6th October 2017
Class attendance
FS1 93.3% FS2 93.4% Y1 91.3%
Y2 98.7% Y3 96.6% Y4 87.5%
Y5 95.5% Y6 95.1%
Well done Year2!
The overall attendance for the whole school for the week is 94% which is below our school target of 97%. This is due to the number of term time holidays taken in school.
We have enjoyed another very successful week in school. The staff have been very impressed with the learning this week.
Big Thank You
Firstly a big thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the church to share our Harvest Festival with us. The children had a wonderful time and sang beautifully.
Also thank you to all of you that managed to come and join us for our Macmillan Coffee. So far we have managed to raise £169.44 for this very worthwhile cause. We will be selling the buns at home time tonight so the final total will be on next weeks newsletter.
CondoverHallMeetingfor Year 6 parents
Year 6 parents are invited to a residential meeting with Miss Holwell,our educational visits coordinator, on Tuesday10thOctober at 3.30pm this meeting will allow you to ask any questions and gain more information about the upcoming residential.
Parents evening
We will be inviting parents and carers to our first parents evening of this academic year on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24thOctober. This will give you the chance to meet their new teachers and see how well they have settled into their new classes and the progress they are making. Please keep a look out for you class appointment sheets and letters in the next couple of weeks.
The school website has a wealth of information on it for all our families. All the events for the year are on there as well as current news and class newsletters. All school newsletters can also be seen here in case you need to check any information.
Halloween Disco
Tickets are now on sale for our Halloween Disco to be held on Thursday 26thOctober, please call into the office for more information. This was a very successful event last year with lots of prizes to be won.
Safety in the morning and end of the day
We have asked parents /carers on several occasions to not allow pupils to play on the fixed play equipment. Myself and other staff have witnessed several incidents of pupils playing unsupervised and risking injuring themselves. There have also been several occasions where children have become upset due to boisterous play. Please ensure that your children are reminded that this equipment is ONLY to be used during the school day when there is adequate supervision andsafe ratios.
Please be aware that it is the parents’ responsibility to supervise their children at these times on the playground.
PE Kit
School policy states that children must have a PE kit for indoor and outdoor PE lessons. This must be a change of footwear for outdoor PE, black or navy blue shorts and a white t-shirt or polo shirt.
We have had quite a lot of children coming to school with no PE kit either for lessons or afterschool clubs.
We are asking parents to please provide your child with the correct equipment for PE, as they are a compulsory part of the curriculum.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. T Gulliver