President’s Letter

Anna Benitez

In 1947

Harry Truman was President

Pope Pius XII was Pope

A supposed downed extraterrestrial spacecraft is reportedly found in Roswell, New Mexico

The first Tony Awards were awarded in New York

Jackie Robinson signs a historical contract with the Brooklyn Dodgers and the World Series is seen on TV for the first time.

And according to a newspaper clipping dated January 28, 1947, “An auxiliary and several circles of St. Paul’s Catholic Church were organized at a meeting held at the Parish hall Monday afternoon.”

The article went on to say that Father C.J. Murphy, Pastor, outlined the objectives for the organization and the Parish. He asked for cooperation in raising funds to build a school. A Board of Directors was elected for the organization and by-laws were on the agenda.

In the next year the “Guild” expanded its activities to include a clothing drive for Europe and representatives were sent to the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Conference.

In 1949, the Guild voted to become affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women. As the membership grew, more projects became possible. These included comfort bags for the VA Hospital, sponsorship of a Brownie Troop, layettes for Catholic Charities and in 1952 the organization began sponsoring monthly suppers in the Parish.

St. Paul’s CCW is 70 years old this year! Serving this Parish, community and more. The women of the Parish should be proud of all we and our sisters have accomplished with our time, talent and treasure!


This month we are shining the spotlight on one of our most fun circles!

St. Theresa’s Circle with an interview with Virginia Maxted.

St. Theresa's Circle is CCW's Sewing Circle. What does that entail?

Both working on your project at home and monthly at the group meeting. We give lessons in knit, crochet and quilting if you want to learn a new art. We all have a love of fabric and yarn so you can work in your own medium. Everything you need is provided by the Circle through donations from friends and parishioners.

You seem to have a lot of fun at your meetings. When and where do you meet and what do you do during the meetings?

We meet in Murphy Hall on the last Monday of the month, year round. We start at 10 a.m. and you can stay as long as you like until 12:30 p.m. Hot and cold drinks are provided as are sweet treats. Some bring their own projects and work on them. Most of the time we have community work that takes many hands so everyone can work at their own speed.

Is it just sewing or do you do other handwork during your meetings?

Yes, we have several sewing machines but some of the larger fabric articles also need people at the ironing boards or selectingfabrics. We always need someone to sort the donations of yarn and fabric and notions. We average around a dozen ladies per meeting but have room for 20.

What are some of the more interesting sewing projects the circle has done?

Our twin bedquilts we made for the women and men of theCenacolo Communities, in St. Augustine, are works of art and our largest giveaways. We made new aprons for St. Martha Circle and new larger altar cloths to accommodate the additionalEucharistic vessels. We have been making baby blankets for Women's Help Center for as long as I have been at St. Pauls, 2001. About 3 years ago we heard of a service: Angel Gowns "re-imaging donated wedding gowns" into garments made for families experiencing the loss of a newborn. Avante Nursing Home and Ronald McDonald House get afghans year round. Caps and scarves of all sizes are always welcome.

Why are you named St. Theresa's Circle?

I honestly do not know. When I came, Marge Modesky was the leader of our group.She was God's gift to the parish and community.

If you are interested in joining our group, contact Judy Rees at 221-6690.



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St. Bernadette –This circle is a group of volunteers who clean the sanctuary and sacristy on Friday mornings following the 8a.m. Mass.If you are interested in volunteering with this great group, please contact Jan DeVos 568-1322.

Legislation–Legislative issues are focused on educating all Catholics about their moral responsibility as faithful citizens to be involved in the political process.Promoting participation in activities such as Catholic Days at the Capitol, in Tallahassee, organizing voter registration drives in the parish, or encouraging prayer for those seeking election are some of the services these volunteers provide. WE ARE IN NEED OF A LEGISLATION CHAIR. IF THIS IS YOUR INTEREST OR PASSION PLEASE CALL ANNA BENITEZ 904-333-6305

St. Nicholas–This group volunteers for the Religious Article Shop which is at the back of the church. If you want to volunteer for 15 minutes after a mass, contact Arddy Farrell at

631 -8260 to find out how easy this service to our parishioners can be.


St. Martha – We provide the funeral receptions at the Family Life Center for parishioners that request this service. WE ARE LOOKING FOR A VOLUNTEER TO CALL COOKERS WHEN A RECEPTION IS SCHEDULED. IF YOU LIKE TALKING ON THE PHONE AND ARE INTERSTED IN THIS POSITION, PLEASE CALL JANET WILLIAMS 904-233-7224.

St. Theresa –St. Theresa Circle meets the last Monday of the month in Murphy Hall.Please see a more in-depth interview with Virginia on the following page to learn more. We work on sewing, crocheting, knitting projects. All equipment and supplies are provided. If you have a portable sewing machine and prefer to use it, please bring. We make items for the Mass services, St. Martha receptions, Avante, Ronald McDonald House, Women’s Help Center and many more. Please join us as lessons are ongoing. For more information, please call Virginia at 992-1171 or Judy at 221-6690.

St. Elizabeth – We are a group of volunteers who not only contribute our time, but who are dedicated to sharing God’s caring compassion with the residents at Avante Villa Nursing Home. These caring volunteers assist Catholic residents by helping them get to Mass, which is held in Avante’s dining area. In addition, they also make special visits to residents throughout the year, on special holidays, for those who have few or no visitors. Volunteers are welcome and appreciated by the residents. Contact Carol McNamara if you are interested in volunteering 904-821-4074.

Bereavement Ministry - This grief support group meets at St. Paul’s Catholic Church on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00pm in Room 102 of the Family Life Center. The group welcomesmen and women grieving the loss of a family member or friend. For more information, please call Kathy Borkowski at 904-553-8933 or Catherine Bennett at 904-247-0665.