1. Call to Order

Vice President Sandhu called the meeting to order at 6:09 PM.

  1. Quorum Roll Call

Roll Call 6:09 PM
Name / Present / Absent / Excused/Late
Executives / President Alex Lee / 1
VP Abhay Sandhu / 1
Controller Joe DeAngelo / 1
O/R Jade Wolansky / 1
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Adam Xu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Total / 8 / 2 / 1
Commission Chairs / AAC - Hemali Patel / 1
GASC - Alison Tam / 1
BFC - David Heifitz / 1
IAC - Nick Flores / 1
EAC - Sara Williams / 1
ECAC - Komal Sharma / 1

With 9 Senators present out of 11 seated, quorum was established.

  1. Unit Director Report: CoHo

Darin Schluep from CoHo: CoHo hired two new positions. All locations are doing very well. Hired 120 new employees this fall. Pay it forward is doing well, 200 vouchers have been purchased and almost 100 have been claimed. Next quarter’s goal is student employment and Spring is sustainability. Looking to improve retention rates. CoHo was approached by Shields library to have coffee service during finals week from 7-10 pm. Was elected as Pacific Regional Representative.

Senator Singh: Does the CoHo budget need to be amended?

Schluep: We already knew about the art museum so that was factored in. Shields Library location costs are very low.

Senator Chiang: Are there plans to expand on the coffee cart during finals week in Shields? Currently working with Dining Services to get a coffee vending machine.

Schluep: Right now it’s a pilot project. A vending machine would not harm CoHo sales.

  1. Presentations: Joy Run

Karl from Joy Run: Uber for food. Started 2 years ago, has helped students make $60,000. They get almost 2500 orders per month. Week of deals is Nov 7-11. Looking to get ASUCD’s endorsement via social media.

Senator Chiang: Are we allowed to endorse companies as a 501(c)3?

Controller DeAngelo: Yes, but unsure of whether we want to so it doesn’t become a habit.

  1. PEACE Training

Closed Session from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM for Peer Education and Community Empowerment training.

  1. Elections Chair Report

Chair Nahabedian: Candidate flyers and statements were due on Wednesday and will be ready on Monday. There are technical details on the website as of right now. Creative Media has done a great job on getting stickers, posters, etc. Space is reserved in the CoHo for the debate, an Aggie reporter will be there and Aggie TV will be filming and live streaming it on Monday, November 7th from 12-1:30 PM.

Senator Dhaliwal: Has EC worked on increasing the number of candidates?

Chair Nahabedian: Didn’t get a chance to market the elections so much this quarter, but people will know more next quarter.

Senator Dalavai: What about an on-campus polling booth?

Chair Nahabedian: Looking to move it around campus

Senator Chiang: How are we doing with increasing voter turnout?

Chair Nahabedian: It’s up to the candidates, but EC has spent a lot of money on promotional items.

Pro-tem Jamaludin: Keep reaching out to ally from SGAO, EC is doing a good job considering you started just a few weeks ago.

Chair Nahabedian: Senators can change profile pictures for candidates as it is not considered endorsing a candidate.

  1. CalPIRG

Nicole Karsch: Registered over a thousand students on our campus, working with OASR and vote coalition. Next step is voter turnout. Using voter pledges to get students to start thinking about voting this election. Pledge drive is next week.

  1. Confirmation: Refrigerator Services

●Christopher Ortiz, Unit Director

Senator Singh: What is one issue that RS is facing & how will you solve it?

Director Ortiz: There is a waitlist of students who need refrigerators, so w will work on buying new fridges and replacing them. The unit makes a lot more than it spends.

Controller DeAngelo: How can senate help RS?

Director Ortiz: We need to start getting the word out about collection earlier so we can get volunteers.

Senator Dalavai moved to confirm Christopher Ortiz as Unit Director for Refrigerator Services. The motion was seconded. No objections to confirming Christopher Ortiz as RS Director.

  1. BREAK

No objections to recessing for 10 minutes.

