Union General Meeting Minutes

Time: / 17:00
Date: / 13th October 2016
Location: / Atrium, Webley Wing
  1. Welcome
  2. Minutes & Matters Arising
  3. Report from Sabbatical Officers
  4. Report from executive officers
  5. Changing the name of Black Officer to People Of Colour Officer and redefining the word "black" in union policy
  6. SOAS SU to twin with Al Quds University
  7. Does the Union's governance work?
  8. Justice for Cleaners to be a Priority Campaign for SOAS Students Union in the Academic Year 2016/17
  9. The Right to Sell Food in the JCR
  10. Motion to develop the SOAS Refugee Fee Waiver Scheme
  11. SOAS solidarity with Calais camp under threat of eviction
  12. Emergency Motions
-Hiring external investigators for the harassment procedure
Ref# / Action/Discussion / Notes
1 / AH welcomed the new UGM Chair, mostafarajaai
2 / There were no objections to the minutes and no matters arising. / Minutes approved
3 / AA summarised her priorities for the year. Discussed lobbying the school for greater mental facilities, setting up a Peer Support Network, ‘Men Don’t Cry’ event, BME Mental Health provisions, external organisation connections & Enough is Enough postcard campaign.
AD spoke about her overarching theme of ‘making SOAS lit’ and the success of the Union’s events so far, including Centenary Soiree, Blackout Party, Black History Year & plans for Halloween Party.
NC explained the role of Co-President Liberation & Equality, and summarised the Decolonising SOAS Initiative. She spoke about a Presentation she had given to the School’s Board of Trustees & how it was received.
AH gave a report on his educational priorities, including lecture recordings. He advertised the Open Meeting being held regarding the School’s restructuring. / All Co-President reports accepted
4 / MB & DS discussed refugee scholarships, the attainment gaps report and creating platforms and safe spaces for micro-aggressions on campus.
FD gave an outline of her self-care workshop & spoke about her ongoing anti-harrassment campaign.
NI gave a summary of the Black History Month events.
SB spoke about the mental health campaign & Enough is Enough work. She encouraged students to approach her for campaign support.
AS & MP reported on the success of Solar SOAS & gave an overview of their recycling & water bottle campaigns.
5 / NI explained the concept of ‘politically black’. She stated that it blankets the experience of people of colour under one outdated term. She explained that as an ethnically black person, she feels it undermines her identity.
Vote on the Motion: Passes (1 abstention).
6 / AB presented the motion, emphasising the importance of standing in solidarity with academic institutions in Palestine.
Speech against: AS gave a number of incidents and events Al Quds University had been involved in and explained that he didn’t believe this was a positive gesture towars peace.
Speech for: A student explained that he knows academics from this institution who have done great work and don’t support violence. They encouraged SOAS to become more invested in Palestinian culture.
Speech against: AS highlighted that the motion was to twin the University, not to ban academic freedom. He felt the motion was holding Jewish and non-Jewish lives to different standards.
Vote on the motion: Motion passes (4 against, 11 abstentions).
7 / AH outlined the Union’s Governance Review that will commence this academic year. He expressed the importance of exploring alternative means of democracy, such as caucuses to decentralise decision making & introducing external Trustees in order to effectively hold the General Manager to account.
Amendment: An amendment was proposed to remove point 1.3 in order to keep the governance review next steps more open.
Vote on Amendment: Amendment Passes
Vote on Motion as Amended: Motion Passes.
8 / HA outlined the history and current context of the Justice for Cleaners campaign and highlighted the importance of Students’ Union support.
Vote on Motion: Motion Passes.
9 / CR outlined the motion & emphasised that she felt the JCR should remain an open space with external guests.
Vote on Motion: Motion Passes.
10 / CL presented the motion, summarising how important it is for the scheme to be expanded, with it currently only being available to 7 refugees with over 50 applications.
Vote on Motion: Motion Passes
11 / FG outlined the work that SOAS Goes to Calais has been doing over the years. She highlighted the need to be ready to do whatever people in Calais need from the society.
Vote on Motion: Motion Passes.
12 / FD gave an overview of the Union and School’s Harassment Procedure. She explained that many staff members within the School are not equipped to deal with cases.
Vote on Motion: Motion Passes.
13 / There was no other business.