Teachers for a New Era at the University of Virginia

Year 1 Work Plan

Summer 2003


Establish effective, cooperative advising and mentoring of teachers-in-preparation, contributed jointly by A&S and Curry faculty and experienced teachers
Addresses Design Principles 1, 2, and 3 / Develop structure and goals for teams divided by discipline and staffed by faculty from the two schools. / Implementation team reconsiders idea, establishes agenda for 2003-4 / Spring 2003 / Ed Ayers
Dave Breneman
Organize one-day workshop to instruct advising teams in K-12 dynamics, assessment issues, and the New Era design principles. Local school personnel share in providing instruction and assisting teams. / Workshop agenda, related materials. 7 teams participating. / Fall 2003? (schedule to be determined with local school divisions) / Victor Luftig
A&S and Curry Dean Teams
Expert Educators Group
Set up structure for increasing number of
Clinical Instructors (CI) / Complete plan for hiring CIs for Year 2. / June 2003 / Sandi Cohen
Coordinator of Induction
Kristen Sayeski
Early mentoring of pre-service teachers
Addresses Design Principles 1, 2, and 3 / Design early mentoring program / Entering Curry students would be assigned a mentoring group for their five-year programs. / Fall 2004 / Sandi Cohen
Expert Educators Group
Prioritizing BA/MT program for lower divisions A & S advisors
Addresses Design Principle 2 / Discussion with focus group of A & S advisors / Improved awareness of BA/MT program by A & S lower division advising focus group / Fall 2004 / Sandi Cohen
Richard Handler and Adam Daniel, A & S

Additional activities:

Telementoring (unfounded in final proposal but ongoing and very much related to this work)

Linking the above-mentioned teams to mentor teachers in the local schools (see Induction, below).
Partnerships for Preservice Education

Reinvigorate BA/MT program.
Addresses Design Principles 1, 2, and 3 / Recruit Curry faculty to increase evidence-based focus within pedagogy courses. / Review and select from proposals by Curry faculty for new or redesigned courses. (Grant funds course releases, summer research, for selected faculty.) / Spring 2003 / Sandi Cohen
Dan Hallahan
Hire first post-doctoral fellow to develop performance-based measurement content for teacher education curriculum. / Fellow (Patricia Crawford) hired (and in residence at UVA). / Fall 2003 / Search Committee (Rick Brigham, Chair)
Conduct self-study of recent and ongoing efforts at Curry to incorporate research on at-risk students in teachers education curriculum. / Report on existing activities to serve as baseline measurement for Years 2 and beyond. / Summer 2003 / Susan Mintz
Develop open portfolio project to improve advising. / Presentations to Curry faculty and others to increase use of resource; Implementation team discusses its use by advising teams / Spring 2003 / Kristin Sayeski

Partnerships for Preservice Education (cont.)

Reinvigorate BA/MT program. (cont.) / Appoint faculty teams consisting of members of both colleges to consider content needs of elementary teachers / Faculty surveyed to identify appropriate membership; groups hold first meeting / Fall 2003 / Ed Ayers
A&S and Curry Dean Teams
Self-study on content emphasis within BA/MT Field Project. / Meeting of TNE Director and relevant Curry faculty to discuss current practices in BA/MT Field Projects. / Fall 2003 / Victor Luftig
Self-study on content emphasis within BA/MT Field Project. / Report on Content Emphasis of Recent BA/MT Field Projects to serve as baseline data for Years 2 and beyond. / Summer 2003 / Sandi Cohen
Dan Hallahan
Review full BA/MT program to determine evidence-based focus throughout, incorporating and building on recent TEAC review. / Presentations on TNE to full Curry faculty to emphasize evidence-based focus, describe future work. / Summer 2003 / Sandi Cohen
Bob McNergney

Partnerships for Preservice Education (cont.)

Reinvigorate BA/MT program. (cont.) / Review current BA/MT curriculum to determine which courses integrate technology and content. / Self-study report to serve as baseline data for Years 2 and beyond. / Summer 2003 / Glen Bull
Joe Garofalo
Reinvigorate BA/MT program. (cont.) / Prepare incoming BA/MT students for participation in new research. / Presentation at August orientation meeting / Summer 2003 / Victor Luftig, Scott Imig

Partnerships for Preservice Education (cont.)

Develop condensed admission and preparation process for late deciders
Addresses Design Principles 1, 2, and 3 / Hire first post-doctoral fellow to develop program and new recruiting tools, and to identify obstacles faced by late deciders at present / Fellow hired and in residence at UVA: Erica Pierce (part-time, to be succeeded by full-time fellow in Spring 2004). / Fall 2003 / Sandi Cohen, Margo Figgins, search committee
Use summer Common Course workshop to make Common Courses recruitment tool. / Discussion at summer workshop. / Summer 2003 / Dean teams from Curry and A & S

Partnerships for Preservice Education (cont.)