  1. Committee Assignments

Senator Dhaliwal nominated Senator Jung for Marketing Committee. Senator Jung accepted her nomination.

  1. Unit Director Report: Aggie Reuse

Nicole Garcia, Unit Director: Aggie Reuse is doing very well. We have 1500+ Facebook likes, 350+ Instagram likes, and sales are rising. We have a new website. Having a lot of halloween events, craft workshops etc. Currently doing upcycling for Halloween costumes.

●Lauren Cabantac: Having a grand opening, end of season sale, and back to school sale.

●Director Garcia: Upcycling, Social Media, Marketing, & Sales are always engaged in different types of projects. Working on a lookbook for fall, as well as with OASR for their swaps.

●Cabantac: Hosting a craft workshop on November 4th, BoGo book sales, and $5 bag grab.

●Senator Dhaliwal: Do you have statistics for foot traffic throughout the store?

○Cabantac: We expect to make most sales towards the end of the year

●Chair Flores: Would like Nicole to show other unit directors how to make a unit successful at the ASUCD Summit

●Senator Jung: Are there plans to make the store credit card accessible?

○Director Garcia: Working with CM and Sales, as of right now cash only is working really well.

●Pro-tem Jamaludin: Do you pick up clothes for upcycling?

○Director Garcia: As of right now just a drop off only system. Looking into pick up for convenience of patrons.

  1. Consideration of Old Legislation
  2. Senate Bill #11

●Senator Martinez: Looking for a reimbursement for $88.76 for snacks at Mental Health Fair workshops.

●Senator Chiang: This was a really irresponsible way to go about asking for money. They knew about workshops since Spring and shouldn't be asking for money 3 weeks after the event. There is a process and we shouldn't do it through bills for reimbursements because we feel bad for students. It's not responsible. When we talked about Sofia’s bill a few weeks ago, we said we wouldn’t set a precedent. We are setting up the new senate to fail. We don’t have money in senate reserves.

○Senator Dalavai: Wasn’t the precedent for Sofia’s bill about emergency legislation?

■Senator Chiang: Spending bills should happen 4 weeks before the event

○Senator Dalavai: How much have we spent out of our reserves?

■Controller DeAngelo: $300-400 out of $17,000.

●Controller DeAngelo: The proper process is to get a university purchasing order and they will directly bill it to our accounts. Touch base with Paula or Joe so you don’t have to wait to be reimbursed.

●Senator Dalavai: Are we financially responsible?

○Controller DeAngelo: Yes, but we are also not the most frugal.

●Chair Tam: ASUCD shouldn't be paying for events that are cohosted with admin, because admin has the money. Bring this up at the ASUCD Summit so new senators know how to plan proper events.

●Chair Patel: Commissions can have restaurant fundraisers; senators should look into doing the same.

●Senator Singh: BnF felt bad for the senator so we passed it.

●Senator Chiang: Is willing to pay half the amount of the reimbursement if the bill is withdrawn.

●Secretary Wolansky: Purchase order goes straight to the bookstore.

●Senator Dhaliwal: Reimbursements are normal for all events. This is not going out of policy at all.

●Commissioner Rodriguez: People should be more proactive about their spending bills. The money is there and folks should confirm.

Senator Dhaliwal moved to divide the house on whether the bill should be passed or not. The motion was seconded.

Divide the House: Senate Bill #11
Name / Yes / No / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Adam Xu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Total / 8 / 2 / 1

●With 8 in favor, 2 against, and 1 abstention, the motion carried to divide the house in favor of passing the bill.

●Senator Dhaliwal moved to call the bill into question. The motion was seconded.

Roll Call Vote: Senate Bill #11
Name / Yes / No / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Sam Park / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Adam Xu / 1
Josh Dalavai / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Adilla Jamaludin / 1
Parteek Singh / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Total / 8 / 2 / 1

●With 8 in favor, 2 against, & 1 abstention, the motion to pass Senate Bill #11 carries.

