The photo of the week shows Dustin Kovacvich of Nicholas Dean Lodge with a beautiful wild BC Steelhead landed by Gary Bartholomew of Elora, Ontario. The fish was estimated to weigh around 18-pounds. Photo by: Gary Bartholomew


Noel Gyger – Guided Fishing Adventures and Weekly Fishing Report

4012 Best Street, Terrace BC V8G 5R8, Canada

Tel/Fax: (250) 635-2568

Cell: (250) 631-2678


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Fishing Reports:

RECORD SALMON & STEELHEAD Spin or fly-fishing



Home Page:

Noel Gyger - WEEKLY FISHING REPORT dated October 21 – October 28, 2007

(Number 42)

Dear Fishing Friends:

We had a furious wind storm Tuesday night causing downed trees and power outages but did not affect the rivers very much. Winds calmed down by Wednesday morning. As of today river conditions are good. The Skeena has been dropping and is clean enough to fish. The Kalum is dropping and is clean and fishable although a bit high. The Zymoetz (Copper) River is dropping and is now fishable. Fishing for both Steelhead and Coho is excellent using both spin and fly rods. Coho fishing closes on October 31 so get out there and enjoy the last few days.

There were New wildlife and river scenic photos posted on October 24. To view please cast to

If any of you have special fishing photos, scenic river photos or wildlife photos I would love to see them. Scroll below for a couple of “guest” fishing photos.

NOTICE Cast here to view open dates for the guides and lodges. Their seasons are running short and there are not many open dates left.

NOW BOOKING FOR 2008 Let me know if I can be of service to book you with the "best" fishing guide and/or fishing lodges. There are NO extra charges to book through me, just a lot of free information and advice from a person with years and years of fishing and fish guiding experience.It is like hiring two guides for the price of one. I will promptly answer your questions and concerns. Cast here to read more of what I have to offer and review the latest updates regarding last minute openings. Contact me for all the details and to book. These dates are updated on the website whenever there is a change.

Many people book three trips per year to our area; one trip in the spring (March-April-May), one trip in the summer (June-July-August) and one trip in the fall (September-October-November). They love having the same guide but fishing for different fish in different areas.

Be sure to check out my website at for news bulletins, mid week fishing updates, conservation, my history, quality waters strategy, special guided fishing trips, video clips, scenic river photos, wildlife photos and others, comments from past guests, informational articles, archived fishing reports from 1996 through 2002 and a sportfishing market place. I hope it meets with your entire satisfaction.


Chad Black

Ron Wakita

Craig Murray

CURRENT REPORT and summary for Skeena and Tributaries:

Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Salmon forecast for 2007: Chinook look very good for the Skeena and Kitimat systems; Coho are good to excellent; Pink expect a reasonably good run; Sockeye returns to the Skeena are expected to be good this year; Chum average return.

Type of fish caught: Steelhead and Coho in the river.

Thank you for using barbless hooks.



LARGEST FISH OF THE WEEK: Specie: 18-pound Steelhead Where: Skeena Trib Angler: Gary Bartholomew

Weather: Showers. Highs to 7 degrees C. Region normal: Max. Temp. 7 degrees C. Min. Temp. 2 degrees C. Sunrise 8:28 am Sunset 6:09 pm

WEATHER REPORTS VIA TELEPHONE: Environment Canada taped messages constantly updated, giving current conditions and three-day forecasts. Terrace 250-635-4192 Kitimat 250-632-7864 Prince Rupert 250-627-1155 Smithers 250-847-1958.

For current Terrace weather information please cast on:

WATER CONDITIONS: The Skeena is fishable. The Kitimat and Kalum Rivers are in fishable shape. Other Skeena tribs towards Prince Rupert are also in fishable shape.

current water heights FOR:



Skeena River: The River colour is a little off but still fishable. Both Steelhead and Coho can still be caught. The main stem is the “highway” for Salmon and Steelhead heading to their many different tributary rivers.

Kalum River: The water is in good shape both top and bottom and is fishing good for both Steelhead and Coho. It is possible to catch both Steelhead and Coho on the same day although each species requires specific location and technique.

This is a Classified River year round and can be guided from March 15 through October 15 only. The Steelhead record is 32-pounds. To see a photo of this fish cast to: The angler is Dennis Therrien.

Kasiks River: Coho are the target fish. Most fish have already moved to the top pools as the water has been high. Our record fish was a 27-pounder.

EXCHAMSIKS RIVER: Coho are in the whole river now. The fish are starting to hold in deep pools and runs on the upper end. Sometimes they go so high they cannot be reached by jet boat. Heli fishing is the only way to go then.

EXSTEW RIVER: Coho are in the river now. This is a difficult river to fish because the water is a dark green colour.

Think about hiring an experienced jet boat fishing guide for the above three rivers for fall Coho (Silver) Salmon. It will change your life…believe me!

GITNADOIX RIVER: The Coho are throughout the whole river and may be into the lake by now. Access to this river is very difficult. Experienced jet boat operators only please.

Zymoetz (Copper) River:

The river has come back into fishable shape since mid week. There seems to be a good run of Steelhead in the river. Lots of Coho are being caught in certain areas but they may not be targeted and must be released back into the river.

KINCOLITH RIVER: Coho have moved a long way upriver searching for their spawning gravel.

ISHKHEENICKH RIVER: This is a fantastic river for Coho this time of year. The water needs to be rising and falling to keep the fish moving up river.

