Neen Savage ParishCouncil

Clerk: Mr Peter Martin BSc (Hons) Harcourt View


Nr Bridgnorth

WV16 6PP.

Telephone: 01746 718419

Email: .

Peter Martin

Date issued: 17th January 2017

Reference Number: 305

Council Members: Cllr Julian Clelford, Cllr Jane Clelford, Cllr Martin Windridge, Cllr Sheryl Spragg.

The above members are summoned to attend a full Council meeting due to be held on Tuesday 24th January 2017 at Kinlet Parish Hall.

Proceedings to Commencing at 7.30pm

The proceedings of the meeting may be audio recorded.


1.To receive apologies and reason for absence.

2.To receive declarations of interest.

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest and should leave the room prior to commencement of the debate.

3.Public participation time in accordance with Standing Orders.

Open to the public and press, the public bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960, s1, as amended s100 of the 1972 Act.

(1e,) Limited to ten minutes, (f,) each member of public is entitled to speak once only in respect of business itemised on the agenda and shall speak no longer than 2 minutes.( g,) a question asked shall not require a response or debate, (h) the chairman may direct a response to a question to be referred to a Councillor for an oral response or to an officer for a written response as instructed by the Council. (L) Only one person shall speak or as directed by the Chairman.

4.To confirm the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 25th October 2016, ref 304.

5.To consider and agree the Precept,budget for the financial 2017-18, and accounts summary for 2016-17.

6.To consider and approve cheque and payment for the following items:

a) Clerks pay: November 2016, January 2017. £400 Total

b) PAYE payment for: October, November and December 2016. £198 Total

d) Clerks expenses: 257.37 Total

e) Clerks salary December 2016: £200

f) Poppy wreaths 2016: £60 Total

g) ICO renewal 2017-18: £35 Total

7. To consider planning applications:

a) 16/05450/FUL Landscape plants Ltd, Six Ashes Nursery.

b) Two applications for lawful development certificates have been submitted to

Shropshire Council and the Parish Council is advised by Shropshire

Council that theyshould not be discussed in open forum. Therefore, they will be

discussed under confidential matters later on in this meeting under item 7.b.

8. To review the Neen Savage Parish Hall donation request.

9. To consider aquest from Cleobury Mortimer Parish Council for bus shelter


10. To instruct a solicitor to respond to ICO FS 50636586 and to administer any other

matters applicable to it.

11.To discuss Neen Savage Parish Hall hire cost for the electors meeting held in

2016. The Parish Council is not in receipt of an invoice for this hire.

12.To consider the nil response from Shropshire Council regarding enquiries about

Brown signs giving direction to a caravan site.

13.To respond to enquiries about smart water.

14.To agree a date for the next parish surgery.

15. To agree a date for the next meeting.

7. b. Confidential matters:

To resolve ‘That under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 as amended by section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded for the remainder of the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the Acts’.

7. B. Two lawful development certificate planning applications.