• Page 495, What is the most critical natural resource for survival and economic development in the Middle East North Africa?
  • On page 489, The Tigris-Euphrates Rivers begin in which country?
  • On page 7-8, define Formal, Perceptional and Functional Regions? What region does Southwest Asia fall under?
  • List examples of push factors that have caused people to migrate or become refugees
  • Why do people, especially in Northern Africa, move to coastal regions?
  • Define nationalism (page 297). Conflict in N. African nations and SW Asian countries in recent years has seen an increase in the younger generations wanting change from their tyrant governments. The rising protests have led to rioting and rioting has led to Revolutions. What is a Revolution?
  • Define Democracy (page 83).
  • Population growth in modern cities occur in this region because over use of land and ______are causing the deserts to ______.
  • Review page 88. What are the major geographic characteristics for cities?
  • Define desalinization (496). Which country is very successful with this expensive process?
  • The Suez Canal connects the ______and the ______.
  • Israel is the most ______city in the world. This country is home to the 3 universalizing religions which allows for Israel to be the most ethnic diverse nation in the Middle ______. List the 3 universalizing religions.
  • Middle Eastern countries maintain their cultural traits such as clothing, eating at home, women not allowed to be without a male escort, and male dominance. These traits are not common in western countries such as the United States. Theocratic nations, such as Syria and Afghanistan, are opposed to western ways and ideas so they can protect their cultural ______. The people in this region are Islamic and believe that the Arabic nations need to be the same and maintain their cultural identities.
  • Define OPEC (page 505). OPEC controls worldwide oil ______and has caused oil and gas products to increase dramatically. With this control, western nations have diversified their businesses to finding alternative resources. This has caused an increase in western nations to create laws and policies to help protect their nations.
  • Where is Mount Sinai located? What significant event happened at Mount Sinai? Who is Moses? What religious book did he write? This religious text belongs to which religion?
  • Characteristics of Arabic Nations:



Define Hajj and the location of this event:



  • Define diffusion (page 72).
  • Which religious group matches up with a religious text:




  • What is the name of the world’s longest river? What country is this river located in? The majority of this countries population lives within 3% of land area of this river.
  • The majority of North African population lives near which Sea?
  • Describe the Sahel (page 424).
  • Define Nomadic (378).
  • Define Agriculture. Which economic activity does agriculture belong to?