Town of ConklinMitigation Action Plan Review Worksheet
Status / Review Comments(Funds Available, Grant Eligible, Sufficient resources available?)
Description / No Progress / Unknown / In Progress / Not Yet Complete / Continuous / Completed / Discontinued
1. Continue to aggressively pursue NFIP buyout program
for repetitive loss properties. (HMGP Property
2. Conduct restudy and remapping of the Flood Insurance
Study for the Town to reflect current conditions.
3. Pursue participation in the Community Rating System
(CRS) of the NFIP.
4. Implement and enforce Phase 2 Stormwater regulations
and compliance.
5. Promote implementation measures such as floodproofing
for existing critical facilities.
6. Identify and address obstructions to surface water flows
(ie bridge capacity improvements, culverts channel
constrictions, etc) through engineering studies.
7. Participate in ongoing or new Watershed Studies and
programs for major tributaries (Little Snake Creek and
Snake Creek).
8. Utilize local Soil and Water Conservation Districts
program for possible stream stabilization projects.
9. Develop model ordinance for sediment and erosion
control, stormwater control, and stream buffer
10. Identify, evaluate, and implement effective flood
mitigation activities for specific chronic flooding locations.
11. Encourage development of acquisition and management
strategies to preserve open space for flood mitigation
and water quality in the floodplain.
12. Conduct a mailing campaign to property/business
owners in the 100-year and 500-year floodplains.
13. Limit future development in the floodplain to the extent
practicable. Ensure new development that does occur in
floodplain is constructed to or exceeds NFIP
requirements for elevation. Require mitigation to insure
“zero increase” in base flood elevations.
14. Ensure that adequate shelter is available to community
residents in the event of future floods.
15. Implement training and public outreach to residents,
code officials and contractors on floodplain management
and mitigation as well as flood response planning and
16. Develop and utilize an early warning and evacuations
system for reducing life and property by giving lead time
to move personal property and evacuate if necessary.
17. Consider changes to zoning changes to promote future
development to areas of town outside of the floodplain.
18. Evaluate the benefits and costs of obtaining flood
insurance for public buildings at highest risk.
19. Perform an engineering study to mitigate Stenson &
Fallbrook Road erosion and wash-out problems.
20. Develop a plan to alleviate the Schnurbush Park
standing water issue.
21. Perform a drainage study to mitigate the Carol Court
flooding issue.
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DMA 2000 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update – Broome County, New York