Unit 4 Week 2 Day 3: Life Cycle of a Pumpkin

Theme: Our Changing World

High Frequency: bumpy, fruit, harvest, root, smooth, soil, vine

Vocabulary (Amazing Words): adapt, annual, nutrients, undisturbed, bury, ancient, massive, sprout

Grammar: adjectives for Numbers, Size and Shapes

(Selection words) / Use Vocabulary Transparency 17 to introduce selection words. Read each sentence as you track the print. Frame each underlined word
Today we are going to be learning more words that are in our story
Life Cycle of a Pumpkin
Follow along as I read these sentences aloud.
Explain the word’s meaning.
cycle: a series of actions that happen in the same order
wither: to dry up
tendrils: a slender, curling part of a plant
Have students make up a sentence using each of the words in a complete sentence.
Model with each word.
Say: The pumpkin goes through several cycles before it is ripe.
You tell me a sentence for cycle.
Say: The plant wither in the hot sun.
You tell me a sentence for wither.
Say: Thetendrils curled around the pumpkin. You tell me a
sentence for tendrils.
High Frequency
Words / bumpy, fruit, harvest, root, smooth, soil, vine
Give each group two or three Word Cards (ELL Teaching Guide page 116). Ask children to use the back of the card to draw a picture, write a synonym, write a definition, or write a cloze sentence using the word from the front of the card. Assist children as necessary. Collect the completed cards and stack them side down. Have each child draw a card not their own), look at the clue, and name the vocabulary word on the front of the card. Continue until all the cards have been used.
Reading Comprehension / Have students turn to page 46 in their reading books. Read the titleLife Cycle of a Pumpkin. Look at the pictures and have students tell what is happening.
Have students read along with you aloud. Make sure all of the students are reading.
Help students to respond to questions using complete sentences when appropriate.
What do you think would happen if bees did not move among the
Flowers of a pumpkin vine? Pollen from the make flower would not be
moved to the female flowers, and new pumpkins would not grow.
Why do farmers spray pumpkin plants with insecticides? The insecticides
Protect the growing pumpkins from insects such as cucumber beetles and
Squash bugs.
What would happen if a farmer did not save seeds from harvested
pumpkins? Without seeds to plant, the farmer would not be able to raise
pumpkin plants in the future.
Do you think pumpkins are useful plants? Possible answer…. Pumpkins are
Useful to make pies and bread.
Grammar and Writing / Adjectives for Numbers, Size, and Shapes
Words for number, size, and shapes are adjectives. The words a and an
are also adjectives.
A pumpkin has large seeds.
The word a describes how many pumpkins ---one.
Large describes the size of the seeds
Read (or write) sentences that describe the number, size, or shape of something.
Have children tell you the adjective.
A dog is on the round rug. ( a – one, round- shape)
I have ten crayons. (ten)
An elephant has short legs ( an – one, short- size)
Four turtles climbed out of the water. (four)
I have a square eraser. (square)