Information Handbook

For Senior High Band Students

And Parents


Dear parents and students of the Oakwood High School Band,

Welcome to the Oakwood High School Band program. You have enrolled in a band with an amazing heritage that has been part of the Oakwood High School experience since the fall of 1924 (the school’s third year of existence). Our “Wall of Excellence” outside the Band Room is a testament to the many years of outstanding bands that have gone through these Oakwood hallways. Our desire is to contribute to this heritage and leave our own mark on the phenomenal history of the Oakwood High School Band.

Our mission statement clearly states our purpose and philosophy: “The Oakwood Band exists to enrich students, school and community by instilling musical and personal excellence through the development of musicianship, responsibility and team spirit in a positive learning environment.” (Adopted, 7/05)

We are glad you have elected to be part of this great adventure that is the Oakwood High School Band.


Ronald A. Nelson

Oakwood High School Director of Bands

Fall 2005-present



Band Camp...... 4

Marching Season...... 5

Uniforms...... 5

Attendance/Participation Rules & Policies...... 6

Band Fees...... 7

Community Events...... 8

Concerts...... 8

OMEA Competitions...... 8

Practicing Your Instrument...... 8

Band Trips...... 9
Fundraising...... 10

Scholarships/Awards...... 10

Other Performance Opportunities...... 11

Band Classes offered at the Senior High …………………………………11

Parents...... 12
Share Plan...... 14

Contact Info...... 15

OBPA Roster, 2014-2015 ……………………………………………….. 16

Calendar for the 2014-2015 school year...... 17


Oakwood High School Band Camp continues to be one of the High School Band members’ favorite memories. We work hard to produce outstanding halftime and pre-game shows and Band Camp is a critical part of the quality of our fall performance. As such, it is a priority in the Oakwood High School Band program and is required for all Band students enrolled in High School Band (including footballplayers and fall cheerleaders). Please note: there is no initiation or hazing of new students or freshman in the Oakwood High School Band. Our goal is to help these students make friends and become part of the Band as quickly as possible. We want Band to be a team from day one.

Band Camp is typically the last week of July. We usually rehearse outdoors in the morning and late afternoon, with sectional rehearsals indoors during the hottest part of the day. Consult Mr. Nelson’s webpage for specific information.

What to Bring
Tennis shoes (no open toe footwear), WATER, a hat, sunglasses for the glare, sunscreen, instrument, and a positive attitude.

Important Days at Band Camp

1. Day 1: this is the “get-to-know-people” day. Students will learn the basics of marching (roll step, attention, turns, etc.) out on the practice field. There will also be bonding games that the Spirit committee has planned. Music will be passed out and students will begin to learn the songs for the marching season. In the afternoon, the Band will go to the practice field to begin learning the formations for the first half-time show. Squad leaders (mostly seniors) will have charts with the formations and they will direct students to their proper positions.

2. Day 3: this is Band Bonding Day! The Band will spend almost the entire day together. The point of this day is to make the Band better and stronger by bonding with one another (it really does make a difference). After a day of fun at Band Camp, the Band has an activity in the evening (usually from 6-9:30pm or so), sponsored and chaperoned by the Oakwood Band Parents Association. Details of time and place will be given at a later date.

3. Day 5: this is the final day of Band Camp. This day is spent polishing the half-time show and rehearsing music. The Annual Band Water Fight occurs in the afternoon. Participation in the water fight is NOT mandatory, but students must stay until the Band Director dismisses the Band. Students may bring water guns to use in the fight. Water balloons will be provided. Students must remain fully clothed during the water fight, including shirts. Girls may wear swimsuits under their clothes if desired. Remember to bring a towel.

The past few years, Band Camp has ended with a picnic dinner and a community concert held at the outdoor amphitheater/home of John C. Gray. Students must wear their summer uniform to the picnic/concert. Details will be sent home with students during Band Camp. The concert is the culmination of a week of hard work and musical fun!

Band Camp Tips from Current Students

1. New students will be assigned a senior mentor to answer any questions they may have about Marching Band, Band Camp or other Band activities. If you have a question, ask them! They are there to help.

2. Being on time is very important in Marching Band. Set your alarm and be on time!

3. There is no initiation or hazing allowed in the Oakwood Band program. Students do not need to fear Band Camp. We all work hard together and as soon as a student joins Band, they become part of the Band family.

