Legion Golf Society A.G.M.held on Friday May 20, 2011 atThe Wensum Valley Golf Club, Taversham, Norfolk, Essex. There were 20 members and 4 guests present.
The meeting was opened at 2110 hours by Mr A. Peatling in the Chair who welcomed all present to this the 31st AGM of the Society.
Apology was received from Mr R. Taylor.
The MINUTES of the previous AGM held on Sunday, May 13th at The Essex Golf Club, Earls Colne, Essex, having been circulatedwere approved on a proposition by Mr T. Taylor, seconded Mr M. Taylor.
Matters arising: Mr Morris raised the point that in that report it was stated that the subscription would be reduced to £10. This had not occurred, Secretary to reduce next year.
TREASURER’S REPORT.Mr Hatley had submitted a Balance Sheet to date, but not completed fully as weekend payments were to be taken into consideration (see attached).The Society was in a healthy position financially. Acceptance: Prop. Mr Beatty, Sec.: Mr Morris.All in favour
Mr Peatling proposed a Vote of Thanks be extended to Mr Hatley for his input into the job and the manner in which the accounts had been prepared.
CAPTAIN’S REPORT: Mr Terry Taylor welcomed all to his weekend. Things had not been easy, due to the late change in venue. He thanked the Treasurer and Secretary for their efforts throughout the year. However he hoped all would enjoy the weekend, the weather and the courses. Because it was so dry he proposed that members should be allowed to pick and place over the weekend. This, on being put to the meeting, was agreed.
CAPTAIN ELECT 2012:Joe Rayfield. Prop.: T. Taylor, Sec.: E. Butler.
VICE-CAPTAIN for 2013:Adam Gumble. Prop.: J. Rayfield, Sec.: M. Keoghan.
SECRETARY/MATCH FIXTURE SECRETARY:Mr E Butler. Prop.: Mr PeatlingSec.: Mr T. Taylor.
ASSISTANT SECRETARY: Mr Turpin; Prop.:Mr Butler; Sec.:Mr Gumble.
TREASURER:Mr D Hatley; Prop.: Mr Peatling, Sec.: Mr M. Taylor.
ASSISTANT TREASURER: Mr M Taylor, Prop.: Mr Beatty;Sec.: Mr Morris.
H’CAP SECRETARY: Mr D Morris, Prop.: Mr M Taylor, Sec.: Mr Gumble.
AUDITORS (2 REQUIRED):The Captain and Mr Morris.Prop.: Mr M Taylor, Mr Chillingworth.
There had been no notifications.
The website: Mr Hatley: the next event was up-to-date. He received handicaps from Mr Morris, whilst events and news were as and when, and, if he attended.Mr T. Taylor said his name was not on as the current Captain. Mr Hatley spent approximately one hour per month updating the site. If more information is submitted, more would be put on. Mr Beatty said if members sent him information he would edit and submit to Mr Hatley.
Mr Turpin asked if e-mails sent out by the Secretary could be all in black and not coloured. Secretary to look at.
Mr Butler asked that next years Captain looksinto the venue, Abbotsley Golf Club, Cambridge. He would book for the 28 once more.
Mr Beatty: Spoke on the Xmas function, not being organised and should be booked for this year. Next year’s Captain to choose the venue.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 2155hrs.