1. Introduction:
1.1NationalServiceScheme(NSS)waslaunchedintheyear1969(Mahatma Gandhi’sBirthCentenaryyear),withthe primary objectiveofdevelopingthe personalityandcharacterofthestudentyouththroughvoluntary community service.TheideologicalorientationoftheNSSisinspiredby theidealsof MahatmaGandhi.Very appropriately,themottoofNSSis“NOTME,BUT YOU”.
1.2Programme Structure: NSS is being implemented in Senior Secondary Schools,CollegesandUniversities.The designoftheNSSenvisagesthat each educationalinstitutioncoveredunder the Scheme hasatleastone NSSunit comprising ofnormally 100studentvolunteers,led by ateacherdesignatedas ProgrammeOfficer(PO). Each NSSunitadopts avillageorslumfortaking up itsactivities.AnNSSvolunteerisrequiredtoundertakethefollowing work/ activities:
120hoursofcommunityserviceperyearfortwoyears,i.e.,total240 hours.Thisworkisundertakeninvillages/slumsadoptedby NSSunitor school/college campuses, usuallyafter studyhours or during weekends.
SpecialCampingProgramme: EachNSSunitorganisesaSpecialCamp of7days’durationinadoptedvillagesorurbanslumsduringvacations with some specific86projects byinvolvingthelocal communities. Each volunteer is requiredtoparticipate ina SpecialCamponce duringthe 2- year period.
1.3NatureofActivitiesunderNSS:Briefly,theNSSvolunteersworkonissues ofsocial relevance, whichkeepevolvingin responsetotheneedsofthe community, through regular and special camping activities. Such issues include(i)literacy andeducation,(ii)health,family welfareandnutrition,(iii) environment conservation, (iv)social serviceprogrammes, (v)programmesfor empowermentof women,(vi)programmesconnectedwitheconomic development activities, (vii) rescueand relief duringcalamities, etc.
2. ObjectiveofIndiraGandhiNSS(IGNSS)Awards:
Theobjectiveof IGNSSAwardsistorecogniseandrewardoutstanding contributionstowardsvoluntarycommunityservicemadeby theUniversities/ SeniorSecondary (+2)Councils,NSSUnits/ProgrammeOfficersandNSS Volunteers, with aviewto furtherpromoteNSS.
3. NatureofAwards:
Thefollowing Awards are conferredevery year:
S.No / Category / No. of
Awards / ValueofAward
1. / University/
+2Council / 02 / First Award: Rs.2,00,000/- (for NSS
ProgrammeDevelopment)withaTrophy tothe University/ +2 Council.
A Certificate and a Silver Medal to the
Second Award: Rs.1,00,000 lakh (for NSSProgramme Development)witha Trophyto theUniversity/+2 Council.
A Certificate and a Silver Medal to the
2. / NSSUnitsand
their Programme Officers / 10
10 / Rs.70,000/-to each NSS Unit (For NSS
ProgrammeDevelopment), with a Trophy. Rs. 20,000/- toeachProgrammeOfficer withaCertificateand aSilver Medal.
3. / NSS
Volunteers / 30 / Rs. 15,000/- to each Volunteer, with a
Certificate andaSilverMedal.
Inadditiontotheabove,CertificatesofAppreciationaresometimesgivento averylimited number ofnominees.
4. CriteriaforEligibilityandPerformanceEvaluation:
4.1 University/ +2 Council:
4.1.1 EligibilityConditions:Thefollowingconditionsshouldbefulfilledinorder to be eligiblefor consideration for theAward:
a) TheUniversity (whichshouldbedulyrecognisedbyUGC/Central/State Government)/+Councilshouldbe implementingNSSprogrammes continuously foratleastlast5years(includingtheyearforwhichthe Awards arebeing conferred).
b) The University/+Councilshouldhavea minimumstrengthof 5,000NSS volunteers(asonthelastdate oftheyearforwhichtheAwardsare being conferred).
c) The University/+Councilshouldhave achievedatleast75% of theNSS enrolmentandSpecialCamping targetsforlast3years(includingtheyear for which the Award is being conferred).
d) At least 75% of the NSS volunteers enrolled under the University/
+Councilshouldhavecompleted 240hours ofvolunteershipandspecial campingduring last3years(includingtheyearforwhichtheAwardis being conferred).
e) TheNSSfunctionariesundertheUniversity/+Councilshouldnothave beenconvictedbyacourtoflawandthereshouldnotbeany case/ investigation pendingagainstanyof them.
f)TheUniversity/+CouncilthathasalreadybeenconferredwiththeIGNSS Award,shallnotbeeligiblefor theAward againfor aperiodoftenyears after theyear for which theAward was conferred.
