SECTION 1. No home shall be placed on any lot unless such home is a single story, single family home at least 700 square feet of the conditioned area, exclusive of open porches, carports, etcetera. Flood damaged homes where cost to restore exceeds 50% of market value as determined by Wakulla County, must be rebuilt at 20' above mean sea level (msl). One story mobile home height determination begins at top of foundation, and must not exceed 16'.

There will be three classes of installations:

Class (A) Installation(36” to ground) - GRANDFATHER STATUS: As a pre-existing mobile home park (prior to 1981) we are permitted to replace our mobile home units at ground grade (presently 36" between underside steel to ground). A class “A” type of installation is one where the owner is voluntarily replacing the home and is not subject to the 50% restoration rule as determined by Wakulla County regulations and the owner chooses to replace an existing home at the lowest possible level.

Class (B) Installation–(8’ Parking Clearance) GRANDFATHER STATUS: This type of installation is one where the owner is voluntarily replacing the home and is not subject to the 50% restoration rule as determined by Wakulla County regulations, and the owner chooses to replace an existing home at a height greater than a Class “A” installation (36”), but does not want to install the home as high as a Class “C” (20’ above msl). In a class “B” installation the clearance or distance between the finished grade of the concrete slab or parking area below the home and the bottom of the lowest cross member of the supporting structure is to be a minimum of 8 feet. It is the intent of Class “B” installations to provide adequate height for parking under the house. Class “B” installations also require concrete pilings and tie beam or an engineered masonry foundation to provide mobile home foundation.

Class (C) Installation -.(20’ + above msl) FEMA FLOOD CONFORMANCE STATUS: In a Class “C” installation these specifications require concrete pilings and tie beam or an engineered masonry foundation to provide mobile home foundation a minimum of 20' above msl. 20' msl is measured from the bottom of tie beam not including support piling. Top of mobile home foundation shall not exceed 24' above mean sea level.

SECTION 2. No mobile home shall be placed on any lot unless such mobile home has been manufactured by a company engaged in the manufacture of mobile homes. Such homes shall be all electric and conform to latest FEMA/HUD standards for a coastal “V-20" flood zone classification.

It is the intention of this specification to prohibit the placing of any “homemade mobile home” or any home other than a mobile home on any of the aforesaid lots. All homes shall be of new construction at the time they are placed in the subdivision; no used homes shall be allowed. All homes located on lots prior to the date of adoption of these specifications shall be presumed to comply with this requirement. All homes shall be of new construction and not previously titled at the time they are placed in the subdivision.



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SECTION 3. Only floating docks or piers protruding no more than 25 feet from the canal side of seawall with prior written approval of the Association Architectural Control Committee (ACC) will be permitted.

The upland lot owner has riparian rights to the adjacent water bottoms. The area provided for docks and boat lifts is determined by extending the existing lots lines at the point of intersection with the landside edge of the seawall (bulkhead), at a 90 degree angle to the seawall to a point 25 feet from the canal side of the seawall. No physical improvements in the canal are permitted beyond 25' from seawall. Setback from parallel lot line extensions, canal side of seawall is 1 foot.

Boathouses or covered docks shall not be permitted. No attachment of any kind may be made to the seawall itself - this includes plugging of the weep holes with water or electric lines or piping. Any existing, new or addition thereto of a boat dock or pier in a canal adjacent to a lot shall be properly maintained by and be the legal responsibility of the owner. Major repair, replacement, enlargement, etc., of existing docks requires Architectural Control Committee approval before construction begins including floatation (no exposed styrofoam). Existing boat davits may remain. New davit installations require design by certified engineer.


Class (A) Installation - Each home shall have a carport and screen room of a construction and appearance similar to existing homes or as approved by the Association Architectural Control Committee. Screen room or Florida Room floor and/or deck may not extend higher than floor level of living area of mobile home.

Class (B) & (C) Installations - Concrete paved area beneath mobile home footprint will provide off-street parking. No carport as in Class (A) is required. Screen room of a construction and appearance similar to existing homes, or as approved by the Architectural Control Committee is required.

Note: All Classes of installations must accommodate vehicle parking in a carport or beneath mobile home in such a manner that there is no parking on any grassed area or street. Overflow parking must utilize the pool side parking lot.

