Dear Member

Following the lovely weather of this summer we now move into the Autumn “business” season. There is much to be upbeat about in the village, as well as the weather!

All our schools are full and popular, and have produced excellent academic results once again. Many of our young people are now moving onto university and college (will they ever return to live in Backwell!?), as well as other rewarding careers. Improvements in the National Economy have helped create a more buoyant housing market, most houses in the village have sold readily, and plenty of work has been created for builders undertaking many extensions/improvements to the existing housing stock. We await further news on ambitious initiatives for a “community café” in the centre of the village. We now have an upgraded and extended Post Office (which has the BRA drop-box – see below).

By now we should have had progress on the draft Backwell Neighbourhood Plan. Unfortunately, a judicial review was requested of the North Somerset Core Strategy, which has led to a major delay. Without an approved Core Strategy, the Neighbourhood Plan cannot be ratified. We understand it is likely to be early in the New Year, at best, before the Core Strategy situation is resolved. This means the Neighbourhood Plan remains on hold, the village remains vulnerable to developers taking advantage of this vacuum, and the Local Green Spaces situation remains unresolved.

You will see from the map on the front page of this news-letter that a number of important planning applications and other issues affecting the village are pending – more detail is provided overleaf. Your Committee is doing its best to keep abreast of developments BUT we do need your support – both in numbers and financially – by renewing your membership!

After a lot of work over the summer the new BRA web-site is virtually completed ,and is now live – please take a look at it via the address: –

The website content will continue to evolve, be updated and improved. We plan to invite members feedback when once the website is complete and run for a while – so watch this space - it will become a very useful and informative tool.


This is now arranged for Tuesday 12 November at 7.00p.m. in the VI Form Theatre at Backwell School. As well as Association business, we aim to have some guest speakers.

We would very much like to see you there.

We remind you that BRA is a membership organization. Please let us know what you would like to have discussed or explained, or suggestions for other activities.


You will see from the map on the front page of this newsletter that a number of important planning applications and other issues affecting the village are pending. Backwell is a prime target for developers. Your Committee is doing its best to keep abreast of development BUT we do need your support – both in numbers and financially – by renewing your membership! And perhaps also making a donation to build up our fighting fund.

It is time to renew your membership, please (year commencing 1 November 2013). The usual form is included overleaf – please complete it and return as soon as practical.

Your Committee is actively monitoring the situation of all the items listed below, and, when appropriate, making representations or objections, or researching potential implications, using the member expertise available within the Association, or obtaining outside professional advice as necessary.


(see map on Page 1)

Coles Quarry

After many months a planning application has been submitted (although not yet registered) on part of this site – for about 24000 sq.ft. of B1 use class offices and light industry. It is believed this is just the first phase of a much larger proposal which could include land-fill, possibly followed by the provision of an athletics track or sports field, and which could have significant implications for the village. The proposals should provide welcome employment opportunities, but would have major traffic implications for Church Town and Dark Lane

Stancombe Quarry

A planning application is shortly to be submitted to extend the existing quarry by almost 31 acres into an area known as The Spinney, to enable quarrying to continue until 2043. The whole of this new site is in Backwell Parish, although site access will remain via Stancombe Lane which emerges onto the A370 in Flax Bourton. The former Hyatts Wood Quarry will be used for mineral holding.

Wind Turbine – Grove Farm

This application provides for the erection of a 123 ft. high wind turbine at the western edge of the village, which will impinge on the view of most houses in the village, and will also endanger wild-life, whilst only creating very limited power output. It would also overlook much of the proposed Local Green Space land.

Solar Park, Downside

This application for almost 29 acres of solar panels and 11 buildings generating very little power covers an extensive area of attractive farmland with several well-used footpaths close to the Parish boundary. It would be very close to some members’ homes. The development would require the erection of major unsightly electricity pylons and cabling to serve the proposed site. The application was rejected in June, but it is being appealed.

