PRESENT: Alan Mohring, Charlotte Rothwell, Joan Wadcock, Beryl Smith, Angela Martin, Jane Gunn, John Fazackerley, Karen Whitehouse, Jane Lawrence-Wood, Adrian Speakman, Bill Baker, Lois, Alison Cheetham, Michelle Jenkins, Andrew Birchall, Dr Munro, Dr Bose, Dr Pollard Lindsay and Stacey.

APOLOGIES: Doreen Hounslea.

1.  Correction to previous (September) minutes. Item no7 should be Angela not Alison spoke to head teacher.

2.  Matters arising from minutes none.

a.  Carers Group had meal out one afternoon at the Beeches everyone enjoyed it.

b.  Communications subgroup- Jane was asked to do the Newsletter every 3 months. The next issue no2 will be ready for November 2014. Jane will also do a poster for the AGM meeting due in November. Jane, Angela, John and Alan will meet to put some questions together to go on Friends & Family Survey.

c.  Walkers group no news.

3.  Treasurers report no change the same balance as September £3326.96.

4.  New members have been welcomed tonight Michelle Jenkins, Karen Whitehouse and Jane Lawrence-Wood.

5.  CCG strategy-Alan attended this last Thursday and presented this to members tonight. Views were talked about this and the knock on effect to our surgery.

It was mentioned that the Nurse Practitioner Marie is now available from the 1st October 2014 in the mornings. There will also be a triage system after 12.30 each day where Marie will ring the patient within 2 hours giving advice or an appointment.

6.  Alison said the questions from the PPG Strategy are to be incorporated into the family and friends survey, we will go through these at a later date.

7.  Dr Pollard explained to us that along with booking appointments, patients will be able to view their own medical records. To do this they will need to complete a consent form from reception and show some form of photo id. The GP’s would like the PPG’s help in informing patients of this facility.

8.  Discussion with GP’s practice 17 October 2014 with Bridgewater House.

9.  AOB – Suggestions to help relieve pressure on Alan going to all the local meetings.

10. AGM will be on Wednesday 26th November 2014. Jane will do poster.