The Hoplite Association

Terms and Conditions

1)All members must read and sign the constitution and abide by all terms and conditions included

2)The Executive wishes to retain realistic proportions amongst the various elements that the Association represents. Therefore, as a consequence, new members will be required initially to equip themselves with basic Greek civilian clothing before there chosen role.

There will be no restrictions over members equipping themselves for their chosen portrayal.

3)All members must reach an acceptable standard of dress for the part they wish to portray within the Association. The Executive member, with the position of Officer in charge or Authenticity Officer, makes the final decision on the standards reached by each individual member, and his decision is final.

4)All members must accept the Executives decisions regarding the running of the Association. Any complaints must follow the constitutions complaints procedures.

5)All members must pass a weapons safety test before being allowed to use such weapons at an event. The test will be taken by the Associations Safety Officer or his designated representative.

6)All members participating in an event must follow the site rules and regulations.

7)Membership fees must be paid to the Association before the 1st of April each year. Late payment will only be accepted if prior notice is given to the Financial Officer in writing, stating reasons why. A reasonable time limit will then be imposed with consideration to the reasons given.

8)Members must at all times conduct themselves in a manor that will into bring the name of the Hoplite Association into disrepute. Drunkenness, drug taking, unscripted violence, law breaking, slander or any other kind of behaviour that is detrimental to the good name of the group will be regarded by the Executive as a valid reason to expel the member immediately and permanently from the Association.

9)Under no circumstances will an individual member, or group of members, book or attend an event in the name of the Association without prior consent from the Executive.

10) All members of the Association MUST FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIVES

concerning sanctioning of events and the following of requirements for insurance purposes.

Failure to do this will be seen by the Executive as bringing the Association into disrepute and therefore dealt with accordingly