4.1.2 Criteria forPerformanceEvaluation: ThePerformanceof theUniversities/
+Councilsshallbeevaluatedbasedofobjectivecriteria,including their achievementsinplantationof saplings,blooddonation,organisationof health/ eye/immunisation camps,organisationof awarenessprogrammes/rallies/ campaignsonvariousissues,creationof durableassetsthroughshramadaan, organisation of national-level programmes and other outstanding achievements.Theachievementsduringlast3years(including theyearfor which theAwardis beingconferred)shall betaken into account forthis purpose.
4.2 NSSUnits andtheir ProgrammeOfficers:
4.2.1 EligibilityConditions:Thefollowingconditionsshouldbefulfilledinorder to be eligiblefor consideration for theAward:
a) TheNSSUnittobeconsideredfortheAwardshallbeasingleNSSUnit.
Thus,incaseaProgrammeOfficerisin-chargeofmorethanoneNSS Unitsforanyreason,oneofsuchUnitsshouldbeidentifiedandallthe data should befurnishedforthat particular unit only.
b) TheNSSUnitshouldhavebeeninexistencecontinuously foratleast5 years (includingtheyearfor which the Awards are being conferred).
c) ThevolunteerstrengthoftheNSSUnitshouldbe asperguidelinesduring last 3years (includingtheyearfor which the Awards arebeing conferred).
d) TheNSSUnitshould haveadoptedavillage/slumasperguidelinesand achievedSpecialCampingtargetsduringlast3years(includingtheyear forwhich the Award is being conferred).
e) The Programme Officershouldhave completedatleast2years(asonthe lastdateoftheyearforwhichtheAwardisbeing conferred)asthe ProgrammeOfficeroftheparticularNSSUnitwhichisbeing considered forthe Award.
f) TheProgrammeOfficershould havebeen trainedat an ETI.
g) TheProgrammeOfficershouldnothavebeenconvicted by acourtoflaw and thereshould not beanycase/ investigation pendingagainsthim/ her.
4.2.2 CriteriaforPerformanceEvaluation: ThePerformanceoftheNSSUnit shallbeevaluatedbasedofobjectivecriteria,including theirachievementsin plantationof saplings,blooddonation,organisationof health/ eye/ immunisation camps, organisation ofawareness programmes/ rallies/ campaignsonvariousissues,creationofdurableassetsthroughshramadaan
andotheroutstanding achievements.Theachievementsduringlast3years (including theyearforwhichtheAwardisbeingconferred)shallbetakeninto account for this purpose.
4.3 NSSVolunteers:
4.3.1 EligibilityConditions:Thefollowingconditionsshouldbefulfilledinorder to be eligiblefor consideration for theAward:
a) The NSSVolunteershouldhavecompleted2years’ volunteershipunder NSSduring theyearforwhichAwardisbeingconferred(sincethe Award is conferred for aparticularyear, volunteers completingtheirvolunteership priorto thatyearcannotbe considered fortheAward).
b)TheNSSVolunteershouldhavecompletedminimum240 hoursof communityserviceduringthe 2consecutiveyearsof volunteership.
c) TheNSSVolunteer should have attendedat leastoneSpecial Camp.
d) The NSSVolunteershouldhaveattendedatleastone National/Regional NSSprogramme like R.D/ Pre-RD Parade Camps,NSSMega Camps, NorthEastYouthFestivals,NationalYouthConvention/ Suvichar under National Youth Festival,AdventureCamps, etc.
e) The NSSVolunteersshouldnotbe more than25yearsof age(28yearsin caseofSC/ST)asonthelastdateofthefinancialyearforwhichthe Award is beingconferred.
f)TheNSSVolunteershouldnothavebeenconvictedbyacourtoflawand thereshould not be anycase/ investigation pendingagainsthim/ her.
4.3.2 Criteria for Performance Evaluation: The Performance of the NSS Volunteershallbeevaluatedbasedofobjectivecriteria,including their achievementsinplantationof saplings,blooddonation,attending health/eye/ immunisation camps,attendingawarenessprogrammes/rallies/ campaigns on variousissuesandotheroutstanding achievements.Theachievementsshallbe consideredfor the2-yearvolunteershipperiod,whichshouldfallwithinlast3 years (includingtheyearfor which the Award is being conferred).
