APPROVEDPleasant Hill PTA meeting, October 14, 2015

Teacher Lounge

7:08 PMWelcome

7:11 PMApproval of minutes from our meeting on 9/1/2015

7:12 PMPresident’s Report

From the last NWSC meetings

  1. The math programs pilots are going very well - teacher feedback so far is positive, online content is rolling out continuously.
  2. 300 Chromebooks are now in 5 schools: Pleasant Hill, Hunting Ridge, WRS, Winston Jr High, and Virginia Lake
  3. ½ the price on iPad
  4. built in keyboard
  5. good for testing, online versions of MAP and PARCC
  6. iPads will still be available for grades K and 1
  7. BOE is planning $25 million in upgrades to schools over next two years - they still need to decide how to pay, via bonds or cash reserves or a mix
  8. PARCC test session window is March 7 to April 22
  9. online or paper versions depending on school
  10. test is shorter this year based on analysis of last year
  11. At the last SPARK meeting, Officer Schlee of PPD offered a presentation about crisis situations in schools, here is an important note:
  12. All parents need to make sure their contact info is current and correct. In the event that the children need to be evacuated, they will be taken to a secure location off campus. Palatine Police and/or D15 administration will determine on a case by case basis, which location is best to shelter the children. Parents will be informed where to meet their kids. The only adults who can pick up your child is you (the parent or guardian) and any other adults whom you have listed on your contact information form. If a family member, like grandma or an uncle, is not listed, the police will not release your child to them. All adults must show ID, which will be matched against your contact information (with the school) before your child is released.


Ways and Means: Melissa and Terry did a great job with our Bingo Event.

They met our goals and provided a fun and exciting event for students.

Membership: Hiroko and Elsie registered over 600 members!

Open Committee

Matt and Mika Kern resigned from the Cultural Arts Committee. We have two assemblies planned: Omegaman and Chicago Opera Playhouse. We are seeking volunteers to help execute plans for these assemblies and then continue the work of this committee for the second semester.

Upcoming PTA training course: PTA 101 - Road to Success - training will be held on Saturday 11/07, 9:30 - 11 AM, Palatine Public Library, meeting room #2

7:20 PMTreasurer’s Report: Balance at hand 8/31/15 $9,957.74. Balance at hand 9/30/2015 $18,036.13. Most of the increase due to about $ 7700 brought in by BINGO

7:21 PMPrincipal’s Report: PBIS (our behavior intervention program) recognized PH as one of

top150 schools throughout the state.

MAP results will be sent home this Friday

Chrome books going well. MAP glitches were from MAP issues not the Chrome books.

Relocation drill Tuesday 10/20 at 11 am. Will be relocated to Birchwood. (part of Illinois will be blocked off so don’t use it if you need to get somewhere around that time)

Make sure you keep the school up to date with your family contact information and people your child can be released to if an emergency occurs.

Last year’s MAP data: Every grade level (and all subgroups) passed the district averages in both reading and math (they didn’t compare language MAP test)

7:28 PMTeacher’s Report: not present…flu is going around =(

7:28 PM2nd VP Membership Report: Directory is in with membership cards. You can still become a member and a limited number of extra directories have been printed. Very pleased with membership numbers!

7:29 PM3rd VP Ways and Means Report: not present. Really enjoyed the BINGO fundraiser

7:30 PMSpecial Committee - 2Click

Pres or Pres Elect: As a PTA, we currently have an online fundraiser, known as 2Click, which is actively running. So far this year, we have not acknowledged the volunteer who is working this special committee. Naomi Saladin did a great job last year implementing 2Click and earning approximately $850 which was used to purchase two water bottle filling stations for the school. She wishes to continue working this committee again this year.

Therefore, the chair moves that I be allowed to appoint Naomi Saladin to head the 2Click special committee.

