VELS (Level 4) The Make It Real Game

The Make It Real Game provides activities for students at Level 4 with schools implementingthe program at Year 5 or 6.

Make It Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 1
Making a Role
Students are introduced to the game and given the role they will assume and explore throughout the program. / Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - Economics / Economic knowledge & understanding / Explore the world of work in order to develop the ability to make informed decisions about their future education & training needs & employment
Examine various types of work enterprise in a range of settings
Consider the nature meaning of work its relationship to other activities in people’s lives / Compare different types of work enterprise
Inter-disciplinaryLearning / Thinking / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Develop knowledge skills behaviour required to enable students to inquire into the world around them / Collect relevant information from a range of sources make judgements about its worth.
Session 2
Making Neighbours
Students create their town, as well as explore and make lifestyle decisions by choosing houses, vehicles and leisure items they wish to have in their adult lives (roles). / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Initiate positive social relationships with a diverse range of people in a range of contexts. / Demonstrate through social interactions, respect for a diverse group of people
Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - Economics / Economic knowledge & understanding / Learn about the role of producers, workers & consumers in society
Explore how the community defines, classifies & uses resources / Describe their roles as consumers of goods & services, & explore being an informed consumers
Humanities - Geography / Geospatial skills / Read & interpret maps
Identify & collect information from maps / Use town map to describe distance location & direction of places
Identify features from maps
Inter-disciplinaryLearning / Thinking / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Use knowledge, skills behaviours to inquire into the world around them / Collect relevant information from a range of sources make judgements about its worth
Make It Real Game (cont) / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 3
Making a Town
Students use creative decision-making skills to personalise their communities and their town. / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Working in teams / Develop knowledge, skills & behaviour to cooperate with others to contribute to the achievement of a group goal / Work effectively in different teams & take on a variety of roles to complete tasks
Civics & citizenship / Community engagement / Participate in processes associated with citizenship e.g. decision making & voting / Understand the roles & responsibilities of the democratic process (e.g. voting)
Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - History (optional activity) / Historical knowledge & understanding / Use a range of texts to study the past to learn about change & its impact on people’s lives & the significance of continuity / Develop knowledge & understanding of significant events in the history of the community
Inter-disciplinaryLearning / Thinking (optional activity) / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Use knowledge, skills & behaviours to inquire into the world around them / Collect relevant information from a range of sources & make judgements about its worth
Creativity / Think creatively to solve problems & be innovative
Develop awareness of the complexity of the world around them / Use creative thinking strategies to generate imaginative solutions when solving problems
Make It Real Game (cont) / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 4
Making a Town Work
Students explore the working nature of their town and discover the numerous types of occupations that make a town work. / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Working in teams / Develop knowledge, skills & behaviour to cooperate with others to contribute to the achievement of a group goal / Work effectively in different teams & take on a variety of roles to complete tasks
Civics & citizenship / Community engagement / Participate in processes associated with citizenship e.g. decision making & voting / Understand the roles & responsibilities of the democratic process (e.g. voting)
Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - Economics / Economic knowledge & understanding / Learn about the role of producers, workers & consumers in society
Explore how the community defines, classifies & uses resources
Consider the nature & meaning of work & its relationship to other activities in people’s lives
Examine various types of work & enterprise in a range of settings / Explain the role of work in society
Compare different types of work & enterprise in the local community
Describe their roles as consumers of goods & services & explore being an informed consumers
Humanities - Geography / Geospatial skills / Read & interpret maps
Identify & collect information from maps / Use town map to describe distance location & direction of places
Identify features from maps
Inter-disciplinaryLearning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Use understanding of communication conventions to respond appropriately / Develop interpretations of content & provide reasons for them
Understand why peers may have alternative interpretations
Thinking / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Use knowledge, skills & behaviours to inquire into the world around them
Use critical thinking to analyse & evaluate information they encounter / Use information to solve problems & inform decision making
Make It Real Game / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 5
Making a Company
Students explore the basics of work search and discover how to work as a company (group) by combining their different work skills. / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Working in teams / Develop knowledge, skills & behaviour to work with others to achieve group goals
Work in teams to complete tasks
Identify the characteristics of members in effective teams
Develop descriptions for particular team roles e.g. leader, recorder & participant / Work effectively in different teams & take on roles to complete tasks of varying length & complexity
Accept responsibilities for their role & tasks
Explain benefits of working in a team
Civics & citizenship / Community engagement / Investigate the qualities of leadership through past & present examples
