Class V – Annual Examination Question Paper Pattern - 2016-17
Subject / Question Pattern / MarksEnglish - I / Write an essay on any one of the following topics / 1x10=10
Write any one of the following letter / 1x10=10
Read carefully the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: / 5x2=10
Change the number (Singular/Plural) / 10x1=10
Name the type of underlined pronoun in the following sentence / 10x1=10
Fill with the correct verbs from the bracket / 5x1=5
Change into passive voice / 5x1=5
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles / 10x ½ =5
Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs as directed / 5x1=5
Pick out the adverbs from the given sentences and write simple, interrogative or relative next to each / 5x1=5
Write one synonyms for the following words / 5x1=5
English - II / Extracts / 6x12=72
a. Answer the following questions / 3x2=6
b. Write the meanings / 3x1=3
c.Write the opposites / 3x1=3
Make sentences / 8x1=8
Social Studies / Fill in the blanks / 10x1=10
Write True or False / 10x1=10
Choose the correct answer / 10x1=10
Match the following / 10x1=10
Name the following / 5x1=5
Define the following / 5x2=10
Correct and rewrite the following statements / 5x1=5
Answer the following questions / 7x2=14
On the Political Map of India, name and locate the following / 6x1=6
French / Write the day and date in French / 2x1½ =3
Dictation words / 5x2=10
Translate the Idioms in French / 3x2=6
Translate the Idioms in English / 3x2=6
Conjugate the verbs in French / 4x3=12
Write the correct answer / 8x1=8
Put the words in order / 5x1=5
Write the opposite words / 5x1=5
Answer the following questions / 5x1=5
Introduce yourself in 10 sentences / 10x1=10
Write a dialogue in French / 5x2= 10
Computer Science / Multiple choice questions / 5x1=5
Fill in the blanks / 10x1=10
Write true or false / 10x1=10
Write keyboard shortcuts for the following / 4x1=4
Name the following / 5x1=5
Define the following / 2x2=4
Answer the following questions / 8x2=16
Write the steps for the following / 4x4=16
Practical / 10
General Science / Choose the correct option / 10x1/2=5
Match the following / 10x1=10
Fill in the blanks / 10x1=10
Name the following / 5x1=5
Define the following / 5x2=10
Give reasons for the following / 5x2=10
Answer the following questions(30-40 words) / 5x2=10
Answer the following questions(70-80 words) / 2x5=10
Draw and label the following / 2x5=10
Mathematics / Fill in the blanks / 10 x 1 = 10
Multiple choice questions / 10 x 1 =10
Define the following / 5 x 2 = 10
Find the following / 7 x 2 = 14
Solve the following / 7 x 3 = 21
Word problems / 3 x 5 = 15
Hindi - I / fuca/k / 1x15=15
izkFkZuk&i= / 1x10=10
vfodkjh 'kCn ¼lgh@xyr ;k feyku½ / 6x1=6
fojke fpg~u / 6x1=6
okD; / 5x1=5
Jqfrle fHkUukFkZd 'kCn / 4x2=8
Ekqgkojs / 4x2=8
ifjHkk"kk ¼fØ;k] fo'ks"k.k vkSj dky½ / 1x6=6
fjDr LFkku ¼fØ;k] fo'ks"k.k vkSj dky ½ / 8x1=8
vifBr x|ka'k / 1x8=8
Hindi - II / iz'u&mRrj / 10x3=30
fjDr LFkku / 10x1=10
'kCnkFkZ / 10x1=10
dfork dh nl iafDr;k¡ / 10x1=10
ljykFkZ / 1x5=5
dfork] dh iafDr;kWa iwjh djks / 4x1=4
lgh vkSj xyr / 8x1=8
okD; iz;ksxA / 3x1=3
Catechism / Answer the following questions / 10x2=20
Write true or false / 10x1=10
Who said to whom / 5x1=5
Write any two prayers / 2x5=10
General Knowledge / Choose the correct option / 6 x1 = 6
Answer in one word / 10x1= 10
Match the following / 5 x 1 = 5
Fill in the blanks / 10 x 1 = 10
Write True or False / 6 X 1= 6
Write two examples for each / 4 x 2 = 8
Value Education / Answer the following questions / 10x2=20
Fill in the blanks / 8x1=8
Write True or False / 7x1=7
Write short note on anyone of the topic / 1x10=10