Robert Pouch, Principal
Cari Oldenburg, Secretary
7199 Silver Lake Road – LindenMI 48451
PH: (810) 591-8410 FAX: (810) 591-7316
School Annual Education Report (AER) Cover Letter
March 10, 2017
Dear Parents and Community Members:
We are pleased to present you with the Annual Education Report (AER) which provides key information on the 2015-16 educational progress for Central Elementary. The AER addresses the complex reporting information required by federal and state laws. The school’s report contains information about student assessment, accountability, and teacher quality. If you have any questions about the AER, please contact Rob Pouch for assistance.
The AER is available for you to review electronically by visiting the following web site or you may review a copy inthe main office at your child’s school.
For the 2016-17 year, no new Priority or Focus schools were named; some Priority or Focus schools did exit their status because they met the exit criteria. New Reward schools were identified using school rankings and Beating the Odds information. A Focus school is one that has a large achievement gap between the highest and lowest achieving 30% of schools. A Priority school is one whose achievement and growth is in the lowest 5% of all schools in the state. A Reward school is one that has achieved one or more of the following distinctions: top 5% of schools on the Top-to-Bottom School Rankings, top 5% of schools making the greatest gains in achievement (improvement metric), or “Beating the Odds” by outperforming the school’s predicted ranking and/or similar schools. Some schools are not identified with any of these labels. In these cases no label is given.
Our school has not been given one of these labels.
In the spring of 2016, our district went through an elementary realignment, with Central Elementary becoming a 4th and 5th grade building. Central Elementary has 420 students and is a Title I building. Central Elementary has seventeen general education and special education teachers. Eleven of these teachers have two years or less experience in the current position/grade level. Utilizing a Professional Learning Community model, our staff is working relentlessly on updating curriculum maps, pacing guides, essential standards and common assessments. Our staff is working diligently on ensuring all essential standards within grade level departments are the same and making certain these essential standards are assessed the same in all classrooms. Also, our MTSS program continues to address the needs of the students who are in the bottom 30% for ELA and Math. Completing the above mentioned initiatives will help Central Elementary reach our school improvement goal of 85% of our students demonstrating proficiency in ELA and Math by 2022. Based on the 2015-2016 M-Step, the current 4th grade class had 54% proficient in Math and ELA. Based on the same data, the current 5th grade class had 49% proficient in Math and 62% proficient in ELA.
All Linden Community School students attend a common fourth and fifth grade building making assigning students unnecessary. We are currently in our fifth year of our School Improvement Plan focusing our goals on science, social studies, mathematics, reading and writing. A copy of our core curriculum may be found in the main office of the building. Upon request, a copy of the curriculum will be provided. There are not variances from the state’s curriculum model.
State M-Step scores for the 2015-2016 school year is consistently at or above the county and state proficiency levels. Approximately 86% of parents attended parent teacher conferences in the fall of 2016.
Our staff at Central Elementary is committed to excellence and our goal is to make certain we are preparing students for life’s next step. We have outstanding students, parents, and staff. Please feel free to visit Central Elementary at any time. If you have any questions about the AER, please contact Rob Pouch.
Thank you,
Rob Pouch