Mount Isa Computer Club

Disability Services Mount Isa, Local Area Coordination (LAC), works to support people with a disability and/or their families living in local communities to ensure that they live a valued and quality life.

Each year Disability Services works with young people exiting secondary school. In mid-2014 LAC Mount Isa were working alongside some clients and found there was a ‘gap’ for young people with Asperger’s Syndrome or High Functioning Autism. These talented people were interested in interactive design, information technology and animation. Unfortunately their interests could not be pursued due to the lack of this type of service in this area.

Autism Queensland operates a Post-Transitional School program called ‘Studio G’ in Brisbane. This program not only entails the young person’s interest but assists them to development social skills, job readiness and self-confidence. The LAC contacted Dr Michael Whelan – Manager of Post-School Services. Mount Isa was fortunate enough to have a visit from Dr Whelan who informed (LAC Mount Isa, Astrid Hancock – Coordinator of Library Services, Spinifex Senior College - Guidance Officer) about the many wonderful outcomes the Studio G program. Dr Whelan also spoke with some families who are registered with Autism Queensland. Although at this stage Autism Queensland was not able to commit to initiating a post-transitional school program in Mount Isa, Dr Whelan suggested running a computer club to gain the interest of the Mount Isa community.

Mount Isa City Library offered a partnership with LAC to provide a safe, educational and welcoming environment for the computer club.

Mount Isa City Library ran a Computer Lab program for young people with Asperger’s Syndrome or High Functioning Autism, as a 10 week trial, from 15th April 2015 – 17th June 2015. There were four participants. The Computer Lab was designed to be interactive; to develop skills that assist with social interaction and self-confidence. The program was project focussed, based on the interests of the participants. It was designed to operate at the participants own pace with the assistance of Library Assistant, Samantha – Mentor.

Samantha’s enthusiasm, interest and commitment to the computer lab saw the participants working together on a project from week one; to create a Lego Movie. The main goal of the computer lab was achieved. Each of the participants were actively involved within the group, they shared ideas and conversed with one another.

The premier of the movie will took place on Thursday 11th June. Participant’s family were invited, they enjoyed cinema style nibblies, followed by the screening and finishing with the presentation of Participation Certificates.