Present: Councillors: M Clements,D Defraine, M Gimblett, J Hayes, C Lee (presiding), A Liniovas,
A RichardsandC Tilling
Others: B M Champness (Clerk), Kathy Shaw (Better Bretton) Marion Shaer (Bretton Bretton) Jonathan Buckle (Better Bretton) Craig Rudd (resident) PCSO David Capono (Police) and PCSO M Hunt (Police)
Not Present:Cllr D Thompson, Cllr J Johnson.
Open ForumThe two PCSO’s were present and invited to address the Council. It was explained that they had no data on crime figures for Bretton but understood that the Clerk was advised by PCSO Lloyd Ledgister that the crime figures could be obtained from the Police website. The clerk explained that he had not seen Lloyd for at least 6 months and was never advised of this. Council was informed that on the website they could find statistics and up to date crime figures for both North and South Bretton. He said that in January all policemen and PCSO’s would be working the same shift patterns so hopefully this would mean that there would always be someone to deal with an incident. It was felt that that the Sgt should come and introduce himself to the Council.
Kathy Shaw said that she wanted to come and talk about Better Bretton working together with the Parish Council. She gave a brief resume of who she was and worked for, for those who had not met her before. She explained that there was a need to get all organisations within Bretton to advertise their activities and for people to find out who they were and where they met and what their activities were, She explained that £20,000.00 was to be ring fenced into this type of project whether it was having a newsletter or another method of getting involved with these groups. Obviously if it was a newsletter they did not want to work at odds with the Parish Council but it could be that Bretton Parish Council and Better Bretton could perhaps work together. There was one problem in that we only had the Gazette sent out 4 times a year whereas they might want a monthly newsletter. It was explained the Kathy that we could not make a commitment as yet and once Better Bretton had formalised plans they should make an approach to us so we could give further thought to those proposals. The initial thought was that we could work together.
The meeting was formally opened at 19.57
Apologies for absence, acceptance of Apologies & noting of resignations received.
92.1 / Apologies were received fromCllr S Martin (Peterborough City Council meeting) Cllr J Merrill (personal) Cllr S Warren (work) Cllr A Ellis (ill health)
92.2 / Resolved:that the apologies be accepted with the exception of Cllr Martin
Declaration of Interest – To receive Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item
93.1 / No one declared an interest on any matter on the Agenda.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on the 25th October 2016 (Min 16-05)
94.1 / Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on the 25th October 2016 be signed by the Chair as a correct record after they were amended to show Cllr Defraine had sent her apologies.
Matters to reportfrom those minutes– restricted to items not listed elsewhere in the agenda
95.1 / Cllr Hayes reported that he had liaised with Cllr Merrill regarding a possible response to the consultation but it transpired that the consultation had already closed and therefore it was too late to formulate a response.
95.2 / Cllr Richards apologised for not getting back with information for the Gazette.
Reports from Committees and Representatives.
96.1 / To note Finance Minutes on the 1st November 2016 (Fin 16-01) Cllr Clements went through the draft Minutes. The Clerk was to get further information from the CCLA to see what needed to be done to invest money with them. Cllr Clements also reported that he had spoken to someone at the Bank and Building Society regarding Christmas Lights. At first this proved difficult but he has managed to locate 2 people who he can talk to locally.
96.2 / To note the P&E Committee minutes of the 8th November 2016 (P&E 16-03) Cllr Clements went through the draft Minutes. The Clerk explained that he had received an e-mail from Chris Parker of Amey with regard to the rubbish collected at the Bulky Waste Collection on the 19th November. He reported that:
Our RCV took 4.6 tonnes
While our 7.5tonne vehicle took around;
9 TV’s,2 Fridge Freezers, 2-3 Microwaves, 1-2 Ovens, 5 Hoovers,2 Washing Machines
40-50 Small Electrical items such as kettles, toasters, etc., a hedge trimmer and around 8 computers
The Litter Pickers/Lengthmen started work on the 14th November. They had signed a basic contract of employment and were working very well. We had received the use of a barrow from Amey to use as well as the Glutton Machine. They were collecting about 3 large bags full of rubbish with the Glutton and when used, 1-2 bags with the barrow.
There was a problem with the date of the Working Party as Cllr Lee would not be present. Another date might have to be arranged.
96.3 / To note the Festival Committee minutes of the 10th November 2016 (BCF 16-01)Cllr Lee went through the draft minutes. The Clerk explained that the various bookings had been confirmed and two had asked for deposits. All was working well but we had not heard from the Compere.