  1. Introduction of New Legislation

●Senate bills going to committees:

○ASUCD bill to amend section 404 (3) of the ASUCD bylaws to require a three quarter commitment from elected candidates.

  1. Status of Legislation Previously Passed

●All legislation has been signed.

  1. Ex-Officio Reports

●Chair Patel:

○AAC held our very first official meeting after reaching quorum. Senator Molodanof also attended and helped clarify some questions in regards to UHP. We discussed and are working on providing quicker resources to certain groups in relation to academic dishonesty. I also attended Janice’s office hours to discuss potential events/ideas for AAC.

●Chair Flores:

○INC meeting last Friday we talked about moving all ASUCD website control from SGAO to CM (we decided to leave all "student government" related material under the jurisdiction of SGAO since this is their job) also talked about getting a new printer for the Exec office but decided not to, also talked about selling CCCN's notes online and decided to do so, IAC meeting on Monday, legislative writing presentation for Sam Park and Sofia's staffs (hit me up if you'd like one for your staff/commission), helped one of my commissioners with her Senate platforms and joined her campaign staff, I'm in the process of writing bills to redistribute the Court's powers if the CM passes (any help/input would be appreciated [I'm starting a google doc]), held office hours Monday and Wednesday, had a fever during my two midterms on Wednesday.

●Chair Sharma:

○None. Waiting for commission to have full quorum. Did not meet this week. Applications are due next week. Looking forward to interviewing candidates soon.

●Chair Williams:

○Saw SR #2 in meeting, passed unanimously. Talked with Daniel Nagey getting an ex-officio on city council, started writing SR and corresponding city leg. Sat in on SHAWC interview. Talked about a proposition education event with Fabiha from OASR.

●Secretary Wolansky:

○Held office hours with DOR member, meeting with DOR finance chair, planning ASUCD Harvest Festival on 10/31/16 12:30-2pm at the Quad, attended IAC and B&F, met with Sam Chiang, went to OASR, finished senate poster that will be distributed around campus

●Commissioner Rodriguez:

○B&F is looking into training for commissioners on how to audit units.

●Controller DeAngelo:

○If you’re on a committee, please show up.

  1. Elected Officer Reports

●President Lee:

○Spoke to Academic Senate Representative Assembly Meeting

○Working on constituent case related to DC's

○Met with UCOP with the Council of Presidents

○Cleaned up the Copy Closet

●Vice President Sandhu:

○Shifa board meeting

○Copy closet clean out

○Copy closet planning meeting

○Cabinet meeting

○Scholarship planning

●Pro-tem Jamaludin:

○Friday: spoke at candidate workshop

○Monday: mark champagne committee meeting, interviewed new staffers, internship

○Tuesday: midterm, interviewed new staffers, met with senate candidates, wrote legislation, EAC meeting

○Wednesday: internship in Sacramento, SJP meeting

○Thursday: midterm, SHAWC interview

○Friday: meeting with CCC folks to collaborate on legislation, WEF interview, staff meeting.

●Senator Dhaliwal:

○Monday: Sat on Housing Task Force Interviews, Startup Hub Officer Meeting

○Tuesday: Chief of Staff one on one, SOCC Meeting

○Wednesday: Weekly Staff Meeting

○Thursday: 8am meeting with graduate school of management students to plan our campuses first business and innovation conference

●Senator Grewal:

○Met with Tipsy Taxi on Friday with Josh on talks of development

○Met with MESA department for our weekly meeting

○Library development planning meeting

○Had office hours

○Hiring more staff

○Had URSAC and INC committee meeting on Friday

●Senator Chiang:

○Authored sexual assault awareness underwear run funding bill

○Finalized proposal for CAN workshop at the 2016 CAPS Cultural Competency Summit

○Selected SOCC attendees with SOCC planning delegation

○Prepared presentation for Active Minds’ Higher Education Mental Health Policy Day; will be presenting as 1 of 2 speakers on behalf of UCSA)