4. Focus is important. It gets the job done faster, and then there’s more time for games such as Ultimate Frisbee.

5. Listening is key, but you can also ask questions if you don’t understand. Chances are directions will have to be repeated before everyone gets it.

6. Practice!

7. No one expects you to be perfect. Just do your best.

8. The Band students work really hard, but they also have tons of fun. Just enjoy playing your instrument and have fun!



1. Class rehearsals: The Band will rehearse outdoors during class, weather permitting. Students must have tennis shoes or they will have to sit out, lowering their grade.

2. Wednesday Night: There is a rehearsal on every Wednesday evening during the marching season beginning in mid-August. These rehearsals begin at 7:00 p.m. and usually end around 9:00 p.m. They may end earlier or later, depending on the progress of theBand in preparation for the Friday night performance. Parents are welcome to watch from the stands.

Shows on Friday Nights!

The Band goes to every Varsity Football game (home or away), rain or shine. The report times for the Band vary from week to week. Parents can check Mr. Nelson’s web page for times and specifics. On Friday afternoons during the last 15 minutes of school, the Band may march through the hallways, playing music to get the students pumped up for the game. All football games are free for Band students. For away games, students should eat dinner before they report to the Band Room. Students must arrive at the school in summer uniform. Marching Band uniforms will be kept at school; students will dress at school putting their Marching Band uniform over their summer uniform. During the pre-game show, the Band plays the fight song, alma mater, and the National Anthem; this usually starts around 7:00 p.m. with a pre-game rehearsal typically beginning at 6:00 p.m. During the 2nd quarter, the Band lines up to perform the half-time show. The Band has 3rd quarter off; at home games, Band members get a free drink from the North concession stand, courtesy of the Oakwood Band Parents Association. After the game, the Band may perform a post-game show on the field or in front of concession stands. Then the Band returns to the Band Room to put away all instruments, etc. and clean up. Students may leave only after the Band Director has dismissed them.

Homecoming: This is the biggest game of the year. During Homecoming week, there is a parade from the Oakwood Community Center to the High School stadium, followed by a bonfire. Alumni Band members and the Junior High Band participate in the pre-game Homecoming show. Alumni also participate in the post-game show on the field.

Marching at the football games makes it worth working hard and doing your best. The Band is respected and loved in Oakwood. And now you get to be a part of it!!


The Oakwood High School Marching Band uniform is a very public symbol of the excellence of our Band program. As such, whenever the uniform is visible in any public place – including en route to, from and during all marching events – the full uniform is to be worn correctly with great pride and distinction. The hat may be carried with care when not performing. Public behavior while in uniform is to be of the highest caliber since the uniform represents the quality of our entire Band.

Uniform fitting sessions in the summer and fall ensure a good fit for the marching and concert seasons. At any time during the season, if your uniform needs a repair, let the Uniform Officer know immediately, so that the repair can be completed before the next performance. Students are responsible for general upkeep and maintenance of their uniforms. Students keep their uniforms (both marching and concert) at school between performances. The Uniform Officer oversees dry cleaning and repairs.

Order forms will be sent home for summer, Marching Band and concert uniforms. Estimated costs for these items are listed below under BAND FEES.

Summer Uniform

Band uniform shorts, summer Band uniform shirt,short black socks, and black marching shoes make up the summer uniform. The shorts, shoes and shirt must be ordered through the OBPA.

Marching Uniform

We provide the trousers, suspenders, jackets, braids, hats and plumes. The uniform also includes black uniform shoes, white gloves (these two items are ordered through the OBPA) and black socks that extend to just below the knee (no ankle socks).

Concert Uniform

Boys wear tuxedo jackets, trousers, a cummerbund and bow tie provided by the OBPA. Boys will need to purchase a formal white tuxedo shirt, which can be ordered through the OBPA. Boys must also provide their own black socks and black dress shoes. Girls wear a long black dress or palazzo pants with a black top that are individually purchased through the OBPA. If you choose not to incur this expense, girls can wear the black tuxedo skirts that are available in our storage room, but a black top would need to be purchased. Most girls prefer and look best in the long black dress. Girls also need to provide their own black dress shoes.

Attendance Participation Rules/Policies

Students considering participating in Band should be aware of the following expectations:

1.All students enrolled in the Oakwood Band program (Grades 5-12) are expected to practice beyond Band class time.