SECTION 5. No home, wall, deck or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon the properties; nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration thereof may be made until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials and location of the same shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures, topography and conformity of construction by the Association Architectural Control Committee. If requested by the Architectural Control Committee, plans must include a non-reduced, to scale, sketch of existing and proposed improvements superimposed upon a certified survey of subject property.

Additions of conventional construction for conditioned living space to existing mobile homes is prohibited. Under carport roof creation of enclosed storage room(breakaway construction) is permitted subject to ACC approval. Remaining carport area must accommodate at least one standard size automobile.



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Architectural Control Committee issued approvals are valid for 6 months from date of issue whereupon, with valid cause, and unchanged conditions of the original issue, an extension may be granted upon receiving a written request. Applications for Architectural Control Committee approval must be submitted in triplicate.


Class (A) Installation - All homes shall have a decorative type skirting so that the undercarriage and wheels are covered and not visible. The decorative skirting shall be of masonry construction on a concrete footer extending from the ground to the underside of exterior walls with county approved vent system and scuttle hole for access. All hitches shall be removed when the home is placed on the lot. Compliance with these specifications including decorative skirting materials, shall be approved by the Association Architectural Control Committee and shall be completed prior to occupancy of the home.

Class (B & C) Installations - Units on piling/tie beam construction must keep the tie beam to ground area clear of visual obstruction with following exceptions:

(1) One storage building of building code required break-away construction not to exceed50% of the total area of the footprint of the house as approved by the Architectural Control Committee.

(2) Parked vehicles or marine craft.

(3) Elevator enclosure (hoist way) 6'x7' maximum footprint; including support pilings to align with length of storage space where practical. The area for the elevator enclosure and equipment facility is to be included in the 50% total as provided in (1) above.

(4) Underside of all Class (B & C) installations (elevated) must be sealed with Architectural Control Committee approved material and utility lines, air conditioning, ducts, anchors, etc., must be hidden from view.

SECTION 7. The Association Architectural Control Committee shall respond to all written requests for construction plan approval within 30 days after such requests are made to the committee. Such approval or action by the committee shall not be unreasonably withheld and the committee shall have the right to approve or disapprove for any reason, including purely aesthetic reasons.

Appeals Process - While the Architectural Control Committee is an autonomous function of the Association, an appeals process, within the Association is available to applicants. This process begins with a written report outlining applicant’s position including all documents, exhibits, etc., mailed to the Association 30 days prior to a regular or special Board meeting, attention the President, with sufficient copies for all Board members and the Architectural Control Committee. The Board has 20 days after receipt for review, concurrence, and/or request for Architectural Control Committee re-analysis of the application based on existing, new or previously unavailable or undisclosed information. The Architectural Control Committee has 20 days to respond and in the event there is no change in ACC findings, the Board (with a majority vote) may override the Architectural Control Committee. Vote of the individual Board



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members will be duly recorded in the meeting minutes and retained in Association records. This concludes the ACC appeals process the framework of the Covenants and Restrictions of the Paradise Village Homeowner’s Association.

SECTION 8. All visible and/or structural changes to improvements including new mobile home installations must meet Wakulla County Building Code requirements and must be approved in advance by the permitting process. The Architectural Control Committee reviews only exterior improvements. Any exterior change requiring a County permit shall be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Control Committee to ensure harmony with surrounding structures. New to be installed mobile homes must meet the most recent, FEMA, HUD, State and County code requirements for mobile homes placed in the Paradise Village at Shell Point Community.

SECTION 9. No mobile home (ClassA orBor C installation) placed on any lot shall violate the setback requirements of the Wakulla County Zoning and Planning Regulations or any other regulatory body having jurisdiction.

Setbacks are (RM-1 Zoned):

(1) 25' from land side edge of seawall

(2) 8' side lot line

(3) 15' street right of way

Note: The ACC will consider reasonable variances where justifiable circumstances exist.