Experience class & school, leadership roles & responsibilities / Demonstrate understanding of the roles & responsibilities of leaders & of democratic processes
Demonstrate understanding that there are different viewpoints on an issue
Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand and interpret written texts eg job application forms, interview guidelines / Use strategies & draw on knowledge of text organisation when interpreting texts containing unfamiliar ideas & information (eg job ads, resumes)
Writing / Compose, comprehend & respond to texts in print form / Produce texts for different purposes using structures & features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience & context (eg job ads, resumes)
Speaking & listening / Engage in exploratory talk to seek the opinions of others / Plan, rehearse & make presentations for a job interview
Speak to take account of context, purpose & audience
Humanities - Economics / Economic knowledge & understanding / Consider the nature & meaning of work & its relationship to other activities in people’s lives, including leisure
Examine various types of work & enterprise in a range of settings
Identify the different natures of paid & unpaid work / Distinguish between paid & unpaid work
Compare different types of work & enterprise
Interdisciplinary Learning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Use communication conventions to communicate effectively & respond appropriately
Listen attentively to communicate main points
Interpret & make meaning from formal & informal communication / Develop interpretations of content & provide reasons for them
Explain why peers may develop alternative interpretations
Describe the purpose of communication strategies & evaluate effectiveness for different audiences
Presenting / Organise ideas & information logically to suit their purpose & the needs of the audience / Summarise & organise ideas & information logically & clearly
Evaluate effectiveness of presentations
Make It Real Game (cont) / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 6
The Brainstorm Spin Game
Students form groups based on their occupational titles and play the Brainstorm Spin Game, testing their knowledge of their work roles, occupational concepts, vocabulary, and community businesses and services. Students also increase their knowledge and awareness of the wide variety of occupations and businesses. / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Working in teams / Work in teams to complete tasks of varying lengths & complexity
Develop & use criteria to evaluate their own & the team’s effectiveness in team work / Work effectively in different teams & take on a variety of roles to complete tasks
Provide feedback to others & evaluate their own & the team’s performance
Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - Economics / Economic knowledge & understanding / Consider the nature & meaning of work & its relationship to other activities in people’s lives, including leisure
Examine various types of work & enterprise in a range of settings
Identify the different natures of paid & unpaid work / Explain the role of work in society
Distinguish between paid & unpaid work
Compare different types of work & enterprise
Describe differences between needs & wants & their own role as producers & consumers
Mathematics / Working mathematically / Identify & investigate real life, practical applications of mathematics / Use the mathematical structure of problems to choose strategies for solutions
Interdisciplinary Learning / Thinking Processes / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Use thinking strategies to gather & process information / Distinguish between fact & opinion
Use information to solve problems & inform decision making
Make It Real Game (cont) / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 7
Making a Living
Students are introduced to the concepts of local and global economies. Students in their companies secure work contracts and work together to plan their research. / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Develop skills & behaviours for connecting with a variety of groups, including peers & community groups / Accept & display empathy for the points of views & feelings of their peers & others
Working in teams / Work in teams to complete tasks of varying lengths & complexity
Identify the characteristics of members in effective teams
Develop descriptions for particular team roles such as leader, recorder & participant
Develop & use criteria to evaluate their own & the team’s effectiveness in team work / Work effectively in different teams & take on a variety of roles to complete tasks of varying length & complexity
Work cooperatively to allocate tasks & develop timelines
Accept responsibilities for their role & tasks
Explain benefits of working in a team
Personal Learning / The individual learner / Identify the many contexts in which learning occurs both within school & beyond school / Identify preferred learning style & use strategies that promote learning
Managing personal learning / Discuss the value of persistence & effort
Recognise responsibilities for managing learning & staying focussed & on task
Apply strategies for managing the completion of both short & extended tasks within timeframe / Implement plans to complete short & long term tasks within timeframes using appropriate resources
Undertake tasks independently
Seek & use learning support from peers teachers & other adults
Civics & citizenship / Civic knowledge & understanding / Research current local, national & global issues e.g. natural disasters & human rights issues / Explain key democratic principles & values such as equality before the law
Develop understanding of voting
Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand, interpret, critically analyse written texts such as newspapers magazines & ICT texts / Use strategies such as contextual cues & draw on knowledge of text organisation when interpreting texts containing unfamiliar ideas & information
Writing / Compose, comprehend & respond to a range of texts in print, audiovisual & electronic forms – including media texts & websites / Produce in print & electronic forms, a variety of texts for different purposes using structures & features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience & context of the writing
Make It Real Game (cont) / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 7 continued
Making a Living
