Sunday 24th July 2011

Start –16:30

Venue - Clubhouse


1.  Welcome by Chairman Paul Simmonds

2.  Apologies – Barney Farmer, Dave Cross, Neil Linter, Dave Westland, John Williams, John Uwins, Chris Tookey, Scott Holmes

3.  Approval of the Minutes of the 2010 AGM. Proposed Keith D’Urso, Seconded Ross Simmonds – Accepted

4.  Chairman’s Report – Paul Simmonds


·  The leaving Committee Members – Tony Middleton, Jack Stevens & Matt Eagle, Adam Wadey

·  Those Committee Members who are staying for another term

·  Special thanks to Matt King for his work on pitches/clubhouse

·  Dave Hoyte for his work on Saturdays behind the bar

·  Alan Cotton for his weekly reports on the website


·  Annual Dinner – Acknowledge the effort of Matt King & Matt Eagle and the revenue of £1300

·  Darts Night – run by Matt King & Matt Eagle which raised about £200

·  Fantasy Football – run by Sam Kemp, raised £150

·  AFA awarded the club its second AFA Cup Final. The expectation for 11/12 season is another final

·  Burglary x 2

·  Impact on clubhouse and the drive to change and improve the situation

·  Work done – windows, tv, changing rooms, shutters etc

·  Cost of £10K shared between General, Junior and Senior club

·  Thanks all those involved in the work


·  Burglary cost the seniors £3000 from the contingency fund

·  New Kit for 11/12 has cost the club £2800 again from the contingency fund

·  Need to raise income from more social events. Also covered under AOB


·  Very good disciplinary record for the season 2010/11. Only one dismissal

·  We were below the AFA’s Stage 1 review total, which is excellent for the club

·  Secretary Mark Pettyfer to outline new discipline procedures later on the agenda


·  Congratulations to those players who represented the AFA this season

·  Chris Rose

·  Ross Simmonds

·  Neil Currie

·  Congratulations to the 2nd Team for bring home the clubs only silverware

·  Gallant effort by the 3rd Team in their first season in the Junior Division 1

5.  Treasurers Report – John Newton

·  Covered the Income and Expenditure report summarising the difference from 2009/10 against 2010/11. Although the club showed a net loss this was due to the £3000 paid out re the burglary.

·  Covered the Balance sheet

·  Thanked Rob Kienlan the Honorary Auditor, who had confirmed he we do the account next season

·  It was proposed that the accounts be a fair and accurate record of the clubs finances. Proposed John Newton Seconded Sam Kemp - Accepted

6.  Team Performance Report – Keith D’Urso

Nothing major to report back on, in fact a very average season, with very few highlights.

6th team – Dela

Well done, pulled things round after a slow start and finished a creditable 5th in the league.

5th team – Harry

Well done, but unfortunately could not save themselves from relegation.

4th team – Jack

Well done finished 9th in the league and managed to avoid relegation.

3rd team – Scotty

Well done, looked to be in with a chance of winning the league again or at least promotion, but eventually finished 4th in the league.

2nd team – Tony

Well done, but unfortunately could not save themselves from relegation. However, did win the AFA Kent/Surrey Intermediate Cup bringing in the only silverware to the club this season.

1st team – Keith

Well done, but a little disappointing after a promising start. Looked good up to Xmas/New Year but then dropped too many silly points, eventually finished 5th in the league.

All of this is now history and we must look to the future and move on.

This season we are expecting better things and looking at the current training profile to date I’ve not been disappointed. We have actually had 50+ different people in attendance covering all the sessions and this is predominantly 1’s n 2’s potential players.

So I’m expecting a lot of competition for places which is a healthy position to be in and can only be of benefit to the club through the sides.

7.  Club Discipline – Mark Pettyfer

Club Discipline – This year the clubs discipline has been very good. Only 1 dismissal (two cautions), the rest cautions. The Club were under the AFA Level 1 radar. Cautions for dissention will still incur a penalty of £20.

New FA Disciplinary Procedures – The FA have mandated a new disciplinary procedure which the AFA are obliged to follow. The following is a summary of the changes:

·  Suspension will now be matched based, not time based. For example:

o  When player is suspended it will be for a set number of games. The games to be missed will be based on the team where the suspension occurred. So if sent off for the 1st team they cannot play for the club again until the 1st have played the appropriate number of games.

·  Suspension will start 21 days after the date of the offence, regardless of whether the referee reports the offence or the AFA notify the club. The club/team managers will be responsible for enforcing this

·  The only right of an appeal for a dismissal will be mistaken identity. The AFA will not consider any other sort of appeal

·  The club/team managers will be responsible

The answer is don’t get sent off or don’t accrue 5 or more bookings

8.  Registration Fee 2011/12

·  Reg Fees and Match Fees to remain the same

·  Both are critical to the club. They are our life blood of the clubs survival. Don’t wait to be asked to pay your Reg Fee or weekly Match Fee. Be proactive – Pay before your asked.

9.  Election of Committee Members 2011/12

·  Re-election of Committee Members (on block) Proposed Matt King Seconded Adam Wadey - Accepted

i.  Chairman - Paul Simmonds

ii. Treasurer – John Newton

iii.  Club Secretary – Mark Pettyfer

iv.  Fixture Secretary – Ross Simmonds

v. Referee Secretary – Chris Tookey

vi.  Social Secretary – Matt King

vii.  1st Team Manager – Keith D’Urso

viii.  3rd Team Manager – Scott Holmes

ix.  5th Team Manager – Harry Chailaou

x. 6th Team Manager – Dela Miller

xi.  Vets Manager – Dave Westland

·  Election of new Committee Members - Proposed Paul Simmonds Seconded Keith D’Urso - Accepted)

i.  2nd Team Manager – John Parker

ii. 4th Team Manager – Andrew Foster

10. Any Other business

Keith D’Urso

·  Thanks to Tony for his hard work, contribution and support over the last season and also a big welcome to John Parker.

·  Fund Raising – renewal of Floodlights at the club on the training area

·  Date to be scheduled for charity game

·  Future/Planning ahead – where does the club want to be 5-10 years down the road? Food for thought. The club needs to try to move forward and progress. So maybe we should look to be part of the FA Pyramid? Step 7 football was introduced for this season, but does not link into the SAL structure. There is loads of potential at the club with a good sound infrastructure. Finance apart I believe we can move forward. Barring floodlights we do have the facilities (with a bit of tweaking) etc

Matt King

In his role as Social Secretary Matt briefed the meeting on his ideas for the coming season regards social events. The plan is to;

·  Set specific dates when events would occur through the season, concluding with the Club Dinner

·  For each date the type of event would be predetermined

·  Club Members (players and non players) would be canvassed to help organise an event

·  The dates and events would be set at the first Committee Meeting in August

An immediate offer was made from the floor by John Parker.

Meeting closed at 17:45