Special Circumstances:

The Association Board and the Architectural Control Committee recognize certain lots at either end of the Village’s finger canals are pie-shaped, triangulated and otherwise difficult to place new mobile homes upon based on RMH-1 zoning requirements. The lot numbers are Lots 1, 27, 28,29, 31, 32, 58, 59, 61 and 84. Additional lots on which a justifiable hardship is claimed, may be included at the discretion of the Association Board.

Every effort must be made by the owner of a lot qualifying under “Special Circumstances” to conform by selecting a mobile home sized to meet existing setback requirements. If in the opinion of the ACC, the Association Board after owner efforts to acquire a new mobile home including one designed to conform to required setbacks, that a reasonable setback variance (not to exceed 20% is needed), the Association Board will issue a letter to owner stating an acceptable setback variance which owner must include with application to the Wakulla County Zoning Department requesting said variance. Wakulla County Zoning Department concurrence and approval is mandatory, copy of which owner must provide to the Architectural Control Committee prior to proceeding with installation.

Other variances may be considered but are discouraged, and are not a matter of right. All variances must be approved by the Association Board.



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Appurtenances: - (Class (A) and (B) and (C) Installations)

(1) Roof overhangs, including gutters, may encroach by 16"(inches) on the side line setback.

(2) Window awnings may encroach by 36" (inches) on the side line setback.

(3) Every effort must be made to incorporate air conditioning equipment within buildable footprint of mobile home, however, in the event of Board approved hardship, sidewall attachment not to extend more than 48" (inches) onto the side line setback area will be permitted. Air conditioning unitsand window awnings may not extend into side setbacks if a variance to the side setback has been approved. Air conditioning installation is prohibited on the canal side of a mobile home.


Class (A) and (B) and (C) Installations.Large growth trees may not be planted within 20’ of the seawall.” Plants should be confined to delineated beds in order to permit Association mowing of open uncluttered areas by riding mowers.

Class (A) Installation; Off street parking must be confined to carport and driveway.

Class (B and C) Installations. Off street parking shall be confined to under structure and driveway(s).


Class (A) and (B) and (C) Installations. Decks, porches, raised sidewalks, screen rooms, stairs, landings, elevator enclosures, etc., are prohibited from overhanging or encroaching upon setback areas. Permitted encroachments and extent thereof are set forth under appurtenances unless approved by the Board and Wakulla County.

Construction: Permitted between sun up and sun down.

SECTION 10. Existing improvements that do not conform to current setback/code requirements are classified as “non-conforming”. Such improvements, upon replacement, will be required to meet all setback, building code, and covenants and restriction requirements then in effect.

SECTION 11. No home shall be placed on any lot unless it has complete sanitary facilities which shall include lavatory, water closet, tub or shower and kitchen sink, is all electric and all such sanitary facilities must be in operable condition prior to occupancy of the home.

SECTION 12. All buyers or purchasers of lots, including their heirs, successors and assigns, shall be required to use and pay for water and sewer service provided by the utility company of record. All buyers or purchasers of lots shall be required to pay any deposits or tap-in fees by a municipal or private utility company prior to moving any home onto any lot in said subdivision, and also pay promptly all monthly charges for service. Buyers or purchasers shall make all payments due to the utility company for sewage service so provided. There shall be no septic tanks located on or used on any lot of this subdivision.

SECTION 13. All boats or trailers or boat trailers shall be stored and placed in the carport area of the home site or on existing concrete pads or in the Associations designated parking areas



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SECTION 14. There shall be no television antennas or satellite dishes within the subdivision except small 18" dish units.

SECTION.15. Paradise Village was platted (lot size) to accommodate pick and shovel foundation work for mobile home ground grade installation. The current need for pilings to elevate homes over 36 inches above grade and up to 20 feetabove mean sea level entails the following conditions:

(1) Concrete pre-cast pile installed per County Building Department specifications.

(2) Driven, jetted or otherwise installed piling must be installed pursuant to and approved Wakulla County and a certified Florida Licensed Engineer.

SECTION 16. No fences shall be constructed on an individuals subdivision lot.

SECTION 17. The effective date of these Home and Lot Development Specifications is the first full24 hour day after they are approved.(Revised and approved 12/10/06)


Alan Lamarche Chair 850-926-1449

All Plans and Specifications should be mailed to:


6 Janet Drive

Crawfordville, Florida 32327