Is there a second to this motion? (Natalie DiCosola)

All those in favor of appointing Naomi Saladin to be chair of the 2Click committee, say AYE

All those opposed, say NAY

The AYEs carry the motion. Therefore I hereby appoint Naomi Saladin to be chair of the 2Click committee.

7:32 PMBoard members will now vote on which project to sponsor with our 2Click funds

The chair recognizes Naomi Saladin to describe the criteria we will use to measure what makes a good project for 2Click


1. A project that includes a tangible item all students may benefit from

2. A project that is affordable. 2Click is a good way to raise approximately $500 - $1000

*****(amount can be more or less based on the projected funds for the current school year). For example, by end of October we will have around $1,500 raised so far. This is largely due to a large order that came in last month. That’s the interesting part of 2click – a few large orders can really make a difference. Therefore, the funds can vary widely from year to year. Last year we raised approximately $850.

3. A project that is sustainable. We want to avoid anything with expensive upkeep. And we hope to have the item last to benefit students for years to come.

4. A project that is permitted by the school district

Pres or Pres Elect:Thank you Naomi

7:35 PMProposals gathered from parents and staff

The full list of notes about each choice was sent to the executive board and all committee chairs via email on 10/13/15

Pres or Pres Elect: Do I hear a motion to dispense with the reading aloud of the notes about each choice and continue with questions from members?

Guillermo: I move that we dispense with the reading aloud of the notes about each choice and continue with questions from members? Pres or Pres Elect: Is there a second? (Brian) We have two choices that best match: a new drying rack for the art room or the buddy bench. Are there any questions regarding these proposals?

Notes and information about proposals from parents and staff

  1. Hooks in the hallway for student coats and/or personal items. Mr. Morris checked into this. The manager of environmental services, Craig Phillips, recommended against the idea because it may create a fire hazard.
  2. A/V upgrades to the cafe. The sound system is complicated. We all want to hear the kids sing for their musicals. And it would be amazing to have a lighting system. Regarding sound, Dave Daugerdas was able to get it working great for the talent show last year. He created some how-to videos on YouTube. We have a skilled parent this year, Joe Braun, to help with sound. Therefore, let’s commit to learning the system we have before trying to replace it. A lighting system would be great, but the minimum cost for a portable, easy system would be $5000. Therefore, if members want to pursue this we need to find another way other than 2Click.
  3. An outdoor water fountain. This is a good idea in that is meets all the criteria except the price for plumbing would easily price the project out of reach. Please consider that the students are usually allowed to use the water fountains inside door 7 during recess.
  4. An all school field trip. This would benefit students this year, but would have no lasting impact, so we recommend against this option
  5. Mrs. Michaels requested a new drying rack for her classroom. The exact unit she priced out is $1150 plus shipping. The drying rack she has in her room now is approximately 15 years old; therefore, we can expect a new unit to last at least that long. The new drying rack would be an upgrade: wider, more slots, kid friendly operation.
  6. A Buddy Bench for the playground. This idea came from the teachers who serve on the PBIS green team committee. If we purchase the bench, they will execute the curriculum that supports its usefulness for students. Buddy benches are a tool to promote inclusion among students and help kids who want to become involved in play. There are some detractors, which you can read about. The main criticism is that when poorly realized, the buddy bench can carry a stigma: to sit there is to announce to the playground that you have no friends. BUT - and here is the important rebuttal - a buddy “bench” is not a monolith - the goal is to promote inclusion and the idea is customizable. If we vote for this idea, we are empowering Naomi to work with the PBIS teachers and Mr. Morris to design a unique space that will work for our kids at this school. Furthermore, we are trusting the PBIS teachers to implement a multi-year strategy to teach the students to use the space in a positive way (as it is intended).
  7. More water bottle filling stations and/or filters for the current units. According to Mr. Morris, the school will purchase filters as needed going forward. He also stated that he is satisfied with the two water bottle filling stations we have. The second unit is purchased and will be installed soon next to door 7.
  8. Devices to support students with particular needs. Fidgets are a small rubber toy or ball that students can squeeze to keep their hands busy or alleviate tension. They benefit kids with ADD/ADHD and kids who are experiencing anxiety. They are a consumable item, in that kids use them and lose them. The school resource teacher and school counselor both use them as a tool to help kids. They are requesting a $50 per year expense budget for Fidgets. Currently they pay for these out-of-pocket. This is a very reasonable request, but not a good fit for 2Click because it is an ongoing thing. We will pursue this in another way. Stand up desks are another request. These are affordable and are beneficial to students who struggle to sit, allowing them to work in a way that is least restrictive. The main reason we have to decline this request is that District 15 would have the right to take these desks at any time to move them to another campus as they see fit.