5. ProcedureforSelection:
5.1SelectionCommittees: Theselectionshallbedonethroughamulti-stage objective selection process, starting with senior secondaryschool/ college level and going up to National level. The composition of Selection Committees at various levels shallbe as follows:
a) At the College/ School level, the Committee shall comprise of the PrincipaloftheCollege/School(chairperson), theProgrammeOfficer (convenor) and aneminent person.
b) AttheUniversity/+2CouncilLevel,theCommitteeshallcompriseofthe
Vice Chancellor/ Head of the +2 Council (chairperson), Programme
Development Counciland 2 eminent persons.
c) AttheStateLevel,theCommitteeshallcompriseoftheSecretaryin- chargeofNSS(chairperson), StateLiaisonOfficer(convenor),Head of NSSRegional Centre,Director ofHigher/ School Education, Director/ Coordinator ofthe ETI(s) concernedand 2 eminent persons.
d) AttheNationalLevel,theCommitteeshallcompriseoftheSecretary, YouthAffairs(chairperson), Joint Secretary,YouthAffairs, Programme Adviser,NSS,Secretary,UGC,Secretary,AIUand2eminentpersons. TheUnder Secretary, NSSshallfunction as convenor of theCommittee.
5.2OtherGuidelines/Instructions: Someotherguidelines/instructionsinthis regardare as follows:
a) The States/UTsshould notrecommendany casewhereeventheminimum eligibilityconditions, asspecified Para-4.1.1, 4.2.1 and 4.3.1 arenot met.
b) EachState/UTcanrecommendmaximumoneUniversity/+2Council,2
Boysand2Girls). Recommendationsinexcessofthisnumbershallbe rejected outright.
c) Therecommendations should be arranged in theorder ofmerit.
d) CheckList(asapplicable) should befilledupinprescribedproformaand attached with theProposal.
6. Submissionof Nominationsandrelatedmatters:
6.1Thenominations fortheAwardshall be furnished to theMinistryin the enclosed prescribed Proforma alongwithdulyfilled-up Checklists.
6.2TheselectedAwardeesshallbeinvitedforNationalAwardsCeremonyand willbeentitledtotravelbyEconomy ClassAirFareforViceChancellorsand ProgrammeCoordinators, by IIACforCollege/SchoolPrincipals and ProgrammeOfficersandbyIIIACforNSSVolunteersby shortestroute.In case of NE States,Air Travelwillbe allowedbetweentheconcerned Stateand Guwahati/Kolkata(toandfro),beyondwhichthejourney istobeundertaken bytrain.
Paste Passport Size PHOTO
1. / Name ofthe State/ UT2. / Name oftheUniversity/+2 Council, with
address and other contactparticulars
3. / NameoftheVice-Chancellor/Directorof
Senior Secondary Education/ Chairperson of +2 Council(with contact particulars)
4. / NameoftheProgrammeCoordinator(with
contact particulars)
5. / DatefromwhichUniversity/+2Councilis
operatingNSS Programmes
6. / (a) Number of NSS units under the
University/ +2 Council;
(b) Total number of colleges/ schools havingNSS
7. / Whether strength of NSS units is as per
[Please indicate allocationof targetand actual enrolment during 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15]
8. / Adoption of Villages/ Slums and
completion ofSpecial Campingtargets
[Pleaseindicatetargetsfor adoptionof villages/slumsandSpecialCamping and actualachievementduring2012-13,2013-
14 and 2014-15]
9. / %ofvolunteerscompleting240hoursof
volunteership and special campingtargets?
[Please indicate percentage for the years
2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15]
10. / Whether theNSSfunctionariesunderthe University/ +2Councilhavebeen convicted by acourtoflaw oranycase/investigation is pendingagainstanyofthem?
[Certificatefromthecompetentauthorityof the Universityto be attached]
11. / Performance/SignificantAchievementsof
2013-14 and 2014-15 (Extra sheets for details of the achievements):
a) Plantation (No. of Programmes organised and saplings planted)
b) Blood Donation (No. of Camps organised and blood units donated)
c) Health/ Eye/ Immunisations Camps
(No. ofCamps organised)
d) Awareness Programmes (AIDS/ Environment/ Others)(No. of Programmes organised)
e) Creation of Duration Assets(Estimated value ofAssets)
f) National level Programmes organised
(Names ofProgrammes)
g)Awards received(Detailsof Awards received)
h) Other Outstanding Achievements
(Details of achievements).
