Minutes for: The Royal British Legion, Newent & District Branch
Meeting Held on 24March 2016
Attendees / PostRichard Balding
Elaine Balding
Colin Britt
Mike Brown
David Davies
Adrian Dover
Laurie Ingmire
Colin Thomson
Sue Thomson
Keith Urch
Susan Urch
Derek Wooden
Susanne Britt / Deputy Chairman
Deputy Parade Marshall
PAO / Standard Bearer
Membership, Welfare & Youth Liaison
Acting Secretary
Item / Action
1. Act of Remembrance
The Deputy Chairman opened the meeting, as the Chairman was absent, at 19:00 with exhortation and asked that a few moments be spent thinking about those who could not make it tonight through ill health. / All
2. Apologies for Absence
John Celino, Pearl Celino, Pat Phillips, Simon Mason. / None
3. Update by Chairman
The Chairman started the meeting by informing everyone present about the following points:
- The possible attendance at this meeting of Richard Travis, Auricular Acupuncturist who specialises in PTSD for ex-service people. (Did not attend the meeting).
- Jutland 100. RBL are asking people to commemorate and take part in an event on 31st May. Anyone who is interested should visit this link for further information:
- Cinderford RBL are holding a Garden Party to commemorate The Battle of the Somme 1916 on Saturday 2nd July. There is a cost of £5 per head. Further information available from Heather Harris, secretary of Cinderford branch: .
- Newent Onion Fayre. A discussion as to whether the RBL should have a pitch again this year was started, along with the decision that firm commitments need to be obtained for people to man the pitch. It was mooted that maybe other braches could be involved. Colin Thomson will look into getting the Poppy Appeal gazebo. Further discussion to continue at the next meeting.
- Cotswold Way Fundraising Walk by Camp Shaky. Camp Shaky are requesting publicity and donations: in aid of the Poppy Appeal, following their walk of the Costwold Way, 102 miles from Bath Abbey to Chipping Campden. If you wish to donate, visit
- RBL has been shortlisted for Virgin Money Charity of the Year for 2018. If you are a Virgin Money customer you can vote for them:
- Staverton Trip. The decision was made that this will be cancelled due to lack of numbers.
4.Minutes from Previous Meeting and Matters Arising
The minutes from February’s meeting were read by all those present and accepted as a true record, however the following matters arising were noted:
- Keith Urch has discovered more information about John Edward Whitehorn following the Donation Letter (Previous Meeting) from Mrs Sarah Davy: Keith presented background information from an interview with Peter Hart Esq of the Imperial War Museum. Contact Keith for further information.
- It was confirmed that the papers concerning the Candidates Election Statements for Election of National Vice-Chairman and Members of the Board of Trustees 2016 have been sent off and an electronic copy was sent to the Chairman, by the Secretary.
Welfare Officer
5. Reports by Officers
The Treasurer–The Treasurer reported that the cheque was paid in from Mrs Davey and a cheque issued for the purchase of 3 wreaths. The following statement was given: the balance in the bank stood at £1,296.39, and includes 2 lots of earmarked funds. In the future it was decided to report the balance as 2 figures – 1 for the branch funds and 1 for the earmarked funds.
Entertainments Member – The Entertainments member was absent from this meeting.
Standard Bearerand Poppy Appeal Organiser (SB & PAO)– The PAO stated that the current balance stood at £9,013.74. The PAO stated that a pack was available for use at events (e.g. The Onion Fayre) along with a certificate. There was then a short discussion about the increase of funds collected over the last few years – e.g. £7M in 2009 and £41.7M in 2014.
The SB requested use of the Standard at the following events:
- Standard Bearer Training at Quedgeley on 9th April
- St George’s Day Parade on 23rd April
- Anzac Parade at Leighterton on 26th April
Membership, Welfare and Youth Liaison Officer–The Membership, Welfare & Youth Liaison Officer stated the following:
Membership Report
Memberships are very quiet at the moment.
Notifications being received from Branch members.
All members are reminded to inform the Membership Secretary of their new membershipnumbers.
Welfare Report
We are pleased to welcome David Davis back tonight.
Both Melford Jones and Pym Markey are looking good and continuing in their improvements.
Joan and Lionel Buckland are now taking a well-deserved break.
Youth Liaison
Newent Community School have appointed a new head, who will be starting in September. The YL officer had a meeting with him and discovered he is keen to be introduced to community organisations.
Branch Affiliation
Communications are continuing with various schools and youth organisations to encourage affiliation with the RBL.
War Memorial
This project is continuing at pace. We have been advised that the data of all names available should be ready by 1st September.
Secretary – Nothing to Report
Dep Parade Marshall – The Dep Parade Marshall reported that a new cadet commander is to be appointed to the Newent troop but no-one has yet been nominated for the post. / All
6. Branch Programme
The Entertainments Memberwas absent from the meeting. The Chairman updated the proposed Branch programme:
- 4 April 2016 - Jet Age Museum Visit – this visit has been CANCELLED, due to lack of numbers
- May 2016 - Skittles Evening – Against ‘The Young Farmers’ on a Monday evening at the Kings Arms.
- June 2016 – A Country and Western evening
7. Any Other Business
Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum: We are still trying to get confirmation of an agreement on a visit to the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum. Once the decision has been made the Secretary will let everyone know.After meeting note: todate no confirmation of the visit has been received therefore everyone should assume that the visit will not go ahead and the next meeting will be in the Memorial Hall unless otherwise informed.
Mrs Sarah Davy – Donation Letter: It is still the intention of the RBL to set up a ‘bursary/fund’ to benefit deserving local young people; the legalities are still being checked. A letter will be sent to Mrs Davy advising her, once the information has been received.
Free First Aid Courses – Colin Britt reported that he attended a Free First Aid Course at the Friendship Café in Gloucester. He reported that he learnt about everyday first aid and felt the course gave him more confidence to give assistance in emergency situations. There were 17 attendees on the course.
Annual Conference – 22nd May, Eastbourne. Information packs have been received about the Annual Conference. This is the first time in a while that the Newent Branch have been eligible to vote. A short discussion followed about the contents of the information pack and it was passed to Keith Urch to review. / All
8. Date of Next Meeting
The meeting closed at 20:00.The next meeting will be on 28th April 2016, starting at 19:00 hrs.The Meeting will take place in the Memorial Hall unless otherwise informed. Any apologies for attendance should be sent to the Secretary. / Members
Agenda For The Newent & District Branch Royal British Legion Meeting 28April 2016
1.Act of Remembrance.
2.Apologies for Absence.
3.Update by Chairman.
4.Minutes from Previous Meeting and Matters Arising.
5.Reports by Officers.
6.Branch Programme.
7.Any Other Business.
- Annual Conference – 22nd May
- Onion Fayre
8.Date of Next Meeting.