○Launched Facebook page for the California Civic Engagement Project

○Worked with staff on multicultural holidays resolution

○Attended Paper Mache Sugar Skull workshop with Yik’al Kuyum

○Organized social for “Navigating Aggie Pathways” First Year Aggie Connection with MECHA

○Hosted office hours: Met with CARE’s Allyana, Exec’s Jade Wolansky

○Hosted staff meeting with simulation of “consideration of old legislation”

○Attended the UC Davis Diversity and Inclusion Community Engagement Forum

○Met with Interim SHCS Director Vu, following up on last week’s meeting, to identify documents that need translation at the Student Health and Wellness Center

○Filmed elections segment with Aggie Studios

○Met with Janice

○Attended a Pre-Law Association board meeting

●Senator Park:

○Had new members trained by Nick Flores

○Held office hours on Tuesday

○Attended OSFL Anti-Hazing conference

●Senator Jung:

○Friday 10/21: Met with the Pantry and CCC to talk about putting more culturally and historically significant foods within the Pantry; Met the Xperimental College team at their full staff meeting; Went to the Executive Staff; Went to Fall Elections Candidate Meeting

○Monday 10/24: Met with Executive Staffer Tiffany Dunn to discuss the Volunteer Award and spending bill; Met with Jon Li, a community member who served ASUCD during his time as a student at UC Davis

○Wednesday 10/26: Went to Aggie Reuse for my shift; Met with CoHo Unit Director Darin to introduce myself; Had an interview with the Aggie about my campaign

○Thursday 10/27: Met with APAC Chair Suhaila to introduce myself and discuss their bill; Went to Community Engagement Forum on Campus Diversity

●Senator Singh:


■Held Office hours from 10-12pm.

■Pledge Education for FIJI


■Attended B&F meeting


■Office Hours from 10am -12pm.


■FIJI Cabinet Meeting

■MET WITH BRUCE (CCC DIRECTOR) regarding STI testing vouchers, sexual health workshops for different communities and checked in on the progress for HIV testing at the CCC.

■MET WITH ICC DIRECTOR regarding hosting workshops targeted towards specific communities such as job search for the undocumented students, visas for international students. Also discussed improving outreach to students and getting feedback on events. And discussed a new project on providing spaces for seniors to apply for jobs.


■Will be part of the Aggie studios special ASUCD elections video.

■Meeting with the Student Housing and CSI about Spring Student Org Fair.

■Staff Meeting

●Senator Molodanof:

○Last Friday I went to Marketing Committee. On Monday, I attempted to go to commission meetings. I tried to go to IAC and ECAC, but IAC ended early and ECAC wasn't going on in the AMC room when I went so I wasn't able to attend either of those. I was able to attend AAC for a bit. I also had my staff meeting on Monday night and I had my office hours this week on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. I went to Entertainment Council's meeting and the Pantry's meeting on Tuesday night. I met with Darin from the CoHo on Wednesday with Julie and discussed my platforms and Darin's unit report.

●Senator Martinez:

○This past week, I attended ROCC, met with my staff this past Monday, attended the SOCC planning committee, the Business and Finance Commission, outreached to different organizations regarding the Chicanx/Latinx council, to which many students were in support of, and lastly, I held my office hours today from 3:30 to 5:00 -- had to end them early because I had forgotten my laptop charger at home.

●Senator Xu:

○Sent out my first edition of my newspaper, the theme is Halloween. SISS is having a halloween party tomorrow night, if anyone is interested in it. I have my office hours Tuesday, my friends and I are talking about have a print edition of our newspaper. But it costs money, so we will see I will have a meeting with SHCS tomorrow with Sam, we will talk about the Chinese translation problems about the forms.

  1. Public Discussion

●John Lee: Wrote an article in the Aggie 30 years ago about how to cope with stress and academics and what we’re getting out of college.

  1. Adjournment

●Vice President Sandhu adjourned the meeting at 9:32 PM.

Minutes taken & completed by:

Naeema Kaleem | ASUCD Senate Recorder