Wednesday 24th May 2017

Minuted by: A Hegan


Mrs Alison Chung-Oak (Patient Representative) (ACO)

Dr Guy Cumberbatch (Patient Representative) (GC)

Angela Hegan (Practice Manager) (AH)

Nazmin Hussain (Medical Secretary) (NH)

Mr D Oak (Patient Representative)(DO)

  1. Apologies

Avneet Chana (Patient Representative)

Kettie Kankwamba (Patient Representative)

Meera Patel (Patient Representative)

  1. Minutes of Patient Participation Group Meeting 25th January 2017

Agreed as a correct record.

3.Matters Arising

3.1.Privacy at Reception

AH informed members that funding was being approved for installation of signage to allow for privacy in the main Reception area.

Action AH

3.2.Issue with telephone recording

AH reported that the Practice was continuing to look into other telephone system suppliers and will update members at the next meeting.

Action AH

3.3.Alternatives to face-to-face consultations

AH advised members that the Practice was still exploring alternatives options for patients to contact thePractice, to include telephone consultations, email and Skype.

Action AH

3.4Accessible Information Standard

AH confirmed that an Accessible Information Needs Questionnaire was included in new patient registration packs.

3.5Alcohol Gel

AH confirmed that alcohol gel dispensers were to be installed by the check in desk and by the double doors leading from the main Consulting Room area to the Waiting Room.

Action AH

4.CQC Practice Visit

The CQC undertook an inspection visit of the Practice on 10th January 2017. AH reported

that the full report was now available to view on the website, with hard copies to be provided on request. Our rating was:

  • SafeRequires improvement
  • EffectiveRequires improvement
  • CaringGood
  • ResponsiveRequires improvement
  • Well-ledRequires improvement

CQC Inspections and ratings of specific services

  • Older peopleRequires improvement
  • People with long term conditionsRequires improvement
  • Families, children and young peopleRequires improvement
  • Working age people (including those recently retired and students)Requires improvement
  • People whose circumstances may make them vulnerableRequires improvement
  • People experiencing poor mental health (including people with dementia)Requires improvement

AH advised members of what the Practice has changed since we received this rating from the CQC:

  • The Practice holds Management Team meetings every Tuesday immediately following the weekly Clinical Meeting to review management issues.
  • Each Doctor/Nurse has been allocated to be a lead in clinical areas to improve and monitor patient care. They will be supported by a member of the Admin Team with protected time to meet and monitor progress. In turn these Clinical Focus Groups will provide feedback to the wider Practice Team on progress at the weekly Clinical Meeting.
  • There will be a Practice Meeting held once every two months with Dr Nye present to ensure all members of the Practice Team are aware of the objectives and vision of the Practice and current relevant clinical issues.
  • A folder of audit activities with a time-line on the re-audit will be available on the Practice Intranet. Audit will be a fixed agenda at the weekly Clinical Meetings to. The Practice will continue to present audit results at the Clinical Meetings/Annual Away Day to discuss implications and any changes in practice with the Team.
  • Development of specific care plans for each chronic disease led by the Clinical Lead for the area and development of a generic care plans for vulnerable patients. All such care plans will be easily found in patients’ record so that Clinicians locate the plans easily during routine consultation.

The Practice will monitor and discuss the patient survey results with the entire Practice team to identify and action service improvement. All patient survey analysis, service improvement audits and analysis will be discussed with the Patient Participation Group and their response and suggestions shared with the wider Practice Team.

All information provided by the telephone provider will be acted on immediately. A written instruction of contact action from the telephone provider will be passed to a member of the Management Team on the day to makea decision on action to provide better telephone contact for patients by prioritising the work of the Admin Team. This will be documented and discussed at the weekly Management Team meeting

Members present at the meeting expressed their satisfaction with the service provided by the Practice. AH will provide members with regular updates on progress against the action plan to improve the Practice’s rating.

Action AH

5.National GP Patient Survey/In-house Patient Survey results

AH advised members that the results of the 2017 National GP Patient Survey would not be

published until July and would therefore be discussed at the next meeting in August. Unfortunately as the surveys had been sent out in January, it was too late to publicise the national survey to encourage patient to complete and return the questionnaire to improve uptake.

The results for the 2016 National GP Patient Survey were discussed and AH reported that

of the 372 surveys sent out, 36 were completed and returned, giving a 10% completion rate. The link for the national survey is as follows:

It had previously been agreed that the Practice would run its own in-house Patient Survey and AH informed members that 2 surveys had been undertaken, one in December/January and the second in March/April. 50 patients were surveyed each time.

When a comparison was made of the results of the surveys, AH advised that disappointingly there had been a decrease overall of approximately 10% in patient satisfaction with the service provided by the Practice. Further analysis of the results will be undertaken to establish any cause for the downturn in patient satisfaction over such a short period of time and AH will report back at the next meeting, following the Practice’s Away Day on 29th June.

Action AH

6.Any other business

Members agreed that they would find it helpful to have occasional representation at the Patient Group meetings from members of the Clinical Staff. AH to arrange.

Action AH

7.Date and time of next meeting

Wednesday 23rd August at 17.00.