Design A&S courses at every level to increase A&S engagement in teacher education.
Addresses Design Principles 1, 2, and 3 / Investigate funding for TNE seminars under current budgetary restraints. / Securing funding for Year 2 or specific fundraising plan to support TNE seminars. / Fall 2003 / Provost’s Office
Develop USem or TNE seminar to be offered by minority recruitment head / Course planned in relation to existing curriculum to be offered in 2004-5 / Summer 2003 / Selena Cozart
Issue RFP for Common Courses, select among applicants, begin course design. / Selection of Common Courses for Year 2 / Summer 2003 / Karen Ryan
George Hornberger
Offer two pilot Common Course in A&S (Ethics of War and Environmental Decision Making) to develop a model for TNE Common Courses. / Courses offered, model in place for TNE Common Courses. / 2002–03 academic year / Ed Ayers

Partnerships for Preservice Education (cont.)

Design A&S courses at every level to increase A&S engagement in teacher education. (cont.) / Plan TNE Common Courses for 2003–04, including developing plan for local schoolteachers to attend a Common Course / RFP issued, proposals reviewed, and course selected. / Spring 2002 / Karen Ryan
George Hornberger
Offer summer workshop for TNE Common Course faculty. / Workshop held. / Summer 2003 / Ed Ayers
Karen Ryan
George Hornberger
Dan Hallahan
Teaching Resource Center
Identify survey courses suitable to offering Counterpoint Seminars in Year 2; hire seminar instructors. / Two courses identified and advanced graduate students hired to work with A&S faculty to design Counterpoint Seminar. / Summer 2003 / Victor Luftig
Deans Teams from A&S and Curry
Develop programs for recruiting teachers from under-represented groups / Hire recruitment head (Selena Cozart), commence research on state of recruitment at UVA and elsewhere towards 2003-4 report / Summer 2003 / Victor Luftig
Sandi Cohen
Gordon Stewart
Selena Cozart

Partnerships for Preservice Education (cont.)

Create Expert Educators Group.
Addresses Design Principles 1, 2, and 3 / Issue invitation from Provost to group chairs from partnering school systems. / Chairs from partnering schools in place. / Spring 2003 / Provost’s Office
Appoint group membership. / Committee established. / Spring 2003 / Assistant Superintendents of Schools

Partnerships for Preservice Education (cont.)

Develop Teacher-in-Residence Program.
Addresses Design Principles 1 and 3 / Plan for and recruit first teacher-in-residence. / Selection of first teacher in residence
Implement teacher-in-residence in program / Summer 2003
Summer 2004 / Expert Educators Group
Expert Educators Group

Induction Activities

Establish induction activities that provide relevant pedagogical content and professional knowledge relevant for novice teachers.
Addresses Design Principles 1, 2, and 3 / Hire coordinator of induction. / Coordinator of induction in residence at UVA. / Summer 2003 / Sandi Cohen
Victor Luftig
Expert Educators Group
Initial steps towards induction program: fall reception for new hires in local school system, launching of new teacher web site, seek school systems’ approval for master plan for development of induction activities / Pilot plan in place and approved by school partners and University; initial reception held; pilot web site launched / Fall 2003 / Expert Educators Group
Plan summer graduate seminars and one-day workshops for 2003-04.
(CLA is also developing NEH proposal on elementary education for Fall 2003.) / Plan in place and matching funds identified. / Complete / Center for the Liberal Arts
Examine current course structure for appropriateness for elementary teachers in relation to K-12 SOL mandates.
Addresses Design Principles 1 and 3 / Specified courses with SOL content / Identify and begin to align specified courses with SOL content (ultimate goal: two science courses, two math courses, two history courses aligned) / Fall 2003 / Committee on Teacher Education


Internal: Increase awareness of TNE activities among faculty in two colleges
Addresses Design Principle 1 / Presentations to departments, invitations to participate in specific activities / Significant increase in number of faculty linked to TNE activities / Summer 2003 / TNE director, dean teams, etc.
External: Solicit best practices and seek stakeholders at other institutions / presentations at various events, recruitment of outside parties for assistance in internal assessment, etc. / Research and discussion / Spring 2003 / TNE director
Provost’s office
Internal and external:
Make news about specific UVA TNE activities easily and quickly available to potential participants on and off grounds / Develop UVA TNE web site, listservs, etc.; articles in Inside UVA, Research News, Arts & Sciences (UVa publications) / Web site up and running with process for regular updates in place / Summer 2003 / TNE director

