POI 2012-2013 Sekolah Cikal




An Inquiry into the nature of the self; belief and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. / An Inquiry into our orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspective. / An Inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express our ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. / An Inquiry intothe natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment. / An Inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. / An Inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.
PK / Central idea:
Making balanced choices about daily routine enables us to have a healthy lifestyle.
Lines of Inquiry:
- The benefits of healthy lifestyle (function)
- How our choices impact our lifestyle (reflection, causation) / Central idea:
The various media make different sounds that can be explored to express ourselves
Lines of Inquiry:
- The similarities and differences between instruments (form)
Everyone choose different instruments ways to play (perspective)
The impact of playing instruments to yourself and others (causation / Central idea:
Our activity is usually connected to the Earth’s natural cycles.
Lines of Inquiry:
The characteristics of day and night. ( Form )
The cycles of day and night. ( Change )
Interdependence between the natural cycles. ( Connection ) / Central Idea:
Community helpers function more effectively when rules and routines are shared with all members.
Everyone has a role to share in the community.
Lines of Inquiry:
Roles in the community. (Function)
Cooperation between people in the community. (Connection)
The responsibility of community helpers. (Responsibility) / Central Idea:
Understanding bugs help us to sustain the balance of nature.
Lines of Inquiry:
-The function of our mini beast in our environment( (function)
-The beneficial and harmful between mini beast and human kind (connection)
-Responsibilities of human kind towards mini beast (responsibility)
RJ / Central idea:
Increasing awareness of our roles and responsibilities allows our independence skill to develop.
Lines of Inquiry:
Roles and responsibilities as a part of school community. (Responsibility)
Characteristics that develop independence skills. (form)
How we know that we are independent (Reflection) / Central idea:
We use play to express our feelings and ideas and in order to come to new understandings.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Communicating through play (connection)
-Imaginative use of everyday materials (function)
-How people respond to a play (perspective) / Central idea:
Understanding the ways materials behave and interact determines how people use them.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Forms of materials and their characteristics (form)
-How material change under certain condition(change)
-How we use changes of material in daily lives (function) / Central idea:
How we share finite resources impact on the existence of living things.
Lines of inquiry:
-The roles of finite resources for living thingsdaily lives(function)
-How human and animals depend on finite resources.
-Sharing and maintaining finite resources on preserving the existence of living things (responsibility)
RS / Central Idea:
Making healthy habits enable us to have a balanced lifestyle.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Consequences of healthy and unhealthy habits (causation)
-Different point of view about ways to have a healthy lifestyle (perspective)
-How we know that we have balanced lifestyle (reflection) / Central idea:
Knowledge of one’s family history help us to celebrate who we are and where we’ve come from
Lines of Inquary:
- the origins of my ancestor (form)
-change between generation within the family (change)
-reflecting history through family artifacts and events (reflection) / Central Idea:
We tell stories in different ways to convey messages.
Lines of Inquiry :
-ways stories are told (perspective)
-the purpose for telling stories (function)
-relating the moral of the story with one’s experience (reflection) / Central Idea:
The application of forces and motion around us make our work easier.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Different kinds of forces (form)
-How simple machine works (function)
-How simple machine effect our work (causation) / Central Idea:
People work together in a system to produce, distribute and consume our food.
Lines of Inquiry:
-How people’s role are connected to provide food. (connection)
The food needs to go through certain steps before it reaches our home. (connection, causation)
The way our food is processed affects our food choices. (causation) / Central Idea:
Plants have certain condition to grow and need to be taken care of for our sustainability.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Plants grow in different condition (change)
-Plants have different uses and gives different advantage for our lives (function)
-How to take care of the plants (responsibility)
Y1 / Central Idea:
Learning helps us to improve ourselves and understand other people better.
Lines of Inquiry :
-The importance of learning (function)
- ow learning helps us to develop and to know other people better (reflection)
-Different learning style and learning communities (form) / Central Idea:
Journeys allow change and can lead to new opportunities.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Why people do journeys (perspective)
-Choices and decisions involved in making a journey (causation)
-Changes experienced because of a journey (change) / Central Idea:
Personal beliefs and values influence celebration around the world
Lines of Inquiry:
-Every celebration has its own history and characteristics (Causation)
-People celebrate certain events based on their beliefs (perspective)
-The purposes of celebration (function) / Central idea:
Our lives are influenced by the changing position of earth in relation to the sun, the moon and other planets within the solar system.
Lines of Inquiry:
-The characteristics and position of solar system in universe (form)
-The interacting elements in solar systems that affects our lives. (causation)
-Interdependence within the solar system (connection) / Central idea:
In a workplace people share responsibility towards a common purpose.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Purpose of a workplace (function)
-The responsibility of sharing vision or common purpose (responsibility)
-Interconnectedness of people in a workplace (connection) / Central Idea:
People can establish practices in order to sustain and maintain the Earth’s resources.
Lines of Inquiry :
-Our responsibility towards limited nature of the Earth’s resources (responsibility)
-Personal choices that can help sustain the environment (reflection, change)
Y2 / Central idea:
The effective skills and attitudes people use in resolving conflict allow them to understand themselves and other people better.
Lines of Inquiry:
How factors and communication affect both conflict and its resolution (Causation).
