SCT EC Thermal Enclosure
Date: 14/02/05
Peter Ford, John Noviss, Jason Tarrant
· Richard in contact with Marco finalising details of heaters, e.g. shape, size, number of pads in series, location of wires (from telecon earlier in day)
· Peter investigating the thermal detail using the externally mounted G&S foil
· John passed heater details to Richard, in communication with Holland shielding about details of G&S gasket, continuing with ITE drawings
· Current problems with Pro/Mech & modelling the thermal detail with the externally mounted ground foil, Peter hopes to resolve with 1 more afternoons work, suggestions made for physical model & / or simple hand calculation based on worst case scenario to back up Pro/Mech model or if Pro/Mech model fails to work. Reason for Pro/Mech model failure may be due to thinness of foil causing computing problems.
· Ned Spencer not entirely convinced that Holland shielding aluminium wire gasket would give good connection w.r.t. forces required in compression relative to those we can generate without breaking inserts in Support Cylinder (from meeting 9/2/05). This however might be because he was reviewing the forces for solid, rather than foamed gasket material. Also John has had another suggestion from Holland shielding that he will be investigating where the compression appears much easier. Ned still prefers the idea of the tin plated Cu finger stock strips. Suggest John / Peter investigate this and resolve:
· G&S Gasket that will compress to desired thickness & contact with an end panel pre-load of 1.5kN / bolt (this based on minimum torque under dry conditions)
· A material that is inherently radiation tolerant& will not release chemicals that will damage the detectors (e.g. acetic acid, CO2 etc). John to understand material (radiation tolerance, out-gassing etc.). Check comparable silicone compounds in CERN Yellow Book.
· A material that is tested for fire safety (though there will be little used so derogation form should be easy to raise unless highly flammable)
· A material that will not become activated by exposure to neutrons
· Uses alochrom conversion on any aluminium contact faces required for G&S (the type chosen to give good balance between mechanical robustness, electrical conduction, & ease of application) unless Ned says otherwise (Peter investigating at meeting of 05/01/05)
· Ultimately Ned should approve the joints, to do a test should be specified by Ned.
· John has investigated alternative preparation for Kapton, sounds very promising. Also John / Peter to check that Kapton being used does not contain any FEP, Teflon etc.
Previous Actions:
· Finalise Pro/Mech modelling of thermal detail at Front Support with external G&S foil, back up with quick hand calculation (by 15/02/05). If Pro/Mech model proves unworkable consider quick hand calculation + simple linear freezer mounted prototype (hand calc by 15/02/05 & prototype by 26/02/05)
· Define Techsil RTV sealant proportions that will set, Liverpool assembly work awaiting answer (though not delayed yet), (by 23/02/05) Detailed procedure for laying services required (by 04/03/05)
· Produce OTE section in final materials, i.e. 25um Kapton inner & 50um Al outer, + any testing or review required (by 18/02/05)
· Get final word from Ned (phone him if necessary) on alochroming of aluminium parts & if he has any preference, also what joint tests can be undertaken to prove the performance of the selected design, gasket etc. (by 21/02/05)
· Update G&S foil to outside OTE based on result of Peter’s hand calc (unless a big problem is revealed). Update OTE / membrane / FS joint as per Assembly document ATL-IS-ER-0060 (by 18/02/05)
· Investigate G&S gasket materials & contact Ned for his thoughts on chosen type(s) (by 21/02/05)
· Check that Kapton type chosen is free of FEP, Teflon, PTFE (before finalising drawings & manufacturing instructions of Kapton parts)
· Check radial length & radial build up of model against document ATL-IS-EN-0031 (by 21/02/05)
· Heater design (as required), awaiting information from Richard Holt who is in contact with Marko.
· Fill in with ITE & RTE design work (as required)
· Review Marko’s recommendations on heaters & feed information to John Noviss for updates to designs
· Propose a clipping method for Foils (PEEK or Ultem, otherwise if not viable possibly polycarbonate Makrolan).
When finishing urgent Disc assembly work (~2 weeks)
· Contact Hexcel on CFRP materials (by 04/03/05) if required sooner John will need to undertake with guidance
· Specify how cold tubes (HEX) insulated up to heater (by 05/05)
· Review strain relief of on-cylinder interconnect for connection of incoming pipes (by 04/05)
Work Plans:
For schedule see TE Workplan V3_0