Person and Family Engagement

Person and Family Engagement

This is Jennifer Creekmur, improvement advisor at Iowa Healthcare Collaborative. This recording is on the hospital engagement network for HEN measurement person and family engagement or PFE. This measurement is different from any other one that we do because it is five statements with a yes, no answer. The first statement, prior to scheduled admission, hospital staff provides and discusses the planning checklist that is similar to CMS’ discharge planning checklist with every patient allowing to answer questions and comments from patient and family. This has two parts to it. The first one if somebody is coming in scheduled for surgery, you can start talking about discharge planning and the needs that they may need after discharge prior to their admission. This is nice for the patient and the family to know of the needs that they may be needing after their discharge. Secondly, this question also covers as soon as the patient is admitted to the hospital, to start planning for discharge. May be you can look at the situation that they are in and may need more assistance at home for the things that they may need, contacting their pharmacy and their family doctor making sure that everybody knows what is going on with the patient. The second statement, hospital conducts shift change huddles at bedside reporting with patients and family members in all feasible causes. Third statement, hospital has a dedicated personal functional area that is proactively responsible for patient and family engagements and systematically evaluates patient and family engagement activities. Fourth statement, hospital has an active patient and family engagement committee for at least one former patient that serves on the patient’s safety for quality improvement committee or INAUDIBLE 02:02 and the last statement,the hospital has at least one or more patients who serve INAUDIBLE 02:07leadership or/and serves as the patient’s representative. When we look at these statements, how we can get started and you know the goal is to basically go through these statements and try to implement these things into your hospital one at a time. It is nice to have a group of people, some people make a PFE team that can work on this to get a lot of input and then also to have a lot of people involved. So when we look at the toolkit that has a description and rationale and then the five measures and then we have resources for each measure. So if you are wondering how to do this or want to look on how other people have done this, if you go ahead and mostly have measure one resources, these are documents and statements that will help you just for the first measure as well as resources for measure two, which include a lot of training and checklist and education and then measure three, more documents and resources and measure four, this one has brochures and it has postcards and it has worksheets just to release INAUDIBLE 03:26 all out for you and then measure five, we have resources on that also. Please note that your improvement advisors are here for you and we are willing to help you and get started on this and we are excited for everybody to grow in this PFE measure.

If you have any questions, please contact myself or Jennifer Brockman and we will help you.