7 BiologyAgenda

9-25 to 9-29 +22

Monday 9/25 / Tuesday 9/26 / Wednesday 9/27 / Thursday 9/28 / Friday 9/29
DQ: +4
What 2 factors most determine the biodiversity in an area? Which has more biodiversity, the desert or the rainforest biome. / DQ: +4
Describe a pioneer community and a climax community in terms of succession. / DQ: +4
Which of the following are biotic or abiotic?
a) predators
b) water
c) temperature
d) bacterial diseases / DQ: +6
Describe the key difference between what a food chain, food web and an energy pyramid shows. / DQ: +4
Tell why producers and why decomposers are such critical parts of the food chain.
1. Vocab Squares for Key
Terms pg 79:
2. Do Pg 84; #1-6
3. Print and bring all of Ch 4
DRs for tmrw / Hw:
1. ADD to Vocab Squares -
population; niche; climax
and pioneer community.
2.Do-DR: What is an
Ecosystem? / Hw:
1. Do pg. 89; #1-6
2.Do: DR Energy Flow in
the Ecosystem / Hw:
1.UsingConcepts Wkst (all)
2.Ch Review p. 97: #7-17, 19,
21, 22, 25, 26. Pg 99 #1-9| / Hw:
*Get DQ’s ready for Mon.
*Finish Ch Review if needed
Have a good weekend!!
*Collect DQs
*Start HW
*Finish October Sky and
start Day After Tmrw
/ Agenda:
*Correct DQs
*Discuss 4.2
*add/discuss the 4 words
*Work on/Stamp HW
*Video / Agenda:
*Correct HW
*1 clip: Ecosystems/biomes
*2 clips: Intro Ecology and
*Start HW
/ Agenda:
*Correct HW
*2 clips: How ecosystems work and food chains/webs
*Notes 4.1and 4.2 Notes
(draw an energy pyramid)
*Show graphics/Start HW / Agenda:
*Correct HW
*turn in hmwk pkt
Retake ch 3 Test Wed lunch / Reminders:
Retake ch 3 Test tmrw lunch / Reminders:
Read Articles – Quiz Thurs
Retake/make up test / Reminders:
Ecosystems Test Tues (4.1, 4.2) / Reminders:

Highlight = documents to print Highlight = points Highlight = important reminders