12. / Whether the duly filled check list
attached? / Yes/ No
13. / Other Remarks, ifany
Signatures ofthe
Signatureofthe Vice
Chancellor/ Chairman
Signatureofthe SLO
Signatureofthe Competent
Authority inthe State/ UT
Nameofthe University/+2 Council:
A. Eligibility Criteria:
S. No / Parameter / Factual Position1. / WhethertheUniversity(whichhasbeendulyrecognised)/+2
CouncilhasbeenoperatingNSSProgrammescontinuouslyfor last at least5years, i.e. during2010-11and onwards. / Yes/ No
2. / WhetherUniversity/+2CouncilhasNSSvolunteerstrengthof minimum 5,000 volunteers(as on 31.03.2015)? / Yes/ No
3. / WhetherUniversity/+2Councilhasachievedatleast75%of theenrolmentandspecialcamping targetsforlast3years,i.e. during2012-13, 2013-142014-15? / Yes/ No
4. / Whether at least 75% of the enrolled Volunteers have completed240hoursof volunteershipandspecialcampingfor last 3years, i.e. during2012-13, 2013-14 &2014-15? / Yes/ No
5. / Whether the University/ +2 Council has received IG NSS Award duringlast 10years, i.e. during2014-05 onwards. / Yes/ No
6. / Whether the NSS functionaries under the University/ +2
investigation is pending againstanyof them? / Yes/ No
B. Performance/ Achievements(during last 3 years):
S. No / Parameter / Factual Position2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
1. / Plantation:
a) No. ofplantation programmes organised.
b) No. ofSaplings planted in theseprogrammes.
2. / Blood Donation:
a) No. ofBlood Donation Camps organised.
b) Blood Donated in the Camps (No. ofUnits).
3. / Health/ Eye/Immunisation Camps:
a) No. ofCamps organised
4. / Awareness Programmes/ Rallies/ Campaignsorganised:
a) AIDS Awareness (No. of Programmes)
b) Environment Awareness(No. ofProgrammes) c) Other Awareness Programmes (Please indicate the name of the Awareness Programme and number of programmes
5. / Creation ofDurable Assets:
a) Estimated Value ofthe Assets created (Rs.).
6. / Awards:
a) National level NSS Programmes organised
(Pleaseindicate names ofsuch Programmes)
b) Awards at State level and above (Please indicate thenames of theAwards)
7. / Other OutstandingAchievements
(Please indicate details of each such achievement)
Note: Thedetailsmentionedaboveshouldtallywiththosegiveninthemainproposal.In caseof major deviation, theproposalwillbeliableto rejection.
SignatureofCompetentAuthority in State/UT (with officeseal)
Paste Passport Size PHOTO
1. / Name ofthe State/ UT2. / Name oftheUniversity/+2 Council
3. / NameoftheCollege/School(withaddressand
other contact particulars)
4. / NameofthePrincipalofCollege/School(with
contact particulars)
5. / Name, Sex (Male/ Female) and contact
particulars of theProgrammeOfficer.
6. / NameofNSSUnitwhichisbeingrecommended
forAwardanddatefromwhichtheNSSUnitis in existence.*
7. / PeriodofServiceasProgrammeOfficerofthe
NSSunit / From: To:
8. / Whether the Programme Officer is trained at
ETI? / Yes/ No
9. / Whether strength of NSS unit being
recommended for Award is as per guidelines duringlast 3years?
[Pleaseindicateallocationoftargetandactual enrolmentduringlast3yearsi.e.during2012-
13, 2013-14 &2014-15]
10. / AdoptionofVillages/Slumsandcompletionof
Special Campingagainsttargets
[PleaseindicatetargetofSpecialCampingand actual achievementduring last3yearsi.e.during
2012-13, 2013-14 &2014-15]
11. / Whether the Programme Officer has been
convicted by a court of law or any case/
investigation is pending againsthim/ her?
College/ School to be attached].