MEZIADIN RIVER: Both Steelhead and Coho can be hooked on the same day plus numerous local trout and Dolly Varden char. To clarify: Fishing for Steelhead and Salmon are only allowed at the very low end of the river below the boundary sign (you are actually fishing the clean seam of the Meziadin River in the Nass River). Trout fishing is available throughout the whole river and lake. Please check the fishing regulations.

The fall colours in the Nass and trib region are absolutely beautiful this time of year. Cast to view some of the scenic photos.

In addition to scenic photos cast to to watch a few video clips from the beautiful Nass River system.

CRANBERRY RIVER: Both Steelhead and Coho can be hooked on the same day. Access to this river is not very good.

TSEAX RIVER: Has a late run of Chinook. The fish should be throughout the whole river. I have a report of good numbers of Chinook landed in the lower end down near the mouth. Coho should be right behind the Chinook or even mixed in with them.

KWINIMASS RIVER: Coho are in now.

ECSTALL RIVER: Coho are in now.

Ocean fishing Prince Rupert:

A summary of what is available year round can be read in the Archived Fishing Report dated April 13, 1997. For a direct link cast here:

Cast to this link for Prince Rupert tide tables

Area River Records: Chinook Salmon: Skeena River, 92.5-pounds; Kalum River, 85-pounds; Kitimat River, 74-pounds; Steelhead: Skeena River, 45-pounds; Coho Salmon: Skeena River, 27-pounds.

Fishing Report from: Chad Black of Nicholas Dean Lodge for the Week of October 21 to 27, 2007

Fishing conditions during the last week are a familiar one for this time of year. There are good numbers of Steelhead in Skeena River tributaries, but late fall rains have elevated river levels to less than ideal conditions. Still, those willing to wait out the rains can have some of the best and most exciting fishing of the year. Moreover, a lot of the fair weather fisher crowds are now gone, so access to the best pools and finding solitude with just yourself, the river and the fish is a little easier.

We are also into the last few days of our late fall Coho season. While there are some fresh Coho entering Skeena tribs, the majority of fish have been in the river for some time and are now actively spawning. Because of the spawning activities of the Coho, the trout and char fishing can be outstanding at this time of year, and it seems as though they are much healthier than last year, likely due to a robust run of Pink Salmon this season.

We are now into full swing in booking for next year, and look forward to another successful year in 2008. If you are interested in joining us here at the lodge for any of our 2008 packages, such as Spring Steelhead, Trophy Chinook, Steelhead and All Species of Pacific Salmon, Fall Steelhead and Trophy Coho to name a few, please inquire with Noel today. Prime time spaces are in high demand and fill up fast, so booking early is essential.

Until next week, tight lines and screaming reels.

Chad Black

Operations Manager

Nicholas Dean Lodge…where every cast is an adventure!

CURRENT REPORT and summary for Northern Coastal Rivers:

Fishing Report from: Ron Wakita of Reliable Guide and Charters

KITIMAT RIVER: The days are getting shorter, the mornings are getting colder and the snow on the mountains creeps lower and lower. The signs of season change are apparent. In fact, this time of the year we can experience all four seasons in the same day.

Although the number of fishable dayshave been limited by the weather thereareplenty of cutthroat trout in the Kitimat River available to fish for. Anglers are reminded that Coho retention on the Kitimat River closes on October 31st.

DOUGLAS CHANNEL: Most boaters are either winterizing their boats or putting them away for the winter. Some boaters leave their boats in the water to take advantage of the winter springs.

The weather this week has not been suitable for fishing as we experienced some really nasty winds.

Cast to this link for Kitimat tide tables

CURRENT REPORT and summary for Central Coast/North Van Island Wilderness Rivers:

DFO Salmon forecast for 2007: Coho return is expected to be normal; Chinook were at or above average, so good fishing is anticipated; Chum are always strong; Pink returns are expected to be normal, which means very plentiful; Sockeye is not expected to be high.

Fishing Report from: Nimmo Bay Resort

At the end of our season this year even Mrs. Murray, Craig's wife got to play. One of several nice Coho that Deborah caught this day puts the smile on her face. It's not all work.

2008 is building into a great season. It is an even year with good runs predicted. Our Steelhead starts in the spring, April 17th, and this year we are dong a couple of summer steelhead trips as well. Contact Noel to book.

Now it is time to lean new tunes on the guitar, jam with friends, market for 2008 and beyond and get the gear ready once again for the upcoming season.

Craig Murray, Owner

Nimmo Bay Resort (est 1980)

Note from Noel: This year in 2007, out of 10 Heli fishing and tour resorts and lodges from around the world, Nimmo Bay Resort was voted number one by the prestigious, New York based Forbes Traveler magazine.

To Fly is Human ...To Hover, Divine

Craig Murray, Owner

Nimmo Bay Resort (Est. 1980)

Fishing Regulation Websites:

2005/2007 BC tidal waters and freshwater Salmon fishing information:

Effective April 1, 2005 to March 31, 2007

2006/2007 Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis:

Effective April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007

Note: For In-season Regulation Changes posted on the web check the above URL’s

The photo above is from Dave Brown. He explains he is holding an estimated 20-pound Steelhead he landed this fall on the Bulkley River. Dave says, “I caught more Big Steelhead this year then in my previous 10 years of fishing the Bulkley”.

The photo above is from Chris Scott. He explains this is his best fish last year (37 inches) caught in last week of October two days after the first snowfall of the year. Water temperature was 34 degrees F after a partial snow melt.

Thank you for sending me these photos.

2007 TV show schedule for Sportfishing BC with host Mark Pendlington