96.4. / To receive a written report from any Councillor who has attended a meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.It was explained that Cllr Merrill had attended the recent Parish Council conference organised by Peterborough City Council and he had sent a report. This had not been circulated but the Clerk would do so and pointed out that he had received an e-mail from Peterborough City Council with reports on the various sessions on the day. These too would be circulated.
96.5 / To receive a report from any Working Party.There was nothing to report
To Co-opt a Councillor for South Bretton
97.1 / The Clerk explained that he had spoken to Mark Emson at Peterborough City Council to see if we had all places in North Bretton filled with Councillors and was told we still had two spaces available. In view of this and that the person present who would like to be co-opted was from North Bretton we would proceed on the basis that he would represent that ward. Craig Rudd had completed an application form and this had been circulated in advance. The Clerk asked him the legal questions about being an undischarged bankrupt or having a criminal record both of which he answered that was he not and did not. He was then asked a few questions and then asked to leave the room. He was then invited back in as it had been resolved that he should be co-opted onto the Council. He was invited to take a chair at the table which meant that he could participate in the rest of the meeting. Before he did so he signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed and signed by the Clerk. He was also handed a copy of the Code of Conduct and a Register of Members Interest which he was asked to complete within the week or as soon as possible.
Clerk’s Report and to note the present income and expenditure report
98.1 / The Clerk’s report had been circulated in advance with the Clerk explaining that he had been posting letters on the report up until yesterday as this was the last report before the meeting in January. A question was raised regarding a defibrillator and whether we should purchase one. If we did we would need to know where this could be placed. There was then a long discussion on where it might be sited and whether we needed training in using it. It was agreed that Cllr Hayes would check with the Health Centre and Sainsbury’s to see if they had a defibrillator in place. It was further agreed that this matter would be considered by GP and for them to report back to Full Council.
The budget spreadsheet was also circulated
Report from North Bretton Councillors
99.1 / There was no Ward Councillor present and no reports had been received.
To consider the recommendation of the Finance Committee and to fix a budget for the 2017-18 Precept
100.1 / The meeting was closed at 20.31 to enable the Clerk to give a brief update with recent events and the meeting was formally re-opened at 20.34.
A copy of the budget was circulated in advance and copies were given to those present. Cllr Clements said that he was disappointed that there were two alterations to the budget which had not been agreed by the Finance Committee. One was the increase of the running cost for the Pyramid centre from £17,000 to £25,000 and the other was an inclusion of £7,000 in projects for Powers for outdoor gym equipment in South Bretton. With regard to the latter the Clerk explained that he was the one who changed this as the committee had overlooked that it had been suggested that we should provide money to purchase and have installed the gym equipment in South Bretton. The Clerk pointed out that even if that did not materialise we had only sought £1000 for a lengthsman whereas if we wanted to keep on the 2 men as litter pickers then we would need just over £13,000 to employ them for the same hours per week for the year.
Regarding the increase in the running costs of the Pyramid Centre Cllr Lee pointed out that if we were to take over the centre we were aware that certain works needed to be undertaken within the first year. In addition we did not know how much it would cost to run the centre and even if we got figures from the present tenants it would not be a true figure as the centre was not used to its full capacity. She felt that the figure of £17,000 should be increased to reflect these matters.
Cllr Tilling pointed out that as far as he was aware the general reserves had been maintained at £55,000 and in his opinion this needed to be increased.
A lengthy discussion took place and it was resolved that the amount to budget for the projected running costs of the Pyramid centre be increased to £25000 and that the extra £7000 be included in the Projects with Powers. After a further discussion it was resolved that the Precept for 2017-18 be set at £125,000.00
Planning: to consider the following applications received:
101.1 / 16/02116/FUL – proposed additional parking spaces at car park between 24 and 41 Greenham, Bretton. Response by 2nd December 2016. Resolved: no objections but it was suggested that instead of tarmac could they use permeable paving.
101.1.2 / 16/00590/FUL – proposed extensions to create new administration accommodation with theatre suite over with plant room in roof and associated link corridor, new first floor level modular construction theatre store and new single storey waiting area. Various internal remodelling works to restaurant, physiotherapy department and main reception waiting accommodation. External works to create additional parking bays at Fitzwilliam Hospital, Milton Way. Response by 23rd November 2016.Resolved that we have no comments or objections to the suggested alterations to the plan but we would still repeat our previous objections as they have been overlooked.