12. / Performance/ Significant Achievements of the
NSSUnitduring2012-13,2013-14and2014-15 (Extrasheets fordetails of the achievements):
a) Plantation (No. of Programmes organised and saplings planted)
b) Blood Donation (No. of Camps organised and blood units donated)
c) Health/Eye/ImmunisationsCamps(No.of
Camps organised)
d) Awareness Programmes (AIDS/ Environment/Others) (No.of Programmes organised)
e) Creationof DurationAssets(Estimatedvalue of Assets)
f)Awards received (Details of Awards received)
g) OtherOutstanding Achievements(Detailsof achievements).
13. / Whether the duly filled-up Check List has
beenattached? / YES/NO
14. / Other Remarks, ifany
*The NSSUnittobe consideredfor the Awardshallbe a single NSSUnit.Thus,incase a ProgrammeOfficerisin-chargeofmorethanoneNSSUnitsforanyreason,oneofsuch UnitsshouldbeidentifiedandallthedatainthisProformashould befurnishedfor that particularunitonly.
Signatureofthe P.O. SignatureofthePrincipal Signatures ofthe
IndiraGandhiNSSAwardsforNSS Unit/ProgrammeOfficers
Nameofthe NSSUnit andProgrammeOfficer:
The NSSUnitto beconsideredfor theAwardshallbeasingleNSSUnit.Thus,incasea ProgrammeOfficerisin-chargeofmorethanoneNSSUnitsforanyreason,oneofsuch UnitsshouldbeidentifiedandallthedatainthisChecklistshouldbefurnishedfor that particularunitonly.
A. Eligibility Criteria:
S. No / Parameter / Factual Position1. / Whether theNSSUnithasbeeninexistencecontinuouslyfor 5 yearspreceding theyearforwhichtheAwardisconsidered,i.e. during2010-11and onwards? / Yes/ No
2. / Whether the strength of the NSS Unit is as per guidelines duringlast 3years i.e. during2012-13, 2013-14& 2014-15? / Yes/ No
3. / Whether theNSSunithasadoptedvillage/slumasper guidelinesand hascompletedtheSpecialCamping targets duringlast 3years i.e. during2012-13, 2013-142014-15? / Yes/ No
4. / Whether the ProgrammeOfficerhascompletedminimum two years as Programme Officer of the NSS unit being recommendedforaward(as on 31.03.2015)? / Yes/ No
5. / Whetherthe ProgrammeOfficer has been trainedat ETI? / Yes/ No
6. / WhethertheProgrammeOfficerhasbeenconvictedbyacourt of law or anycase/ investigation is pendingagainst him/her? / Yes/ No
B. Performance/ Achievements (during last 3 years):
S. No / Parameter / Factual Position2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
1. / Plantation:
a) No. ofplantation programmes organised
b) No. ofSaplings planted in theseprogrammes
2. / Blood Donation:
a) No. ofBlood Donation Camps organised
b) Blood Donated in the Camps (No. ofUnits)
3. / Health/ Eye/Immunisation Camps:
a) No. ofCamps organised
4. / Awareness Programmes/ Rallies/ Campaignsorganised:
a) AIDS Awareness (No. of Programmes)
b) Environment Awareness (No. of
c) Other Awareness Programmes (Please indicatethenameof theAwareness Programme andnumber of programmes organised.
5. / Creation ofDurable Assets:
a) Estimated Value ofthe Assets created (Rs.).
6. / NationalLevel Camps/Awards:
a) Awards at State level and above (Please indicate thenames of theAwards)
b) Awards below State level (Please indicate the names ofthe Awards)
7. / Other OutstandingAchievements
(Please indicate details of each such achievement)
Note: Thedetailsmentionedaboveshouldtallywiththosegiveninthemainproposal.In caseof major deviation, theproposal will be liableto rejection.
SignatureofCompetentAuthority in State/UT (with officeseal)
Paste Passport Size PHOTO
1. / Name ofthe State/ UT2. / Name oftheUniversity/+2 Council
3. / NameoftheCollege/School(withcontact
4. / NameofthePrincipalofCollege/School
(with contact particulars)
5. / Name, Sex (Male/Female), Address and
other contactparticulars(Landline/Mobile No., e-mailaddressetc.)of theVolunteer beingrecommended
6. / a) Date ofBirth of theVolunteer
b) Category(Gen/SC/ST)
[DocumentaryEvidenceforDateofBirth and SC/ST relaxation tobe enclosed].
