Jerry Seinfeld1,2, Elaine Benes3, Cosmo Kramer4, George Costanza1,3
1School of Medical and Molecular Biosciences, University of Technology Sydney, NSW, Australia
2 Molecular Mycology Research Laboratory, Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Sydney Medical School
3 Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Biosecurity, The Westmead Institute for Medical Research, NSW, Australia
4 Centre for Infectious Disease and Microbiology, Westmead Hospital, Westmead, NSW, Australia
Background:Insert one or two short sentences to introduce the topic under research. Remember to make this understandable to a broad range of researchers, most of whom will not be experts in your field and/or may be from entirely different health or medical science disciplines.
Aim & Objectives: State your overall aim and the specific objectives of the research described in this abstract. Any objectives presented here should be appropriately addressed in the results section.
Methods:Describe the methods used to address your research aims and objectives.Describe the methods used to address your research aims and objectives.Describe the methods used to address your research aims and objectives.Include any relevant information about data analysis and statistical tests performed to interrogate your data.
Results:Describe your key findings here, making sure that you have presented results that align with your stated objectives above. Include relevant numbers and statistics to support your statements. This section should make up the largest component of your abstract. Describe your key findings here, making sure that you have presented results that align with your stated objectives above. Include relevant numbers and statistics to support your statements. This section should make up the largest component of your abstract.This section should make up the largest component of your abstract.
Conclusion:Provide an overall conclusion based on the collective findings from your study, clearly stating how the results address your study aim.Please include a statement regarding the significance and/or translational nature of your research findings.
Please complete this checklist before submitting your abstract.
Step 1: Check your diary to ensure that you are available to presentyour research at New Horizons 2017.The conference dates are: Monday 20th November 2017 & Tuesday 21st November 2017
Step 2: Write your abstract (in English) using the template provided (max 250 words).
Do not alter the template. Delete the yellow ‘instruction’ textboxes prior to submission.
Step 3: Save your abstract as a Microsoft WORD FILE, labelled:NH2017_FIRSTNAME_SURNAME
Step 4: Complete (pay) your conference registration. Save a copy of your registration confirmation. Only registered conference attendees will be able to present their research (this applies to oral and poster presentations)
Step 5: Check your eligibility for any prizes (listed on conference website Attach evidence of eligibility, such as:
- letter from your PhD/Honours supervisor confirming your candidature
- for postdocs, any document confirming when your PhD was conferred
Step 6: Complete the following details so that we know who you are:
Your full nameYour institution / affiliation
Your researcher category / Undergraduate student (Bachelors/Honours candidate)
Postgraduate student (Master candidate)
Postgraduate student (PhD candidate)
Postdoctoral fellow/researcher
Research Assistant / Technical Officer
Your preferred presentation format / ORAL or POSTER or EITHER
Finally, email your abstract to by Monday23rd October 2017. Please attach:
- your abstract (using this template)
- confirmation of registration
- documents confirming your researcher category / eligibility for prizes
That’s it! The NH2017 Conference Organisers will confirm acceptance of your abstract, and your allocated presentation session details, by 3rd November 2017.
Thanks for your abstract submission. See you at the conference.