Class 4 Curriculum

Autumn 2014

School Theme: Out of this World
(7 weeks) / AUTUMN 2
School Theme: Festivals
(7 weeks)
In addition to the themes covered here
literacy will also include teaching of grammar rules, spelling strategies and punctuation.
/ Poetry – We will learn to use powerful imagery and personification in our poetry using Stone Henge and ancient stone circles as our theme.
Science Fiction –Narrative
We will read the Time Machine by HG Wells, creating our own science fiction stories and investigate the links between Star Wars and traditional tales.
Instructions and Explanation - We will explore real and imagined technology, creating manuals and explanation texts in relation to their use. / Non-Chronological reports –
We will research and write report about the traditions and origins of Christmas.
English Literacy Heritage –
Charles Dickens – A Christmas Carol and the traditional Victorian Christmas.
We will be looking at stories by Charles Dickens and focusing on his characters and settings of Victorian England.
/ During the term we aim to address all main topic areas, such as shape, measures, addition, multiplication, subtraction, fractions and percentages. Some of the topics the children will be learning about are: place value, measures, problem solving, the four operations (+, -, x, ÷), number sequences, fractions, decimals, percentages, handling data and shape and space. The children will also be developing their mental maths skills on a weekly basis, with learning their times tables off by heart an essential part of this. There will be the chance for parents to come into the classroom on our Maths Morning to see how maths is taught in school, and we will be planning a maths theme week in December.
/ Earth and Space
We will be tackling misconceptions about our solar systems and the movements of the planets, time measurement and stars.
We will also be investigating structures and materials in preparation for our entry into the Institute of Food Research Tallest Jelly Challenge at The Norwich Forum. / A Trip to Mars - The Science Involved
We will be investigating the science behind a manned trip to Mars, including looking at the forces involved, technology and survival.
/ Programming Introduction
We will be developing our computer coding skills using the Scratch coding language (which is free to download at home!), learning how to write algorithms, debug programs and creating games and useful applications.
/ This term we will be looking at the Islamic religion, and the Five Pillars of Islam, Ramadan, Id-ul-Fitr. / We will be looking at the Christian festival of Christmas, it’s meaning and traditions.
We will also be contribute to the KS2 nativity play.
HISTORY / Stone to Iron Age
We will be learning about the ‘Pre-history’ of Britain, from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age, looking at the tools and technologies of the time, with a focused investigation of Stone Henge. /
GEOGRAPHY / / Mapping and Geo-Skills
We will learn the skills and techniques of mapping, both manually and using ICT to help.
/ Standing Stones –
We will combine pastel techniques with decoupage in producing our own miniature henge creation to go with our poetry
Early Sci-Fi Design-
We will be looking at how early science fiction artists used a particular style to illustrate comics and publications, and give early films a certain look. / ‘Eyes’ – An art project
We will develop our drawing and painting skills around the subject of ‘eyes’, learning to be observant when drawing/painting this particularly difficult subject matter.
DESIGN TECHNOLOGY / / Cooking for Xmas
We will be cooking some traditional savoury Christmas food, learning about hygiene and cooking techniques
/ The Planets – Atmosphere and mood
We will be listening to Holst’s ‘The Planets’, and learning to pick out the characteristics of each planet through the music. We will create our own planetary music using what we have learned. / Casma Choir
We will be learning orchestral, traditional and feel good songs from our forthcoming (March 2015) Casma performance at St. Andrews Hall.
Xmas Performance
We will be learning songs to accompany Class 3 in their nativity play.
French / We will be following the Rigola French scheme and learning everyday phrases, including numbers, greetings, /
/ Tag Rugby
We will be receiving tag rugby training from Wymondham Rugby Club this term.
Indoor Athletics/Team games
We will be learning a range of indoor athletics skills in preparation for our annual whole-class inter school indoor athletics tournament at Wymondham High after half term. / Adventure Activities –
We will be taking part in sailing, orienteering and mountain biking during our three day residential at Brancaster.
For half a term, those children not swimming will take part in a mini Zumba for kids session, along with a focused dance PE session.
/ New Beginnings
We will use our class discussion and circle time to focus on the things we need to think about in order to start off the new school year positively. / Getting On and Falling Out
(Anti-bullying week)
We will use our class discussion and circle time to focus on the things we need to think about in order to ensure we work together successfully as a team, avoid falling out and create and happy, harmonious atmosphere in class and school.