LAC Chair Meeting 10.18.2016 1

LA Chairs Meeting Minutes

18 October 2016

Present:O. Armeanu, J. Beeby, V. DeCoster, J. deJong, M. Dixon, R. Gennaro, J. Hardgrave, D. Hitchcock, R. Lutton, A. McKibban, R. Millard-Mendez, N. Mitchell, K. Oeth, P. Raymond, I. Phillips, S. Rode, R. Rowland, T. Schroer, S. Spencer, E. Wasserman

Meeting began at 9 a.m.

I. Approval of Minutes

Motion to accept minutes from 8.12.2016 was made by S. Spencer; seconded by T. Schroer. E. Wasserman made a motion to accept minutes from 9.27.2016 meeting; seconded by S. Spencer. Both motions passed unanimously.

II. Curriculum Petitions

Curriculum petitions for changes in History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology and Criminal Justice were passed unanimously. J. Hardgrave explained History changes were made to standardize prerequisites for 300 and 400 level classes. Motion to accept the History petitions was made by E. Wasserman and seconded by V. DeCoster.

R. Gennaro stated the changes in the Philosophy curriculum included removing unnecessary prerequisites for a few upper level Philosophy classes. E. Wasserman made a motion to accept these changes; seconded by V. DeCoster. The Philosophy program is petitioning to delete the Theoretical Ethics Class as part of the curriculum. E. Wasserman made a motion to accept this change; T. Schroer seconded the motion. S. Rode made a motion to accept the petition to change the introductory course PHIL 200 to PHIL 101. E. Wasserman seconded this motion.

O. Armeanu explained Political Science is requesting the Moot Court class be added to the curriculum after being taught as an experimental class. She stated the department is requesting removal of a statistics course and a seminar course from the POLS minor and that they no longer will offer a legislative internship as an elective for the POLS minor. E. Wasserman made a motion to accept the changes; seconded by T. Schroer.

V. DeCoster stated SOC 391, Sociology Research Design has been modified by a reduction in prerequisites due to the separate of Sociology and Criminal Justice. T. Schroer explained the changes to the CJ department have included offering new courses for CRIM classes that previously were taught under the defunct Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Studies department. E. Wasserman made a motion to accept the CJ changes and V. DeCoster seconded. Schroer also noted course modifications and course additions are being requested for the CJ major and minor. E. Wasserman made a motion to accept the changes presentation; seconded by I. Phillips.

III. Advisory Board

The LA Advisory Board meeting held October 13 was a deemed a success. Community members are pleased to see that some of the suggestions they have offered have been implemented. Chairs not in attendance at the Fall Advisory Board meeting should plan to attend the Spring meeting held in May 2017. All chairs were encouraged to nominate community members who might serve on this board as the deans hope to established staggered 2-year terms of membership with this group. Chairs should not contact individuals about membership but give names to Dean Beeby as he will issue the official invitation to the nominee.

IV. Honors awards/scholarship forms

R. Gennaro noted missing links on the LA website scholarship page. Gennaro will identify the scholarships that have missing links or need some type of instructions for application. He will share the information with J. Hardgrave and other members of the LA honors committee will address the issue.

V. Early alert/mid-term grade reporting

J.Beeby stated all faculty should be entering early grade and mid-term grade reports for students. Some faculty failed to do so this semester. J. Beeby asked chairs to please work with their faculty reminding them our current culture is student focused and this task is an important tool for student retention. R. Millard-Mendez asked if adjunct faculty might be given more specific directions regarding the posting of these grades.

VI. Announcements

J. deJong announced that financial accounts are populated with budget figures. She also stated that computer updates throughout the college are near complete. Computer maintenance costs the college about $190 for each computer we own. She asked chairs to report any unused computers as we do not way to pay maintenance fees on unused equipment.

J. Beeby stated Saturday’s open house for prospective students went very well. M. Dixon noted higher than normal attendance at the event however it is possible that may be due to scheduling only two hospitality sessions for new students instead of the usual three.

Successfully completed events include the Mandela celebration appearance by Cornel West and the Theatre’s recent production of The Glass Menagerie.

The third and final Indiana Gubernatorial Debate will be held in the Performance Center October 25. M. Dixon will represent Liberal Arts at this event.

J. Beeby reported nominations are needed for Student Government Association representatives. Please send nominations to T. Schroer.

Serving as part of the Enrollment committee, J. Beeby reported because this group has not met for some time most of what has been accomplished thus far is a review of previous reports. Beeby also updated chairs regarding the Distance Education task force of which he is a member. Recommendations for LA programs that could be taught as hybrid or totally online are due by the end of the month.

The dean is sponsoring an informational luncheon Monday for first and second year tenure track faculty so they may develop relationships with one another.

J. Hardgrave reminded all of the Communal Studies celebration in RL 0017.

S. Spencer noted Poet Francine j Harris was giving a reading that afternoon in UC 2217. He also noted one of SIR writers was selected to be included in the Best American Essays 2016 Anthology.

R. Millard-Mendez reminded all of the Aakhus collection currently on display in the Gallery and of the closing reception 2-4 pm Sunday.

E. Wasserman announced two students have been nominated for the Irene Ryan acting scholarships.

Diversity Report: Please submitted any diversity activities that your department has been involved with to M. Dixon. This information is collected annually for a university diversity report.

J. Beeby noted several searches are in progress in the college and that replacement requests have been submitted and approvals are pending with the Provost.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Oeth