CIS 50: Computing and Information Technology
Security Checklist
At the end of this assignment, you will:
Complete a Computer Security Checklist
Play OnGuard security games
- Assignment #1— your_name_computer_security.doc
- Assignment #2— your_name_onguard_games.doc
Submit both files via Blackboard
How Safe is Your Computer
Computers are seldom used in isolation. People use them to collaborate and interact with others socially and professionally. When you are connected to the Internet potential exists for someone to access your personal or business information. If you have children, you must also be constantly concerned about which sites they should not be using. Understanding the threats is more than half the battle; if you understand the potential harm, you can usually figure out a way to avoid it.
Computer security is a branch of technology known as information security as applied to computers and networks. The objective of computer security includes protection of information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disaster, while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users. The terms computer system security, means the collective processes and mechanisms by which sensitive and valuable information and services are protected from publication, tampering or collapse by unauthorized activities or untrustworthy individuals and unplanned events respectively.
Assignment #1: Security Checklist:
Module 2/Unit 5 – Information Security does a good job explaining the types of vulnerabilities of computers and networking. Unit 5-3: Internet Security has two good checklists: Applying Software Security Tools Checklist and Maintaining Safe and Vigilant Online Behaviors Checklist Perhaps now is the time to evaluate your own computer vulnerabilities.
- Use MSWord, create a file named: your_name_computer_security.doc
Type: your name
Type: today’s date
- Copy (pages 2, 3, 4), paste, and review the Computer Security Checklist (pages 2, 3, 4) below and assess your computer’s security. Answer the checklist questions, submit via Blackboard
Computer Security ChecklistNAME: ______
Virus and Spyware Protection
1. Is antivirus, antispyware software installed on all your computers? ___ Yes ___No
a. What is the name of your antivirus software? ______
b. When was that software last updated? ______
c. What is the name of your antispyware software? ______
d. When was that software last updated? ______
2. Is the antivirus, antispyware software configured to automatically and regularly update itself? ___ Yes ___No
a. When does the antivirus and antispyware software update? ______
- Explain the difference between Antivirus software vs Antispyware software vs antimalware software:
4. Is the software set to scan your computer on a regular basis (at least weekly) for viruses and spyware? ___ Yes ___No
a. When does the antivirus and antispyware software scan? ______
5. Does your operating system have a firewall ___ Yes ___No
6. Test your firewall security using the ShieldsUp free software available at
a. What were your results: Place a printscreen of your results here
Computer Security Checklist, continued
Wireless Security
7. Have you changed the default password to access your router? ___ Yes ___No
a. Why would you want to change the default password?
Software Updates
10. Have you configured your operating systems (Windows, OS X) to automatically install new software patches and updates? ( ___ Yes ___No
11. Are other software installed on your computer (such as Microsoft Office) configured for automatic updates ___ Yes ___No
11. Is the Web browser you are using the latest version? ___ Yes ___No
a. Which Web browser, what version? ______
Assignment #2: Let’s Have Fun
We all need up to date information on how to secure our computers, protect against Internet fraud and protect our personal information. The federal government in collaboration with the technology industry has developed a great web site which provides practical tips to help you safeguard your computer and your personal information...... provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information.
The site has a number of fun game-like quizzes to test your knowledge of safe shopping, ID theft, safe investing, Phishing scams, laptop security and many others. Click on the link below or the games image above to launch the OnGuardOnline page containing the quizzes. Enjoy, and we hope you pass with flying colors. If not check out the rest of the site where you'll find the answers to all of your safety questions.
Access the website, take your time to review some of the information; Topics on Computer Security, Email Scams, Identity Theft, Social Networking Sites. Videos on Phishing at home, office, store. Tools; watch various tutorials using security tools. An excellent website.
Now, let’s play a game;
- click on the Video and Media link
- click on The Case of the Cyber Criminal
A techie spy and his cunning crew are out to get your personal information. Stop them cold by proving you're ready to protect yourself online.After you choose your character, you will be presented with a blank face
- answer all the questions correctly and empty the suitcase
- Use MSWord create a document: your_name_onguard_games.doc
Type: your name
Type: today’s date
- At the end of the game, place a printscreen of your CyberCriminals empty suitcase
- Next play the Invasion of the Wireless Hackersgame; show me a printscreen when you have answered all questions correctly.
- Choose another game. NOTE: the Video and Media link has videos, audio, and games Choose another game, printscreen your results at the end of that game.
Your your_name_onguard_games.doc should have 3printscreens showing that you have successfully answered ALL the questions in each game. Submit via Blackboard
When done, submit Blackboard the MS Word file
your_name_computer_security.doc and your_name_onguard_games.doc
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