7. / Period ofVolunteershipof theVolunteer / From: To:
8. / Number of Hours completed during
9. / Details reg. Participationin Special Camp
10. / Details reg. Participation in National/
Regional levelNSSProgrammes
11. / WhethertheVolunteerhasbeenconvicted
by any court of Law or any case/
investigation is pending againsthim/ her?
College/ School to be attached].
12. / Performance/SignificantAchievementsof
theNSSVolunteerduring the 2-yearperiod ofVolunteership(Extra sheetsfor detailsof the achievements):
a) Plantation (No. ofProgrammesattended and saplings planted)
b) Blood Donation (No. of Camps attended and blood units donated)
c) Health/ Eye/ Immunisations Camps
(No. ofCampsattended)
d) Awareness Programmes (AIDS/ Environment/ Others)(No. of Programmesattended)
e)Awards received (Detailsof Awards received)
f) Other Outstanding Achievements
(Details of achievements).
13. / Whether the duly filled-up Check List
has beenattached? / YES/NO
14. / Other Remarks, ifany
Note:SincetheAwardisforthe2014-15,theVolunteerscompleting their2years’ volunteershipduring2014-15only aretobeconsidered.Thevolunteerscompleting theirvolunteershippriorto2014-15cannotbeconsideredfor theAward.Forthesame reason,the achievementsof the volunteer shallbe consideredforthe 2-year volunteershipperiod,whichwouldfallwithinlast3years,i.e.,2012-13,2013-14and
Signatureofthe Volunteer Signatureofthe P.O. Signatureofthe Principal
Signatures ofthe
Signatureofthe Vice
Chancellor/ Chairman
Signatureofthe SLO
Signatureofthe Competent
Authority intheState/ UT
IndiraGandhiNSSAwardsforNSS Volunteers
Nameofthe NSSVolunteer:
A. Eligibility Criteria:
S. No / Parameter / Factual Position1. / Whether theVolunteer hascompletedminimum2years’ volunteership under NSS during2014-15? [sincetheAwardis being conferred 2014-15, volunteers completing their volunteershippriorto2014-15cannotbeconsideredfor theAward orinother words,thevolunteershouldhavebeensoat leastfor a part of2014-15] / Yes/ No
2. / WhethertheVolunteercompleted240hoursofcommunityservice during2consecutiveyears ofvolunteership underNSS? / Yes/ No
3. / WhethertheVolunteer has participated in at least oneSpecial
Camp? / Yes/ No
4. / Whether theVolunteerhasparticipatedinatleastoneNational/ Regional Programmelike R.D/ Pre-RDParade Camps,NSSMega Camps,North EastYouth Festivals,National Youth Convention/ Suvichar under NationalYouth Festival, AdventureCamps, etc? / Yes/ No
Ifyes, please indicate name of the Programme.
5. / WhethertheVolunteerisbelow25yearsofage(28yearsincase of SC/ ST) as on 31.03.2015? / Yes/ No
6. / WhethertheVolunteerhasbeenconvictedbyanycourtofLawor anycase/ investigation ispending againsthim/ her? / Yes/ No
B. Performance/ Achievements:
Theachievements shall be considered forthe 2-yearvolunteership period, whichshould fallwithinlast 3 years, i.e., 2012-13, 2013-14 and2014-15.
S. No / Parameter / Factual Position2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
1. / Plantation:
a) No. ofplantation programmes attended b) No. ofSaplings planted
2. / Blood Donation:
a) No. ofBlood Donation Camps attended
b) Blood Donated by the Volunteer (No. of
3. / Health/ Eye/Immunisation Camps:
a) No. ofCamps attended
4. / Awareness Programmes/ Rallies/ Campaignsattended:
a) AIDS Awareness (No. of Programmes)
b) Environment Awareness(No. ofProgrammes) c) OtherAwarenessProgrammes(Pleaseindicate thenameoftheAwarenessProgrammeand
numberof programmes attended.
5. / Awards alreadyreceived bythe Volunteer:
a) Awards at State level and above (Please indicate thenames of theAwards)
b) AwardsbelowStatelevel(Pleaseindicatethe names ofthe Awards)
6. / Other OutstandingAchievements of theVolunteer
(Pleaseindicate details of each such achievement)
Note: Thedetailsmentionedaboveshouldtallywiththosegiveninthemainproposal.In caseof major deviation, theproposal will be liableto rejection.
SignatureofCompetentAuthority in State/UT (with officeseal)