101.1.3 / Another plan had been received after the agenda had been posted. This was 16/02156/HHFUL for single storey side and rear extension at 21 Milton Way with a response date of the 8th December. Resolved that this meeting would deal with the plan and to give the Clerk delegated authority to respond. The plan was then considered and it was resolved that we have no comments.
101.1.4 / In addition to the plans three letters had been received from Peterborough City Council advising that a new parking restriction was proposed and a Legal Order made on the 27th October and will become legally enforceable on the 26th January 2017. Unfortunately the letters did not have the name of the street where this would be taking place. The Clerk had found maps from what he thought would have been the original proposals but the map did not have a reference number on it. He had tried to speak to Judi Anderson of Peterborough City Council but she was not in but he left a message which she had not responded to. There was one notice which specifically mentioned the parking restriction in Sprignall.
To receive an update on the Pyramid Community Centre.
102.1 / In view of possible developments it was agreed that we might have to call a special meeting. Unfortunately some councillors could or could not manage the same date until a date of the 6th December was agreed. This would only take place if there were developments.
To receive an update on the grant request for a MUGA in North Bretton
103.1 / The Clerk explained that whilst he and Cllr Clements were attending the Locality Conference he received an e-mail from WREN asking two questions which related to why we had not included the VAT and that they need written confirmation of match funding from Bretton Parish Council at £1,547.44. The Clerk had responded saying we had not included the VAT as we would be able to reclaim that element and that we would match fund the sum as mentioned. They were happy with the reply and the matter would be considered on the 25th January 2017.
To consider articles for the next edition of Bretton Gazette.
104.1 / It was explained that the latest edition of the Gazette was being printed and would be delivered later this week and next week. The next edition would be prepared in January so if anyone had an article that was to be included we should have that information by the middle of January. Cllr Defraine asked if it would be possible to advertise the darts teams in North Bretton and she was told that this was in order.
To receive an update on the Celebrate Youth project
105.1 / Within the Gazette which had been sent out to all Councillors they should or would have seen flyer on page 3 which advertised the event. The sessions would start on the 19th January and the young people should book places in advance. It was hoped that parents would point out this advert to their children. The man organising the event had been in touch with Cllr Ellis to put something onto our Facebook page.
To receive an update on other projects we are considering
106.1 / The Clerk explained that this item was on the agenda as he felt that they should know what was being done and could be applied for. At the Locality Conference he had attended a Neighbourhood Planning session and the speaker from Locality asked what we were doing about a plan. A full explanation was given and the advice was that we should apply for a grant just so that we could instruct a consultant to give us his/her views on whether it was worth our while in proceeding with a Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk had already completed an expression of interest form and had received notification that we were eligible to apply. He needed confirmation that he could proceed with that application. Resolved that the Clerk could make the application for the grant from Locality.
106.2 / The other matter related to the grant to run a Job Club from the Pyramid Centre. The grant application had been submitted and this had been acknowledged. All we were waiting for was the outcome.
To confirm Expenditure
[£62.39 – Hereward Stationers & Printers Ltd( paper and cleaning materials)]
£171.25 – PCK Marketing (distribute bulky waste collection flyer)
£160.80 – Europress Litho Printers Ltd (print flyer)
£1988.49 – B M Champness (salary)
£1020.90 – Cambridgeshire County Council (pension contributions)
£80.00 – Zoe Champness (cleaning Units 2 & 3)
[£58.70 – B M Champness (sustenance, internet and car park) ]
£3850.00 – iDream Academy(Part payment for Youth Project)
[ ]denotes those payments paid between meetings, which have been approved by the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Parish Council or at a previous meeting but not listed
Payments made by Government Preferment Card – £9.95 (Live Drive)
Payments made by Direct Debit : £28.80 – BT (mobile charges)
£156.00 – Direct365 (Feminine Hygiene Disposal)
£127.85 – BES (electricity charges)
107.1 / Resolved: That the above payments be made after the Clerk explained that the correct figure for Europress was £166.80 not £160.80. The correct figure for the Clerk’s salary was £1988.29 not £1988.49
Any Other Business – Reminder by Law – information exchange only no decisions can be made
108.1 / There being no further business the meeting was formally closed at
The date of the next meeting – to be held on Tuesday 24th January 2017 at 7.30 p.m. at Unit 3, Pyramid Shopping Centre, Bretton, Peterborough.
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