/ Position Exempt Under 110.205(2)(w), F.S.Managerial Confidential Supervisory Other
Department of Education / Organization Level:
Current: 44 40 20 Proposed:
Division of Public Schools / Position Number:
48000609 / FTE:
1.00 / Security Role Code:
Bureau of Educator Recruitment, Development & Retention / Current Broadband Level Code:
11-9039-02 / Current Class Title:
Senior Educational Program Director-DOE / Current Class
Code: 6142
Educator Preparation Section / Proposed Broadband Level Code: / Proposed Class Title:
/ Proposed Class Code:
Tallahassee/Leon 037 /
Type of Transaction: Update
POSITION ATTRIBUTES:EEO: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
CBU: 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
11 18 80 81 86 87 89 99 Other
Special Risk: Yes No
Overtime: Yes No
CAD: Yes No / Broadband
Level Code / Class
Code / Approved By / Effective Date
1.This position reports directly to: Position Number 48000360 Broadband Level Code 11-9039-03
Broadband Occupation Education Administrators, All Other Class Code7751 Class TitleChief of Educator Recruitment, Development and Retention-DOE
2.Broadband level code, class title, class code, position number, and headquarters location of each position which reports directly to this position: 43-6011-02 - Staff Assistant – 0120 - #48003664 – Tallahassee
25-9099-03 -Program Specialist IV-DOE – 4118 - #48003062 –Tallahassee
25-9099-03 - Program Specialist III-DOE – 4117 - #48001674 –Tallahassee
13-1111-04, Educational Policy Consultant-DOE - #48001565 – Tallahassee
3.What statutes establish or define the work performed? 1004.04, 1004.85
4.This position has financial disclosure responsibility in accordance with Section 112.3145, F. S.: Yes No
5.Current budget for which this position is accountable (if applicable):
Salaries & Benefits / O.P.S. / Expenses
F.C.O. / Data Processing / TOTAL ALLOTMENT
If the current budget includes other areas of accountability include them in the TOTAL ALLOTMENT and provide a brief explanation.
6.Duties and Responsibilities - Describe in detail the specific duties and responsibilities assigned to this position and the percentage of time for each. Indicate the role of this position in accomplishing the unit and agency mission. If applicable, include examples of independent, final policy decisions made and show their effect on the agency, the public, or other state agencies.% of Time /
Duties and Responsibilities
This is a highly responsible professional and administrative position for planning, organizing, and directing the teacher education program approval processes. The employee must be productive under tight timeframes, balance multiple and competing priorities and maintain goal-directed behavior and performance sometimes under stressful conditions. As a supervisor, the incumbent must communicate with, motivate, provide or coordinate training, and direct the work of his/her subordinates. In addition, the employee must complete timely performance appraisals, develop timely and accurate work plans, and timely approve monthly attendance and leave for each position under his/her direct report. Timesheets will be completed in the People First system by the 5th business day of the following month. The incumbent has the authority to make hiring recommendations as well as disciplinary recommendations.The employee must interact courteously with others.The employee’s performance and behavior must demonstrate consideration of the workload concerns of others and must not negatively affect productivity and morale of the unit. Attendance is an essential function of this position.1. Administer a statewide program for initial and continued approval of all educator preparation programs in public and private universities, state colleges and community colleges, and school districts.
2. Administer a statewide review process for the continued approval of educational leadership programs in institutions and school districts, including preparation of the final institutional report.
3. Administer a statewide review process for the continued approval of District Alternative Certification Program (DACP), including preparation of the final institutional report.
4. Manage the development, coordination, and delivery of training for the teacher education and educational leadership program review processes.
5. Administer planning, organization, and coordination of reviews of (1) curriculumfolios; (2) Institutional Program Evaluation Plans (IPEP) for initial teacher preparation programs (ITPs) and educational leadership programs; (3)Annual Program Evaluation Plans (APEPs) for educator preparation institutes (EPIs) ; (4) District Program Evaluation Plans (DPEPs) for district alternative certification programs (DACPs); and 5) on-site visits to institutions and districtsundergoing the state’s process for continued approval of all educator preparation programs.
6. Plan and coordinate meetings of the Educator Preparation Program Approval Board (PAB) and supervise the preparation and dissemination of final reports.
7. Formulate and recommend policies and procedures for educator preparation program development, operation and evaluation.
8. Administer contracts related to educator preparation with outside consultants.
9. Provide technical assistance to university, college and school district personnel.
10. Coordinate joint review activities between the Department and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Board of Governors.
11. Supervise professional and support staff within the Educator Preparation Unit.
12. Represent the Bureau at university/regional/state/national sponsored conferences/workshops/meetings with issues related to educator preparation.
13. Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Bureau Chief.
7.Knowledge, skills and abilities, including utilization of equipment, required for the position: Knowledge of Microsoft Office software. Demonstrate quality document preparation as evidenced by accuracy, correct grammar and spelling of the English language. Ability to word process and format letters and e-mails, construct tables, and communicate effectively with Florida’s colleges and universities.
8.Licensure/registration/certification requirements (If applicable, list the appropriate Florida Statute or federal regulation cite):
9.Other job-related requirements for this position:
10.Working hours: (A) Daily from 8:00 to 5:00 (B) Total hours in workweek 40 (C) Explain any variation in work (split shift, rotation, etc.)
11.Agency Use Only –
Check those that apply: Uniform Allowance CJIP Bond Indicator Drug Screening Re-screening
Security Check: No security screen required Background investigation required Background & fingerprint required
Fingerprint investigation required Access to abuse records Caretaker Financial Law enforcement Management
Sensitive Agency security check
The following have acknowledged that the statements above, to the best of their knowledge, accurately describe the duties and responsibilities of the position.
Incumbent signature: Date:
Discussed with employee: Yes No
Supervisor’s signature: / Title: Bureau Chief / Date:
Approval of Reviewing Authority:
(Division Director, Agency Head or other) / Title: / Date:
Approval of Agency Personnel Officer: / Title: / Date: