,Baker Prairie Natural Area Animal Species List - Updated 15 September 2011.

Table 1. List bee species identified (8).

Scientific name Common name Source

Order: Hymenoptera:

Family: Apidae: Bombus penslyvanicus American bumble bee 10

Bombus auricomus black and gold bumble bee 10

Bombus fervidus yellow bumble bee 10

Bombus griseocollis brownbelted bumble bee 10

Bombus bimaculatus two spotted bumble bee 10

Bombus impatiens eastern bumble bee 10

Apis mellifera * honey bee 1

Family: Vespidae: Polistes carolina red wasp 11

*= non-native species

Table 2. List of grasshopper, katydid, and cricket species identified (14).

Scientific name Common name Source

Order: Orthoptera:

Family: Acrididae: Arphia xanthoptera autumn yellow-winged grasshopper 2

Hesperotettix viridis green-striped grasshopper 2

Melanoplus bivittatus yellow-striped grasshopper 2

Melanoplus confusus little pasture grasshopper 2

Melanoplus differentialis lubberly locust 2

Melanoplus femurrubrum red-legged grasshopper 2

Schistocerca americana American grasshopper 2

Syrbula admirabilis handsome grasshopper 2

Family: Tettigoniidae: Neoconocephalus ensiger sword bearer 2

Orchelimun silvaticum woodland meadow katydid 2

Scudderia furcata fork-tailed bush katydid 2

Family: Gryllidae: Eunemobius carolinus Carolina ground cricket 2

Gryllotalpa major prairie mole cricket 2

Gyrllus pennsylvanicus fall field cricket 2

Table 3. List of butterfly and moth species identified (28).

Scientific name Common name Source

Order: Lepidoptera:

Family: Papilionidae: Papilio polyxenes black swallowtail 2

Papilio cresphontes giant swallowtail 2

Papilio glaucus eastern tiger swallowtail 2

Papilio troilus spicebush swallowtail 2

Family: Pieridae: Pontia protodice checkered white 1

Pieres rapae cabbage white 2

Colias philodice clouded sulfur 2

Colias eurytheme orange sulfur 2

Phoebis sennae ebule cloudless sulfur 2

Eurema lisa lisa little yellow 2

Eurema nicippe sleepy orange 2

Family: Lycaenidae: Strymon melinus gray hairstreak 2

Everes comyntas comyntas eastern tailed-blue 2

Celastrina ladon spring azure 1

Family: Nymphalidae: Euptoieta claudia variegated fritillary 2

Charidryas nycteis silvery checkerspot 2

Phyciodes tharos pearl crescent 2

Vanessa cardui painted lady 2

Junonia coenia buckeye 2

Limemitis arthemis astynax red-spotted purple 2

Anaea andria goatweed emperor 2

Cercyonis pegala common woodnymph 2

Danaus plexippus monarch 2

Family: Hesperiidae: Thortbes pylades northern cloudywing 2

Pyrgus communis common checkered skipper 2

Polites themistocles tawny-edged skipper 2

Atalopedes campestris sachem 2

Family: Zygaenidae: Harrisina americana grapeleaf skeletonizer 2

Table 4. List of amphibian species identified (1)

Scientific name Common name Source

Order: Anura:

Family: Ranidae: Pseudacris crucifer crucifer spring peeper 1

Table 5. List of reptile species identified (6).

Scientific name Common name Source

Order: Testudines:

Family: Emydidae: Terrapene ornata ornata* ornate box turtle (extirpated) 1

Terrepene carolina triunguis three-toed box turtle 1

Order: Squamata:

Family: Iguanidae: Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus northern fence lizard 1

Family: Coluridae: Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis eastern garter snake 1

Elaphane obsoleta obsoleta black rat snake 1

Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster prairie kingsnake 1

Table 6. List of bird species identified (81).

Scientific name Common name Resident status Source

Order: Galliformes:

Family: Odontophoridae: Colinus virginianus northern bobwhite Pr 1

Order: Accipitriformes:

Family: Cathartidae: Carthartes aura turkey vulture Sr 1

Family: Accipitridae: Circus cyaneus northern harrier W 1

Accipiter striatus sharp-shinned hawk M (Pr?) 6

Accipiter cooperi Coopers hawk M (Pr?) 1

Buteo jamaicensis red-tailed hawk Pr 1

Buteo lineatus red-shouldered hawk Pr 1

Order: Falconiformes:

Family: Falconidae: Falco sparverius American kestrel Pr 1

Order: Charadriiformes:

Family: Charadriidae: Charadrius vociferus killdeer Pr 1

Family: Scolopaciidae: Bartramia longicauda upland sandpiper Pr 6

Order: Columbiformes:

Family: Columbidae: Columba livia rock pigeon Pr 6

Zenaida macroura mourning dove Pr 1

Order: Cuculiformes:

Family: Cuculidae: Coccyzus americanus yellow-billed cuckoo M 7

Order: Strigiformes:

Family: Strigidae: Bubo virginianus great horned owl Pr 1

Order: Caprimulgiformes:

Family: Camprimulgidae: Chordeiles minor common nighthawk B 1

Order: Apodiformes:

Family: Apodidae: Chaetura pelagica chimney swift M 1

Family: Trochilidae: Archilochus colubris ruby-throated hummingbird M 1

Order: Piciformes:

