Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

March 23, 2017

The regular meeting of the PARK OF WOODSTREAM VILLAGE Board of Directors was called to order at 6:00pm by John Todd, President,meeting was held at the Club House. The Directors were present or absent as indicated:

John Todd / Present / Lisa Parrett / Present
Martine Addison / Present / Sharon Harris / Present
Thom Hanson / Present

John Young, Property Manager was present.


  • A quorum was achieved.


  • The minutes from February 2017 were reviewed; motion made, seconded and unanimously approved the minutes.


  • The Board reviewed the financials for February 2017, motion made, seconded and unanimously approved.


  • John asked the Board to review Rich Johnston’s, matrix and bring any additions or changes to next Board Meeting. A copy was attached to Board packet.
  • A discussion about replacement of entire driveway or a portion to be fixed where the concrete is cut and filled in to replace broken sewer lines. We are aware of the following units so far that have this problem; 25, 37 and 137 with others that we might not be aware of.
  • There are two bids for pool service this coming year for your consideration.
  • John supplied a list of units that have had work done for the last five months.
  • John provided the Board with a violation log for all write up’s including tree removal and dish relocation off pitched roofs.
  • The owner of unit 3 is asking the Board to grandfather her dish, been there for 12 years. The Board wants the dish moved.
  • The Board had asked what the cost for a spicket in the back yards connected to sprinkler system. The cost would be $200 or less.


  • John sent out letters about satellite dishes, possible issue, Direct TV is no longer allowing there techs to go on the roof.
  • John provided a spread sheet of violations for the last 5 months.


  • Rich Johnston update of maintenance matrix.


  • Patio appearance was brought up, instead of waiting for Memorial Day the Board decided to have the kick off of patio cleaning for April 23, 2017. The patios are to be clean and free of trash, leaves and pine needles until the pool closing for winter.
  • The Boards next planning meeting is for April 3rd will probably be held at the club house unless the weather moves it to Western States Board room.
  • A discussion about planter boxes and juniper removal for the $18K plus cost was approved. The Board will wait to see about what plants will be replaced, a drip system may need to be installed.
  • Board reviewed bids for pool cleaning and decided to stay with Perfect Pools, John to notify company and sign contract.
  • The Board decided to replace the approximate 3 foot wide section out of the concrete when replacing clay pipes under the driveway that are collapsing or have root damage. If the owner wants to replace the entire driveway, they would pay the additional cost.
  • The Board agreed that while work being done on driveways to replace sewer line, they can park in the visitor parking lot; a visitor pass will be required.
  • Rich Johnston’s matrix was looked at and the Board will review to see about any other additions that might be needed to help clarify homeowner’s responsibilities, the association and insurance.
  • The cost to add a spicket in back of the properties would be $200 or less depending on how they will need to connect to existing sprinkler system. This would be a homeowner cost, perhaps neighbors could share, so many units per spicket.
  • John has calls into the fire department to check on fire lanes, are they needed or not.
  • John, Board President, said that he liked the software that provided the declarations in a word format. It was agreed that only Board members would have word copies because they can be changed and we would not want altered Declarations out and about.
  • Board discussed homeowners getting HO6 insurance more follow up to take place.
  • Board decided to have a cleanup day on June 3rd. a Saturday.
  • The adjoining association on the East of our property wants to participate in the Neighborhood Watch program, John to contact Margaret Burnett to contact them.
  • John Young to send out a newsletter about spring cleaning, homeowners HO6 insurance, patios to be clean during summer months, owners not parking on street, for now a fire lane.
  • The annual meeting is scheduled for June 22, 2017 the fourth Thursday of the month.


  • No requests.


  • No report was given.


  • The owners of unit 40 discussed some roof issues, John to follow up with roofer for fixes.


  • There being no further business to conduct; the meeting was declared adjourned at 7:15pm. The next regular meeting will be April 27, 2017 at 6:00pm either the club house or Western States.

Respectfully submitted,

John Young, Acting Secretary

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