The Aquarian TrainerAcademy
Level One Professional Trainer Application
This application is for an Associate who wishes to apply to become a Professional Trainer.
Instructions: Please print legibly and fill out all parts of this application. Fax, mail or scan but send only once. We do not need originals as faxed or scanned applications are legal. Please refer to the Professional Candidate Instructions for the full requirements of a Professional candidate. Copy your FULL application before sending. If you don’t receive confirmation from the Academy that your application was received, then we didn’t receive it and you should send it again! Mail to: PO Box 1819, Santa Cruz, NM 87567 or Email to: or Fax to: 505-753-5982
Date of Application ______Mentoring Lead Trainer ______
Candidate’s Legal Name ______
Spiritual Name if different______
Address ______
Work #______Home #______Cell # ______
SKYPE ID ______Email address ______
What languages are you proficient in? ______
Date on your Level Two Certificate: ______
Please also enclose a copy of your Level Two Certificate.
Please send a JPEG photo of yourself for your file and for the online Trainer’s Directory.
It is critical that a Professional Candidate demonstrate that they have the capacity to “hold the trainer space” both when delivering a portion of the curriculum from the teacher’s bench and as the “trainer in charge” of all aspects of the program over a weekend or longer session.
To help KRI to assess this capacity, please answer the following questions. Feel free to use more paper if needed.
1)What is the total number of effective“bench hours”you’ve taught during Level One programs (accumulative as Intern & Associate):______(Required minimum is 25 hours from at least 3 different Units of Study) Document the details of your “bench hours” on the Units of Study-Content Credit Form.
2)How many Level One programs have you participated in as an Associate? ______
3)Have you taught solo for a 4 consecutive hour session: □ YES □ NO
- When? What Content Credit topic or topics? What trainer was present?
- Self-evaluate how you did and answer the following: What competencies/skills as a trainer did you use?
- What feedback did you get from the students? From your Mentor? From another Trainer?
4)Have you held the Trainer space for a minimum of 16 consecutive program hours in one session: □ YES □ NO
- When? Where?
- What does “hold the space” mean to you?
- Was another Trainer present?If so, who?
- Describe your experience and what you learned about being an effective trainer.
- What feedback did you get from the students? From your Mentor or another Trainer?
5)Please evaluate yourself carefully before answering the following questions. Enclose your written answers to each question with your application.
- As an Associate you have developed an understanding about how to deliver the curriculum of the Level One Training Program. Give an example of how you have kept students engaged during a long training day. Give another example of how you reached a student who didn’t understand something that was being taught.
- From your experience of teaching from the bench give an evaluation of your strengths and of areas that need further development. Share feedback you received from members of your training team.
- What tasks and responsibilities did you undertake as an Associate (different from what you did at Intern level)? How did you support the other members of the training team? How did you support the students? What will be different in the role of Professional?
- What 3 skills and/or competencies did you develop as an Associate that are serving your growth as a student, teacher and trainer?
- As an Associate you continued to develop your communication and coaching (or interpersonal relationship) skills. Give an example of a time you had to handle a difficult situation during class. What did you do? What did you learn?
- If you were given a meditation or KY/Sadhana assignment by your last interviewer or your mentor, what was it? If not, what is your current spiritual practice? Discuss its impact on your spiritual development and identity as a trainer.
- As a Professional you will participate more in developing and coaching Interns and Associate while still staying in relationship to your mentoring Lead. What have you done so far with these members of your team?
- By now you should have shared in some of the course administration and logistics such as PR, course requirements, contracting, finances, prospective student interviews etc. What have you done so far?
- Do you have any other comments to support your Professional candidacy?
List 3HO Events that you have attended in the past 3 years:PLEASE NOTE: All Trainers are required to attend at least one international 3HO / IKYTA / KRI event every two years.
Requirements for consideration as a Professional Trainer
- Hold a KRI Level OneInstructor certificate and Level TwoPractitioner certificate
- Be in good standing with KRI and YB Teachings LLC.
- Be a current professional member of IKYTA or your National Teacher’s Association.
- Have a strong personal practice of Sadhana and Kundalini Yoga and where possible to participate in group sadhana.
- Contribute Gurudakshina either internationally or to your National Association.
- Continue to teach Kundalini Yoga classes outside of Level One or Two programs.
- Able to teach, unassisted, 50% of the Topic Areas of the curriculum.
- Curriculum presentation; Grasp of material beyond what is in teaching outline of curriculum
- A proficient understanding of basic KY technology of breath, bhands, kriya, mantra, mudra, etc.
- Understands all the Level One Program Requirements as outlined in the KRI Level One Contractand the Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) in terms of what is required for a Level One student-teacher to successfully complete the program.
- Commands communication skills required for
Clear presentation of class material
Answering questions from student-teachers
Giving feedback after practicum sessions
Coaching student-teachers one on one
Deal with crisis and conflict
Trainer’s Agreement:
I will teach only the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® when teaching in KRI Teacher Training programs. I will not teach in a non-KRI Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program. This does not preclude my participation in other yoga style trainings.I will follow all the KRI policies and procedures as outlined in KRI contracts.
I am in compliance with the current KRI/IKYTA Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher and conduct myself in accordance with the highest professional standards including maintaining a strong personal practice and sadhana, living a yogic lifestyle and I abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco and non-prescription drugs, and eat a vegetarian diet.
To honor my teacher, I understand and communicate the importance of contributing to Gurudaskshina for Kundalini Yoga Teachers and Trainers and I practice it as an example to my students.(GivingGurudakshinais an expression of gratitude for our Teacher, for the technology we have been blessed with, and for the privilege we share of being teachers of Kundalini Yoga.We prosper by giving back a portion of our income from all classes based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajansuch Kundalini Yoga, Pre-Natal Yoga, Numerology, and Rebirthing.)
I understand that I must renew my trainer's license yearly or I will be considered inactive and no longer qualified to be part of a KRI trainer team as only active trainers may be part of a trainer team.
I affirm that all information I submitted is true, correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. I understand that any material misrepresentation or any material omissions of fact is grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of the license(s) that I am seeking.
I have no physical, mental or background issuesthat will prevent me from properly performing as a KRI licensed Teacher Trainer.
KRI retains the right to review my credentials or request updated information at any time. I understand that KRI may suspend, revoke or take another remedial action regarding my KRI Teacher Trainer license for cause, including but not limited to, ceasing to meet one or more of the requirements for license or failure to uphold the standards set forth in The Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher.All complaints regarding issues of the ethics or professional standards of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher, KRI Teacher Trainer, or KRI Teacher Trainer in Training are processed by the Ethics, Professional (& Spiritual) Standards Department. For more information:
______Signature (Legal Name) Date
______Printed Name Spiritual Name (If different)
ATA PROF 3001 version 2/16/15