Mayor Alex B. MorseOffice of Planning and Economic Development
City of Holyoke Historical Commission
Holyoke Historical Commission
Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2018
Attendance:Richard Ahlstrom (Chairperson), Joe Paul, Alexandra Puffer, James Sheehan, Frances Welson, Chris Gauthier (Alternate), Dan Fitzgerald (Associate), Jean Jonker (Associate)
Absent: Paolo Ferrario
Municipal Staff: Debbie Oppermann (OPED)
Other Present: Jay Brienes, CEO Holyoke Health Center, Ed Parker & MarkHowland, McCormick & Allum Co., Olivia Mausel (former HHC member), Jean Jonker (HHC Associate), Kendall Lefebvre (resident Ward 5)
- Call to Order- Richard Ahlstrom called the meeting to order at 6:33pm.
- Review of December 11, 2017 Minutes- A motion was made by Alexandra Pufferand seconded by James Sheehan to approve the minutes for December 11, 2017, as amended (spelling under items 4. & 5c. and 8 lacks identification of the persons making & seconding the motion) The decision was unanimous.
- 245 High Street- Preliminary Rehab discussion- Jay Brienes stated that the HolyokeHealthCenter purchased this building, that is adjacent to the health center, in order to provide additional space for health center services (perhaps Optometry). He described the building in terms of it being narrow, and in need of a fair amount of rehab including stair treads (all are missing) so that at least the second floor can be used. He also said that the HealthCenter may be interested in pursuing historic rehabilitation tax credits and other sources of funding that will reduce buildout costs such as façade improvement funds.
Ed Parker and Mark Howland, representatives of McCormick & Allum, building contractors expressed their desire to adhere to the historical aesthetics of the exterior of the building. They showed a sample full divide Andersen window (grills permanently applied to the interior and exterior on the window) as well as historical photos of the building showing the original windows. Mr. Parker also stated that the top three windows can be reproduced
The Commission conveyed their appreciation to the HealthCenter for presenting their project, at least preliminarily, before commencing work there. They stated further that although the building is in a National Register Historic District, they do not have any regulatory authority over the proposed changes unless the HealthCenter opts to apply for Historic Tax Credits for the project. Then, through the MA Historical Commission (MHC) who oversees the state Historic Tax program, the Holyoke Historical Commission would be asked to review the project and provide comment to MHC. Mr. Brienes said that the HealthCenter used tax credits when rehabbing the Epstein building (corner of Dwight and High), so he is familiar with the program.
Frances Welson said that the Health Ctr might apply for Preservation Projects Fund offered by the MA Historical Commission, a funding resource for non-profits and municipalities for a variety of pre-development and development (construction) projects. She gave them a copy of an overview of the program.
Debbie Oppermann offered to compile information regarding the façade improvement program, the historic tax credit program and any other resources available and provide the information to Ed Parker.
- Acknowledgment - O. Mausel- Ms. Mausel’s most recent term came to an end with the December meeting, and the Commission enthusiastically agreed that it would like to formally acknowledge Olivia’s dedication to the Historical Commission over many years. Frances Welson noted the enormous amount of heart and hard work that Olivia devoted to the Commission and thanked her for it with all members echoing similar sentiments. Frances and Rich Alhstrom will follow-up with the Mayor on a formal recognition for Olivia.
Rich also noted that Joe Paul, whose term expired with December meeting, had agreed to continue to serve. Rich has asked Mayor Morse to reappoint him.
Chris Gauthier, who has been serving as an Alternate, expressed a desire to fill the vacant seat. Debbie will contact the Mayor about this appointment.
Frances expressed her concern that the Commission’s membership does not represent all areas of the City. She has spoken with the Mayor about this. There was a general consensus among Commissioners that greater representation would be enormously helpful with preservation work in the City. There was a brief discussion regarding ways of building awareness about preservation work in the City with everyone agreeing that it warranted a time at the February meeting.
Old Business
- Community Preservation Committee Update-There was no update from the Committee at this time.
- Follow-up on Archeological Accountability Policy- Debbie reported that she has provided a copy of the policy that Olivia Mausel brought to last month’s meeting, to the City Solicitor’s office for a review. Olivia Mausel asked if the Commission would like Bud Driver, of Deerfield, who works closely with archeological matters in the Valley, to attend the next meeting. Consensus was that one of the attorney’s from the Solicitor’s office attend the next meeting to hear first-hand from the Commission and Mr. Driver. Debbie will make arrangements.
- Historic Preservation Plan-Debbie Oppermann showed the Commission a copy of the printed plan and reiterated that it had been posted on the Holyoke Redevelopment Authority’s website. Some Commissioners commented that they had taken a look at the copy emailed to them last Friday. All agreed that the plan should be posted in a more accessible, resident-friendly place on the City’s website. Debbie will make this request to Eileen Pooler, the web content manager for the City.
Update on 348 Chestnut Street project- Debbie pointed out that both the CLG opinion form and the letter in support of tax credits for this project were in the meeting packet.
- New Business
Preservation Projects Fund (PPF) Grant – The meeting packet included an overview of a grant opportunity for pre-development and development costs associated with the preservation of historic properties, through the MA Historical Commission, due March 23rd. Rich reported that there are several workshops being held by MHC to explain the grant and encouraged members to attend if possible. Joe Paul said that he’d like the Commission to consider working with the Historic District Commission to apply for PPF funds to draft a preliminary report required to create a historic district around the Richardson Train Station Joe and Jim Sheehan also supported the idea of applying for funds to update the city’s historic inventory. There will be further discussion regarding the PPF on the February agenda.
- Next Meeting- February 12, 2018
- Adjourn- With no other business in Regular Session,a motion was made by Frances Welson, seconded by Joe Paul to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. The decision was unanimous.
Submitted by,
Debbie U. Oppermann
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