2.Private lessons are highly encouraged to assist students in reaching their potential. Senior High Band students that plan to pursue a major or minor in Music at a university should begin private instruction as early as possible in their high school career.

3.Students are expected to attend the “required” events listed on the Band calendar. Some events are voluntary. The calendar is published on Mr. Nelson’s website.

Grades 9-12 required events:

1.Band Camp (last week in July)

2.John C. Gray concert (usually the last day of Band Camp)

3.OCC Ice Cream Social (Sunday before school starts)

4.Friday night football games

5.Wednesday night Marching Band rehearsals during football season

6.Homecoming parade

7.Oakwood Tree Lighting (Select group - December)

8.Winter concert (January or February)

9.OMEA District Band Contest (March)

10.Spring Concert (April/May)

11.Oakwood “That Day in May” Parade (May)

12.OMEA State Band Contest (May if we qualify at district)

13.Commencement (usually the first Monday in June)

Unexcused absence from required events will result in grade reduction.

Excused absences include:

1.Religious Services/Observances

2.Family emergencies


4.School-created conflicts will be resolved according to school policy as found in the student handbook.

5.Life-memory events

Note: If an opportunity arises for the Bands to perform at a venue in addition to those listed above, parents will be polled to see if we have enough students to perform well. Students who have conflicts will be excused from these added performances.


Fees for the High School Band are minimal in comparison to other area high school bands. The annual Band fee for Marching Band students currently is $160for the first child and $130 for a second Band student. These fees help cover a portion of the costs for marching and concert uniform maintenance, transportation, Band camp and other Band-related activities.The Band fee is due on the first day of Band Camp.

A few other fees are required involving uniforms. In May, an order form will be distributed so students can order the summer Band uniform shirt and Band uniform shorts. These 2 items together cost approximately $35-$45 depending on size. On this same order form are accessories for the marching band uniform: white gloves (approximately $2) and black marching shoes (approx. $25) that are required. The order form and payment for these itemsare due in mid-June; please make checks payable to the Oakwood Band Parents Association.

A concert Band uniform order form is generally distributed in October and is due back in mid-November, along with payment. Boys need to have a formal white concert tux shirt with studs (approx. $17) and girls have a choice of black concert attire (approximately $60). These items (along with the black marching shoes and the summer uniform shorts) generally only need to be purchased once.

Fees also will be charged for lost music, at the discretion of the Band Director. Other fees that can be expected for some students are for incidentals such as reeds (woodwinds) or drumsticks/mallets (percussion).

If a student requires financial assistance for any Band related matter, he/she needs to see the Band Director to inquire about available scholarships. All requests are kept confidential and are known only to the Band Director. Payment plans for Band and uniform fees are also available. Please discuss this option directly with the OBPA Treasurer.

All Band fees must be paid before participation in a Band trip. Costs for optional Band trips are discussed later in the Band Trips section.


The Oakwood Band is actively involved in the community. Free public concerts include a marching season “Kick-off” concert at the outdoor amphitheater of the home of John C. Gray in late summer; the Oakwood Community Center (OCC) Ice Cream Social the Sunday before the first day of school; the OCC Fall Festival in October; an end-of-seasonmarching concert in November; the OCC Tree Lighting in December; and the Oakwood “That Day in May” parade.


A number of Band concerts are scheduled throughout the school year. Participation in these school-organized concerts is mandatory for Band students and is considered part of the curriculum/your Band grade. The schedule of concerts can be found on Mr. Nelson’s web page. Additional concerts may be scheduled throughout the year.


The Oakwood Bands are active participants in the Ohio Music Education Association competitions throughout the year. High school and junior high students are invited to participate in OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest and the High School Band attends the District and-pending qualification at District-State levels. The Band has performed at the annual OMEA conventions several times in its long history, and generally auditions to perform at least once every four years. Students enrolled in the Oakwood Bands are also eligible to audition for district and state honor bands.


Band rehearsal and sectionals are vital opportunities to improve the way the Band plays together. The more prepared each student is, the more opportunity the Band has to learn new repertoire and improve as an ensemble. Band members prepare for rehearsal by improving their skills and learning their parts on their own.

All students are required to practice their instrument outside of Band rehearsal for at least 30 minutes at a time, five to seven times per week. Private instruction is highly recommended for all students, but even without private instruction, effective individual practice helps you continue to improve.

Daily practice routine