Understanding and appreciating others’ values and opinions in resolving conflict (perspective).
By reflecting our ways in resolving conflicts help us to enhance our social interactions (reflection). / Central Idea:
People build various types of structures in different places and times.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Different materials can be used to build structures (form)
-The function and aesthetic aspect of buildings (function)
- Materials change based on human needs in building structure (change) / Central idea:
Our host country has various ways of expressing ideas through traditional arts
Lines of Inquiry:
-The various ways of expressions (form)
-Why people use arts to express themselves (perspective)
-Cultural background influences traditional events and celebrations (connection) / Central Idea:
All living things go through a process of change.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Living things grow and change over time (change)
- How living things contributes to others’ growth (function & connection) / Central Idea:
With rights comes responsibility towards us, others and the community.
Lines of Inquiry:
- Causal relationship between rights and responsibilities. (Causation)
- Understanding rights and responsibilities in oneself, others and the community (reflection)
- Our choices to show responsibilities in a community (responsibility) / Central idea:
Water is a natural resources that is crucial to life on earth
Lines of Inquiry :
-The exploration of water through physical, earth and life science (form).
-Water influences environmental diversity (causation)
- How we use water allows equal opportunity of water usage to others (responsibility).
Y3 / Central idea:
Lifestyle affects the functions of the human body.
Lines of inquiry:
-Systems of the human body (form)
-Functions of body systems (function)
-Personal health that leads to a healthy lifestyle(responsibility) / Central idea:
Many systems of past civilizations are linked to societies and cultures of the present days
Lines of Inquiry:
-A pattern of the development of civilization (form)
- The contribution of legacy from past civilization to present days (Connection)
-How to utilize legacy critically. (responsibility) / Central Idea:
Communication is needed to convey message to others
Lines of Inquiry:
-Different ways of communicating (form)
-What it means to be a communicator (reflection)
-Different perspective in perceiving messages (perspective) / Central idea:
Understanding the properties of air allows people to make practical applications.
Lines of Inquiry:
-The evidence of the existence of air. (form)
-What air can do and how we use it. (function)
-How our choices impact air. (responsibility) / Central idea:
Economic choices impact the role we play as producers and consumers in our world
Lines of Inquiry:
- The role of different marketplace (function)
- How producers and consumers are dependent on each other (connection)
- Economic choices impact the success of market (causation) / Central idea:
The relationships between each community of organisms affect the balance of an ecosystem
Lines of Inquiry:
- Role of different populations in an ecosystem. (function)
-How each community of organism depends on each other within an ecosystem (connection)
- Changes that affect the balance of an ecosystem (change)
Y4 / Central idea:
Our physical health depends on our action in regulating our body systems to function properly.
Lines of Inquiry:
-The function of each major body system (function)
-Our responsibility to keep our body systems healthy (responsibility)
-The effect of our healthy action to our body systems. (connection)
(Skeletal system and function of body parts) / Central idea:
Understanding the history of a nation will help us better understand ourselves, and appreciate the nation’s value
Lines of Inquiry:
-Important steps of our country journey to become a nation (form)
-Historical symbols and events in our daily life and what it means (perspective)
-How the story in the past influences the nation current development (connection) / Central idea:
Various forms of media attempt to encourage people to make choices
Lines of Inquiry:
-Different point of view in perceiving media message (perspective)
-The techniques used in creating forms of media (function)
-Reviewing responsible media message (reflection) / Central idea:
The natural features of the earth have been formed over time and are still changing.
Lines of Inquiry:
-The different components that make up planet earth (form)
-The earth’s movement and its impact to the environment (causation)
-The evidence that the earth has changed and is continuing to change (change) / Central idea:
The role people have in societal decision making influences the model of government
Lines of Inquiry:
-Structure and function of various government system (form)
-Roles of people in government (function)
-How peoples’ decision making can influence government system (causation) / Central Idea:
Diversity, density and other characteristics of the population create a variety of challenges and risks
Lines of Inquiry:
-Challenges and risks that population may face (form)
-How population react, overcome or minimize the challenges and risks (responsibility)
-How a community create equal access for everyone. (reflection)
Y5 / Central idea:
Adolescence is a time for us to be aware of our changes and choices
Lines of Inquiry:
-The causes of similarities and differences in physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty (change, causation)
-Being responsible of own choice (reflection)
-Adolescence’s relationship with their surroundings (connection) / Central idea:
Some innovations have had a major impact on the world, changing the way people live.
Lines of Inquiry:
-How certain innovations change the way people live (connection)
-Stages / background of certain innovations (change)
-Breakthrough / creative innovations we will need in the future (perspective) / Central idea:
Artists express themselves using a media and their work is interpreted by an audience.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Different artistic genres and artistic media (form)
-Experiences influencing expression (change)
-Our perceptions and interpretations of art (perspective) / Central idea:
How humankind use energy affects the amount of energy in our environment.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Forms of energy
-The storage and transformation of energy
-Conservation of energy / Central idea:
People need to adapt their skills and attitudes to take advantage of the virtual world.
Lines of Inquiry:
-The advantage of virtual world for the function of life
-The role of social networking and internet community
-Skills and attitudes in processing information from the internet
-Privacy and security in the virtual world depend on people’s choices / Exhibition:

August 22 2005