7:51 PMCall the question

Pres or Pres Elect: the chair recognizes Guillermo Hoyos, 1st VP of Legislation

Guillermo: I call the question and move that we conclude discussion and vote to decide between the buddy bench or new drying rack as the project for 2Click for the current school year

Pres or Pres Elect: Do I hear a second to the motion to close discussion and vote on this question?

Pres or Pres Elect: We will vote by raising hands. If you are on the executive board or a committee chair, you are eligible to vote in this matter. Please vote once. Jodi Roos, please count and record the number of votes for each proposal.

If you wish to vote for the new drying rack for the art classroom, please raise your hand now

The recording secretary counts 7 votes in favor of the new drying rack

If you wish to vote for the buddy bench, please raise your hand now

The recording secretary counts 7 votes in favor of the buddy bench

It was unanimously agreed that since the funds are available for the drying rack presently and the need exists, the PTA and 2Click Committee will purchase the drying rack now. Following that, additional research can be completed regarding the Buddy Bench or similar playground improvements. During that time, 2Click fundraising will continue to take place, and the Buddy Bench purchase can be made once enough money is raised to support that purchase.

Pres or Pres Elect: Thank you Jodi and thank you to all who voted. Naomi, please report back to the executive committee regularly on your progress toward this goal.

8:00 PMCommittee Reports

  1. Reflections: Wendi Raker (absent)

Reflections update:

Today, October 14, was the last Reflections Recess Workshop. Unfinished artwork and entry forms will be sent home with the students to complete. All Literature, Musical Composition and Visual Arts submissions will be displayed in the Reflections art gallery during Book Fair week.

Thank you to the workshop volunteers! Lori Lewis-Reffell, Hiroko Yamada, Anne Oh, Lynne Payne, Sherrill Christo and Aparna Sengupta

Reflections due date is October 19. All artwork should be turned into the Pleasant Hill front office. Once again kids can submit as many art projects in as many categories.

  1. Family Science Night: Nicki O’Keefe (absent)

Big show - Masters of lightning

Supplemental rooms

1- NIU liquid nitrogen show, 2 - Richard Hasty - bridge building with Plum Grove students

3 - Nicki O'Keefe - slime with little Vike/former PH student helpers, 4 - FremdSci Club - messy demos, 5 - Northcook engineering for kids - video game design class eg. Build an Asteroids game or Build a Fruit Ninja game and another class such as build a battery flashlight, 6- Chris Svec - dry ice or something interactive

Hallways- Mathnasium and maybe Computer Explorers

**Could use 1-2 mentors to lead an activity. Doesn’t need to be complex.

We have older students (junior high/high school) volunteering so please encourage and support them since we want them to feel successful and want to continue to help us out.

Thank you to all those who have volunteered.

  1. Family Reading Night: Kim Saxe and Courtney Thorsen. Have worked with Laura to include Pumpkin Walk into the event.
  1. Moms and Munchies needs more volunteers.
  2. Please email Dave Border or Dan DiCosola
  3. or
  1. Make a Difference: Laura Kometer

**Please remember to bring in your donations!

Especially 1st grade—still need more gloves and travel size by Monday morning!!

