drinkers, Broiler houses and equipment Eskom Electricity connection, Drilling and equipping of boreholes / 1,518,333 / 341,747 / 1,176,585 / Completed 30% ongoing activities; remaining 70% service providers appointed and development underway.
TOTALS / 728 / 9,333,333 / 3,526 / 0,809 / 8,524,333


Anchor / Project Name / Location / Beneficiaries / Project Description / Total Budget 2006/07 / Quarter 3 Projection / Quarter 3 Actual / Balance / Remarks /
LANDCARE / Enhancing Agricultural Production / KwaMhlanga
Thembisile Municipality / 200 / Soil Conservation for crop production / 449,243 / 240,000 / 240,562 / 208,681 / Project on track.
Mkobola LandCare Project / Mkobola / 250 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 420,156 / 220,000 / 221,669 / 198,487 / Project on track.
Mmaduma Moloto LandCare / Moloto / 350 / JuniorCare Awareness & greening / 65,000 / 65,000 / 69,872 / -4,872 / Project complete.
Bareki LandCare / Dr JS Moroka / 26 / Veld Improvement for Animal Production / 164,200 / 120,000 / 122,270 / 41,930 / Project on track.
Mloyisane LandCare / Dr JS Moroka / 400 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 64,197 / 30,000 / 55,826 / 8,371 / Project complete.
MmaPhake LandCare Project / Dr JS Moroka / 62 / Soil Conservation for Crop Production / 529,087 / 90,000 / 62,640 / 421,447 / Project on track.
DISTRICT TOTAL / 1,288 / 1,691,883 / 229,536 / 85,747 / 870,545