I am Malala
By: Malala Yousafzai
MCHS: Grade 12 Summer Reading Project
Completion Due Date: September 5/6, 2017
Follow the directions to create a reading journal with the following entries.
Type out all responses; print out a copy to submit in class; save the electronic copy on your google drive account. You will be asked to share the document later as well as use it for your portfolio.
Table of Contents:
A. Prologue:
· Print a Map of Pakinstan: point out the Swat Valley region where Malala lived.
· read the Prologue and list at least five facts about Pakistani culture and their beliefs;
· go online and research other relevant facts and a create a chart to show data/information about the country.
Create Say Mean Matter Chart with 1 significant passage/quote for each chapter. A template model is attached. You can download an electronic copy from the MCHS website (www.sausd.us/middlecollege)-- locate
Ms. Nguyen’s teacher site; the document is listed under English Documents). Be sure to type in the boxes.
Part One: Before the Taliban
Part Two: The Valley of Death
Part Three: Three Girls, Three Bullets
Part Four: Between Life and Death
Part Five: A Second Life
C. Critical Reading Responses: (pick 2 topics from the list; type minimum of one page for each response/double spaced; be sure to type the questions on top of your paper and include your responses underneath; use concrete details by citing text evidence to inform your discussion.)
· Describe Malala’s family. How do she and her brothers interact like most siblings? Explain how her family is different from her relatives in the rural mountain village of Shangla. Contrast the views of Malala’s mother and father toward women. How does her mother change after Malala is shot?
· Malala is named for the Malala, the Pashtun heroine who was an inspiration to her people for courage. Consider whether Malala’s father had great plans for his daughter when he named her? How does Malala live up to her name? Cite specific evidence/passages from the book that best illustrate Malala’s courage. How is Malala inspired by her father’s courage? Explain how it takes courage for anyone to stand up to change.
· The code of purdah requires women to cover themselves in public. Malala notices that the women who visit her home are different when they remove the headscarves and veils. What does she see in them that they don’t see themselves? How does watching these women cause Malala to make a declaration about the kind of Muslim girl and woman she wants to be? Why does this determination shock and upset her mother and her extended family? How does visiting women relatives in Shangla make Malala confused and sad about the role of women?
· Contrast the ways boys and girls are treated in Pakistan beginning at birth. Malala’s father places her name on the family tree. It is the first female name on the family in 300 years. Explain the symbolism of this bold act by her father. Malala’s father tells her that he will protect her freedom. Why does he blame himself when the Taliban attacks Malala? How does her mother soothe his thoughts?
· Malala values education, and takes pride in being an excellent student. Some American students take education for granted. What might Malala say to these students. Use specific examples from the book to show her point of view.
· The Pastunwali code has a tradition of revenge. How is this in conflict with what Malala’s parents teach their children? After Malala steals earrings from Safina, her friend since Malala’s was eight (out of revenge for Safina’s alleged stealing of Malala’s toy telephone), Malala learns that revenge is bitter. How does this lesson define her character, and the kind of woman she wants to become?
· Discuss how militant groups like the TNSM instill fear in the Pakistani people?
· Explain the following quote: “Inside the Khushal School we flew on wings of knowledge” (34). Why are these extremists threated by educated girls? At what point does the school fall under “the shadow of Radio Mullah”?
· Discuss the meaning of the following simile: “My father is like a falcon, the one who dared to fly where others would not go.” Malala’s father takes on the Taliban by writing a letter to the newspaper, and receives praise from his friends. Explain the metaphor: “You have put the first stone in standing water.” What is the stone? What is the water?
· Define terrorism: At what point does Malala understand the true meaning of terror? How is terrorism different from war? What does Malala mean when she says, “War and Terrorism had become child’s play?” The Pashtunwali code prohibits the killing of women, but the Taliban murdered Benazir Bhutto, the first woman prime minister of Pakistan. How does this brutal act cause Malala to step up her efforts on behalf of Muslim women?
· How does Malala’s family see possibility when others see danger? Discuss how Malala becomes “immune to fear.” Use specific textual evidence to explain your ideas.
D. Malala’s Speeches: View the following videos and respond to the reflection prompt.
· Youtube: Malala’s Speech at the United Nations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRh_30C8l6Y
· Youtube: Malala’s Nobel Peace Prize address
Malala says, “My face is my identity.” How is her face a symbol of hope for Muslim girls throughout the world? What lessons might all girls, regardless of culture or religion, take from Malala’s story? In addition, what might Americans learn from Malala’s story? Write a response (minimum of 2 typed pages/double spaced) using facts you have learned.
Say Mean Matter Chart Template:
I Am Malala
Say: select a quote/significant passage from the text.Identify the chapter; type out the quote with “” marks and include (p.#). / Mean: Paraphrase in your own words what that passage means by rewording. / Matter: Express your understanding of the significance of this quote. What does it show? What connections did you make? How is this quote relevant? Why is this quote thought-provocative?
Part One
1. A Daughter is Born: “______” (#).
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five