  1. Hospitality, Special Person Day, Veterans Day: Carrie Button

Will be doing this event again.

  1. PCEE: Angela Drenth and Kristen Lynch
  2. Angela and Kristen attended the recent meeting
  3. Their report is printed for members to have a copy
  4. The report is included at the end of these minutes
  1. Any other committees that wish to speak

Natalie: Boxtops—anyone who turns in at least one boxtop or label will be entered to win a small prize

8:10 PMComments / Questions / Concerns /

8:12 PMAdjourn


Friday, 10/16 @ 8 AMMoms and Munchies in Cafe (Last names A-L)

10/16 - 10/23Book Fair Week

Thursday, 10/22 @ 6:30 PMFamily Reading Night

Friday, 10/23 @ 8 AMMoms and Munchies in Cafe (Last names M-Z)

Monday, 10/26 @ 7 PMSPARK at WRS, Intro to IEPs and 504 Plans

**** Live simulcast in Spanish

Wednesday, 10/28School Pictures, Retake Day

Friday, 10/30Halloween parade and classroom parties

Friday, 10/30MANNA orders due

Wednesday, 11/04MANNA pick up

Saturday 11/07 @ 9:30 AMPTA 101: Road To Success at Palatine Public Library

Wednesday, 11/11Veterans Day, Special Persons Day

Monday, 11/16 @ 7 PMSPARK at WRS

Thursday, 11/19 @ 6 PMFamily Science Night

Friday, 11/20Report cards go home, grades 1-6

11/23 - 11/24Parent - Teacher Conferences

11/23 - 11/27No class for Thanksgiving Holiday

TBD - The Safety Meeting from October 7 will be rescheduled soon.

PCEE Meeting Minutes

October 6th, 2015


  • Highlighted some of the goals for the 2015-2016 school year:
  • Expanded preschool programming
  • Full-day Kindergarten (would need one more complete building to accommodate this)
  • Three-tier bus system

Math Pilot:

  • The district is piloting 2 new math programs this year in 120 classrooms.
  • These programs are Go Math and Envision.
  • The new math curriculum will go hand-in-hand with a renewed focus on the 8 math practices
  • Both math programs have support in the forms of a Google classroom, Google forms and ongoing teacher training.
  • The district is hoping to make a decision in April about which program they will use going forward. They will make this decision based on the following factors:
  • How it impacts student learning
  • How it aligns to the common core
  • How teacher/student friendly it is
  • They will use tools like teacher surveys, a focus group and Map scores to evaluate the new math programs.
  • There seem to be some parent concern about the piolet in the sense that it is teaching math concepts differently than before and that some students have been doing different math programs for the last couple of years.
  • The superintendent stated that once we have picked a program the issue of different math programs should disappear. He stated that teachers have been in flux for the last couple of years with outdated materials.

Technology Update:

  • Currently all computer labs are scheduled for a refresh in 2016-2017 and ipads are scheduled for a refresh in 2017-2018.
  • There is 2.2 million budgeted for these projects
  • The district is piloting Google Chrome Books this year.
  • They chose the Chrome book because of emphasis on content, creation, and collaboration which fits our curriculum. Cost wise: 1 ipad= 2 Chromebooks; 1 laptop =3-4 Chromebooks
  • There are 300 new Google Chromebooks in the pilot this year, 60 for each piloted school.
  • Of the 60 per school, 30 are in a 1-to-1 pilot classroom and the other 30 are shared throughout the building.
  • 3 elementary schools (Pleasant Hill, Hunting Ridge, & Virginia Lake) and 2 junior highs have 60 Chrome Books available to teachers and students.

Life Safety:

  • Looking at repairs for all A items and some B items in the next two summers
  • The parent committee will meet to consider what B items the District should undertake after all A items are complete.
  • You can get more information on the website via the Life Safety link


  • Here Comes the Bus: Frequently Asked Questions document available on the website.