Family: Picidae: Melanerpes carolinus red-bellied woodpecker Pr 1

Picoides pubescens downy woodpecker Pr? 7

Picoides villosus hairy woodpecker T? 7

Colaptes auratus northern flicker W (Pr?) 1

Order: Passeriformes:

Family: Tyrannidae: Empidonax minimus least flycatcher M 1

Emphidonax traillii willow flycatcher B 1

Saynoris phoebe eastern phoebe B 1

Myiarchus crinitus great crested flycatcher B 1

Tyrannus tyrannus eastern kingbird B 1

Tyrannus forficatus scissor-tailed flycatcher B 1

Family: Vireonidae: Vireo griseus white-eyed vireo B 6

Vireo belli Bell’s vireo B 1

Vireo olivaceus red-eyed vireo M 6

Family: Corvidae: Cyanocitta cristata blue jay Pr 1

Corvus brachyrhynchos American crow Pr 1

Family: Alaididae: Eremophila alpestris horned lark Pr? 1

Family: Hirundinidae: Progne subis purple martin M 6

Stelgidopteryx serripennis northern rough-winged swallow M 1

Hirundo rustica barn swallow M 1

Family: Paridae: Baeolophus bicolor tufted titmouse Pr 1

Family: Troglodytidae: Thryothorus ludovicianus Carolina wren P? 7

Thryomanes bewickii Bewick’s wren M? 6

Troglodytes aedon house wren P 1

Cistothorus platensis sedge wren M 1

Family: Polioptilidae: Polioptila caerulea blue-gray gnatcatcher B 7

Family: Turdidae: Sialia sialis eastern bluebird Pr 1

Catharus ustulatus Swainson’s thrush M 1

Turdus migratorius American robin Pr 1

Family: Mimidae: Dumetella carolinensis gray catbird M 1

Mimus polyglottos northern mockingbird Pr 1

Toxostoma rufum brown thrasher Pr 1

Family: Sturnidae: Sturnus vulgaris European starling Pr 1

Family: Bombycillidae: Bombycilla cedrorum cedar waxwing W 1

Family: Parulidae: Oreothlypis ruficapilla Nashville warbler M 1

Dendroica coronata yellow-rumped warbler W 1

Mniotilta varia black-and-white warbler M 7

Setophaga ruticilla American redstart M 6

Parkesia motacilla Louisiana waterthrush M(B?) 1

Geothlypis trichas common yellow-throat B 1

Wilsonia pusilla Wilson’s warbler M 6

Icteria virens yellow-breasted chat B 7

Family: Emberizidae: Pipilo erythrophthalmus eastern towhee Pr 1

Spizella pusilla field sparrow Pr 1

Pooecetes gramineus vesper sparrow M 1

Passerculus sandwichensis Savannah sparrow W 1

Ammodramus savannarum grasshopper sparrow B 1

Passerella iliaca fox sparrow W 1

Melospiza melodia song sparrow W 1

Melospiza lincolnii Lincoln’s sparrow M 1

Zonotrichia albicollis white-throated sparrow W 1

Junco hyemalis dark-eyed junco W 9

Family: Cardinulidae: Cardinalis cardinalis northern cardinal Pr 1

Guiraca caerulea blue grosbeak B 1

Passerina cyanea indigo bunting B 1

Passerina ciris painted bunting B? 1

Spiza americana dickcissal B 1

Family: Icteridae: Dolichonyx oryzivorus bobolink M 5

Sturnella magna eastern meadowlark Pr 1

Agelaius phoeniceus red-winged blackbird Pr 1

Quiscalus quiscula common grackle Pr 1

Molothrus aster brown-headed cowbird Pr 1

Icterus galbula Baltimore oriole M 6

Family: Fringillidae: Carpodacus mexicanus house finch Pr 7

Carduelis pinus American goldfinch Pr 1

Pr = Permanent resident

B = Breeding

W = Wintering

M = Migrant

T = Transient

Table 7. List of mammal species identified (8).

Scientific name Common name Source

Order: Rodentia:

Family: Sciuridae: Marmota monax monax woodchuck 1

Sciurus carolinensis carolinensis eastern gray squirrel 1

Family: Muridae: Neotoma floridana osagensis osage woodrat 1

Microtus ochrogaster prairie mole 1

Order: Lagomorpha:

Family: Leporidae: Sylvilagus floridanus alacer eastern cottontail 1

Order: Carnivora:

Family: Canidae: Canis latrans coyote 1

Family: Felidae: Felis catus feral cat 1

Order: Primates:

Family: Homidae: Homo sapiens sapiens people 1


1 = Douglas Zollner; site visits, 1993-2001.

2 = Doug Zollner, Lori Nobles, inventory 1999.

3 = Bill Holimon, Lance Peacock

4 = Michael Warriner

5 = Michael Warriner, site visit, May 2004.

6 = Bill Shepherd, cumulative site visit report 27 April 1994

7 = Bill Holimon, site visits 2001-2004

8 = D. Zollner, 14 May 2005 site visit.

9 = D. Zollner, 9 November 2006, site visit.

10 = Michael Warriner bumble bee inventory 2011 report.

11 = Mike Thomson, Mike Melnechuk, Jason Milks monitoring 15 September 2011.