Name: ______
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 2 (these are the only short questions that you do not have to hand in before class. You are, however, responsible for the following major concepts in the chapter)
What are electronic shells?
Why are the noble gases generally un-reactive?
What is a covalent bond?
Briefly define electronegativity, hydrogen bonding, and oxidation state.
What is sterioisomerism? define enantiomers/optical isomers; what a cist/trans isomers.
Write structures for the following:
Hydroxyl group, carboxylic acid group, amino group, nitroso group, aldehyde group, acetone, benzaldehyde, DDT, CCl4, BaP, Toluene, Benzene, methane, lindane, cyclohexane, 1-hexene, trichloroacetic acid, octanol
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 3
What are van der Waals interactions, and London dispersive energies
Define ionization potential, and polarizability.
What is anequilibrium constant.
Write expressions for the 1st , 2nd and 3rd laws of thermodynamics and define each of the terms.
Describe the difference between internal energy and enthalpy.
Derive the heat capacity expression
CP - Cv = R.
What is entropy? Write an expression for entropy as a function of heat capacity.
Write the defining expression for the Gibbs free energy as a function of enthalpy and entropy.
Define chemical potential.
Define in words and with mathematical expressions fugacity, mole fraction activity, activity coefficients, and molar volume.
Define liquid concentration in terms of mole fraction and total molar volume. What is the molar volume of water and of hexane?
Write an expression for the equilibrium constant as a function of free energy.
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 4
Convert 1 atm to mm Hg, torr, pascals, and psi.
What is the saturated vapor pressure range for most organic toxics in the atmosphere?
What is the difference between solid and liquid vapor pressures?
What is a simple relationship between saturated vapor pressure and temperature?
What is the Antoine equation?
What is the supercooled vapor pressure of a compound?
Are heats of vaporization affected by polarity?
What is Trouton’s rule?
Write an expression for estimating vapor pressure at a given temperature as a function of boiling point.
Write an expression to convert from a solid to a liquid vapor pressure.
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 6
What is the difference between Raoult’s and Henry’s law.
Write a general expression for the influence of temperature on air-bulk liquid phase partitioning.
When is it possible to relate organic compound air solvent partitioning in different solvents and when is it not (LFERs)?
Define Henry’s law and write an expressions for Henry’s law with units and without units.
What is the range of Henry’s law values in a water solvent for some classes of organic compounds?
Write an equation for Henry’s law in terms of the molar volume, activity coef. and sat. vapor pressure.
What is the relative importance of the heat of vaporization on the Henry’s law values
Do Henry’s law values increase or decrease in going from fresh water to sea water?
Compute a dimensionless Henry’s law valve for for phenol.
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 5
Define mathematically Xsatiw for liquids, gases, and solids.
What is the relationship between the activity coefficient and mol. fraction for gases, liquids and solids?
What is the difference between activity saturated coefficients and infinitely dilute activity coefficients
What is a general relationship between activity coefficients and molar volumes?
Estimate the molar volume of benzene from atomic volumes; how does this differ from
The estimated molar volume from MW and density?
What is the effect of temp. on solubility of organics?
What is the effect of salt on organic solubility?
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 7
Write an expression for Kiow as a function of Csatiw or iw.
Can Kow be experimentally determined via chromatographic means? How?
Briefly describe how log Kow can be calculated by group contribution methods.
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 8
Define pKia.
What is the difference between Kia and Kib?
What can we say about the relative concentrations of the dissociated and non- dissociated acid when pH= pKia?
Give 5 examples of neutral acids and 5 example of neutral bases.
What are j constants in the Hammett Correlation?
What is j in the Hammett Correlation?
Give 3 examples of electron withdrawing and three examples of electron providing functional groups.
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 9 (new book)
Define Cis and the Freundlich isotherm.
Define Kid, and Kioc.
What is porosity?
What are humic acids
What is the relationship between Kioc and Kiow?
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 12 lecture
What is the difference between t1/2 and lifetime? What is the time scale of a reaction?
Explain the conditions in which a second order reaction can be represented as pseudo 1storder.
For a bimolecular reaction with the same conc. of A and B, what is the t1/2? What do you need to plot to get the rate constant k?
Write the integrated expression for a second order rate law where A and B have different starting concentrations.
What is the rate constant for a reactive intermediate?
In words, what does the ss approximation permit you to do?
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 13
Explain the difference between nucleophilic and electrophilic compounds.
What is the difference between SN1 and SN2 substitution?
Why does DDT hydrolyze at lower pHs than methoxychor?
Why is acid hydrolysis generally slower than base hydrolysis of carboxylic acid esters?
Are steric effects important for the hydrolysis of dialkyl phthalates? What quantitative treatment is possible to illustrate these effects?
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 18
What is Fick’s 1st law of diffusion? State this in words.
What are other physical processes obeying a “gradient-flux-law?”
How can a reaction be diffusion limited?
What is the relationship between the statistical quantity, standard deviation, and the diffusion coefficient?
From a units standpoint show that conc. times diffusion velocity = flux.
2nd lecture
How can molecular diffusivities in air be related to their molar volumes and molecular masses?
Are diffusivities higher in air or in water? Approximately how many orders of magnitude difference is there?
What is the characteristic transport time in turbulent diffusion
Which values tend to be higher, eddy transport values or molecular diffusion values?
Envr 725: Short Questions for Chapter 20
What is the equation for the speed of molecule normal to a surface?
What is the form of the flux expression for a static two film model?
What is the form of the flux for a two film model with a renewable surface?
What is the total mass transfer coef. equal to?