Management and Guidance

Delegate all planned TNE duties to appropriate managers / Hire director, appoint induction coordinator, establish Expert Educators group, etc. / Most managers in place and working at TNE activities / Summer 2003 / Provost’s office, search committees
Integrate TNE activities into broader teacher education activities on grounds / Reconvene Committee on Teacher Education / Committee on Teacher Education discusses TNE / Fall 2003 / Provost’s office, TNE director
Integrate TNE activities into broader teacher education activities in state and nation / Plan Coordinating Council / Potential members of Coordinating Council approached about membership / Fall 2003 / Provost’s office, TNE director
Ensure TNE programs’ sustainability and recruit matching funds / Presentation to Development staff (Dec. 02), Development staff fundraising plan, solicit content input of prospective off-grounds advisors / Development staff fundraising plan in place, list of potential off-grounds advisors assembled / Spring 2003, Fall 2003 / Provost’s office, TNE director
Create leadership within Curry—coordinated with A & S and Provost’s office—to implement specific TNE goals / Convene weekly meetings, joined every other meeting by A & S dean, of Curry principals and TNE director / Meetings convened weekly, with practical implications for ongoing TNE work; A & S dean joins / Summer 2003; Fall 2003 / TNE director, Curry principals, A & S dean
Create Implementation Team, with representative figures from both colleges and both local school divisions / Convene meetings two or three times per semester / Major TNE work vetted by, commented on, and or accepted or rejected by representative body / Spring 2003 / TNE director, college deans, local school division assistant superintendents
Brief college deans and Provost, coordinating their leadership / First meeting / Adjusted or confirmed expectations about TNE leadership / Spring 2003 / Provost
Ongoing consultations with faculty from both colleges, teachers and administrators from both school divisions / Initial visits to offices / Enthusiasm, absence of ill will, unanticipated contributions of ideas / constant / Director, TNE leadership, deans, Provost


Hire director of Teaching
Assessment Initiative / Form search committee, advertise position, interview candidates / TAI director in place (Scott Imig). Imig started July 1. / Spring 2003 / Dean of Curry, Bob McNergney, search committee
Design Edumetrix system
for student participation / Create online bulletin board / Beta test of system. In progress. / Summer2003 / Director of TAI (Imig), Bob McNergney
Prepare research and evaluation plan for IRB / Write and present IRB protocol / Acceptance of plan by IRB / Spring 2003. This will be presented in the fall. / Bob McNergney, TAI director (Imig), Luftig, and provost (Block)
Survey existing student
assessment instruments and data
Addresses Design Principle 1 / Describe sources. We have surveyed faculty for the report and solicited faculty/student research plans for use of these and other measures. / Produce report on gaps and overlaps / Summer 03 / Director of TAI (Imig) & McNergney
Plan student entry-level profile / Design and construct online version / Beta test and completed profile / Summer 2003. In progress. Will be completed by August 31 and presented at student orientation in the fall. / Director of TAI, Bob McNergney
Develop PCK application
prototypes / Write and program PCK applications / Two instruments (planning and teaching) / Summer 2003. One planning and one teaching instrument have been developed and validated. Development of two more instruments awaits external funding. / Bob McNergney, Director of TAI
Plan evaluation seminar
Addresses Design Principles 1 and 2 / Deans select invitees, Provost invites selected faculty, group meets for first time to establish agenda, plans publicized / First three meetings / Spring 2003. July-We have a tentative plan for six upcoming sessions, based on faculty research and evaluation projects. / Deans, Provost
Work with VA State Ed. Dept. on large database
Addresses Design Principle 1 / Assemble team / Meet with SED and Governor’s representatives. We have a plan to build and test a model linking teaching and learning using SOL scores. / Spring/summer 2003 / Bob McNergney, Xitao Fan, Tonya Moon, and Paul Kingston
Plan research
participation/reward system for inservice teachers / Set objectives, We have issued an RFP for evaluation studies, to which several teachers/schools have responded. / Approval by governing board / Summer 2003. We are working with the provost to plan a session for school people to engage them further in research and evaluation activities. / Directors of TAI and TNE, and Bob McNergney
Participate in Delta Program / Attend meetings / Contribute instruments. We demonstrated our teaching simulation prototype in Palo Alto this spring. / Spring/summer 03. We attended meetings of Delta at AERA in Chicago, AACTE in New Orleans, an d Delta in Palo Alto. / Director of TAI, Bob McNergney, Dan Hallahan, Scott Imig
Work with site-based evaluation team / Plan site. Commission construction / Workable site selected / Spring 03. In progress / Director of TAI(Imig)
Create follow-up survey of graduates / Specify items / Construct online version of survey / Spring/summer 03. We have had three people calling Curry graduates this summer to verify addresses. We will begin surveying grads in 2003-04 academic year. / Director of TAI (Imig), Bob McNergney
Plan evaluation of induction initiative / Fit evaluation to program design / Initial plan for evaluation. In progress. / Summer 03 / Director of TAI, Bob McNergney
Plan for alternative assessments
of student and pupil learning
Addresses Design Principle 1 / Review literature; begin to outline student manual / Table of Contents for manual and identify authors. We have drafts of 7 chapters (out of 14). / Summer 2003. We will begin to pilot test material in the field experience courses in the fall. / Bob McNergney, Herbert Richards, Frederick Brigham, Director of TAI (Imig).


DRAFT DEC 2002 UVA Year 1 Work Plan