Students are introduced to the concepts of local and global economies. Students in their companies secure work contracts and work together to plan their research. / Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - Economics / Economic knowledge & understanding / Examine various types of work & enterprise in a range of settings
Learn how needs & wants are met & understand their roles as producers workers & consumers / Explain how goods are produced & distributed
Describe differences between needs & wants & their own role as producers & consumers
Economic reasoning & interpretation / Contest ideas, debate & use evidence to form & express opinions on economic issues that interest &/or impact on themselves & society / Investigate economic issues in the home, school or community & form conclusions based on evidence
Humanities - Geography / Geospatial skill / Develop mapping skills & learn how to interpret their location relative to other places / Use atlases & town plan maps to describe distance direction & location of places
Identify features from maps
LOTE / Intercultural knowledge & awareness / Develop student's cultural awareness & ability to rationally discuss & compare cultural differences / Understand differences in how people eat, dress, sign, gesture, write & say things
Identify a cultural icon, geographic feature, famous building or cultural practice
Interdisciplinary Learning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Interpret & make meaning from formal & informal, aural, written & visual communication / Develop interpretations of content & provide reasons for them
Information & Communications Technology / ICT for communicating / Use ICT to support knowledge building among teams / Use websites & frequently asked question facilities to acquire & share information
Refine search engines to locate information quickly
Evaluate the integrity of located information
Thinking Processes / Reasoning, processing & inquiry / Make observations & pose questions about people & events within & beyond their own experience
Use thinking strategies to gather & process information / Develop questions for investigation & information collection from a range of sources & evaluate its worth
Distinguish between fact & opinion
Make It Real Game (cont) / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 8
Making a Business Trip
Students go on a simulated business trip. They research information and gather materials for their advertising campaigns. / Physical, Personal & Social Learning / Interpersonal Development / Building social relationships / Explore similarities & differences in the values & beliefs of a range of individuals & groups / Accept & display empathy for the points of views & feelings of their peers & others
Interpersonal Development / Working in teams / Explore a range of contexts, both within & beyond school, where people need to work effectively as part of a team
Work in teams to complete tasks of varying lengths & complexity
Identify the characteristics of members in effective teams
Develop descriptions for particular team roles such as leader, recorder & participant
Develop & use criteria to evaluate their own & the team’s effectiveness in team work / Work effectively in different teams & take on a variety of roles to complete tasks of varying length & complexity
Work cooperatively to allocate tasks & develop timelines
Accept responsibilities for their role & tasks
Explain benefits of working in a team
Provide feedback to others & evaluate their own & the team’s performance
Personal Learning / The individual learner / Identify the many contexts in which learning occurs both within school & beyond school / Identify preferred learning style & use strategies that promote learning
Managing personal learning / Discuss the value of persistence & effort
Recognise responsibilities for managing learning & staying focussed & on task
Apply strategies for managing the completion of both short & extended tasks within timeframes / Implement plans to complete short & long term tasks within timeframes using appropriate resources
Undertake tasks independently
Seek & use learning support from peers, teachers & other adults
Demonstrate positive attitude to learning within & outside the classroom
Discipline-based Learning / English / Reading / Understand, interpret, critically analyse written texts such as newspapers magazines & ICT texts / Use strategies such as contextual cues & draw on knowledge of text organisation when interpreting texts containing unfamiliar ideas & information
Writing / Compose, comprehend & respond to a range of texts in print, audiovisual & electronic forms – including media texts such as newspapers & websites / Produce in print & electronic forms, a variety of texts for different purposes using structures & features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience & context of the writing
Speaking & listening / Engage in exploratory talk to share & clarify their ideas, to formulate simple arguments & to seek opinions of others / Sustain a point of view & provide succinct accounts of personal experiences or events
Make It Real Game (cont) / Strand / Domain / Dimension / Learning focus / Standard
Session 8 continued
Making a Business Trip
Students go on a simulated business trip. They research information and gather materials for their advertising campaigns. / Discipline-based Learning / Humanities - Geography / Geospatial skill / Develop mapping skills & learn how to interpret their location relative to other places / Use atlases & town plan maps to describe distance direction & location of places
Identify features from maps
LOTE / Intercultural knowledge & awareness / Develop student's cultural awareness & ability to rationally discuss & compare cultural differences / Understand differences in how people eat, dress, gesture, write & say things
Identify a cultural icon, geographic feature, famous building or cultural practice
Understand different ways of doing things in particular situations
Interdisciplinary Learning / Communication / Listening, viewing & responding / Use communication conventions to communicate effectively & respond appropriately
Listen attentively to communicate main points
Interpret & make meaning from formal & informal communication / Develop interpretations of content (seen & heard) & provide reasons for them
Explain why peers may develop alternative interpretations
Describe the purpose of a range of communication strategies & evaluate effectiveness for different audiences
Presenting / Organise ideas & information logically to suit their purpose & the audience needs’ / Summarise & organise ideas & information logically & clearly in presentations