Ashton and Backwell United FC - Floodlights

The Football Club is seeking to extend the permitted 7 months erection of the four floodlight poles, and also the hours of use of the lights, which would further impact on surrounding residents in terms of both light and noise. Objections have been made to its Planning Application, but the process is on-going.

Ettrick Garage/Red Cross hall

Both these properties have recently been acquired by a local property investor, and proposals are expected shortly on how this important central village site might be developed.

The draft Neighbourhood Plan has identified this site for specific forms of development which would benefit the village and the situation needs to be carefully monitored

Hilldale Road field

This field, situated between Hilldale Road and the Civic Amenity site, is in Green Belt and outside the settlement boundary of the village, and is crossed by a popular footpath. A developer holds an option on the site and wishes to develop at least part with affordable housing as a “Rural Exception Site.”

Moor Lane site

A site of 7.4 acres is identified in the North Somerset Core Strategy and draft Neighbourhood Plan for a mixture of residential and industrial development. The site owner/developer is believed to be preparing a planning application shortly, to meet local needs. Whilst appropriate development of this site is to be encouraged, in principle, it could have significant implications on local traffic and on-street parking.

Manor Farm West Town Road

A planning application has been submitted for two very large Executive houses, accessed from The Green. This is contrary to the aspirations of the draft Neighbourhood Plan which is promoting 5 smaller dwellings.


Whist the Committee is generally supportive of many of these applications, the devil is in the detail. There is a constant need to examine the applications, and where necessary to make reasoned objections to some or parts, or propose relevant conditions which should be attached to a consent. Members’ comments and suggestions are actively encouraged in this regard (either by contact to Committee members, or by direct comment through the North Somerset web-site), and the Committee will try to keep members informed as matter progress.


Local Green Spaces

The whole concept of Local Green Spaces – as land retained in perpetuity for the benefit of the local community- is yet to be fully tested through the Planning/legal system, and is very relevant to Backwell’s proposed Neighbourhood Plan. BRA submitted an extensive and thoroughly researched document to the Parish Council as part of our submission to the emerging Neighbourhood Plan, and we are hopeful the recommendations will be accepted in full.

Civic Amenities site

Problems with noise and heavy vehicle traffic associated with this site continue despite many assurances and remedial activities by the Council and the operators.

Further actions are promised with BRA and our District Councillor Karen Barclay active in attending site meetings and pressurizing further action.

Meetings with Liam Fox MP

We have met Dr Fox to propose several ideas which will benefit the village, leading to ongoing communications with several Government Departments and Ministers on crucial technical points of principle.

We are hopeful of positive responses, which would bring significant benefit to the village, in areas of New Homes Bonus and Local Green Spaces. BRA has obtained confirmation that quantifiable benefits will be paid to the Parish Council to support community facilities from a share of Community infrastructure Levy.

Railway station car-park

At long last work has started on enlarging the station car park. The car park will create more traffic, and motorists will have to pay to park. The implications on adjoining roads and on-street parking are as yet unknown and will need careful monitoring. BRA undertakes to assist local residents to try and achieve the greatest benefits and minimize disruption.

A370 floods – remedial work in progress

Surface water flooding has been an issue on the A370 for many years. During 2012 the situation became serious on several occasions, with considerable disruption to traffic, damage to adjacent properties and Backwell School.

North Somerset Highways Dept. instigated a programme of work which is still continuing. BRA has kept in regular touch with David Kingston of the highways Dept. who has made excellent progress with these issues, despite budget constraints. Karen Barclay, District Councillor, has also given us valuable support.

Backwell Parish Hall Renovation Initiative

In 2010, Backwell Parish Hall celebrated its centenary. It has served the community well but with rising energy and other costs the hall has become increasingly expensive to run. Accordingly the charitable trust which manages the hall has put together a plan to renovate and modernise it for the benefit of the local community. This is especially relevant as there seem little chance of Backwell getting a purpose built state of the art community centre in the foreseeable future and the hall is in frequent use by many community groups.

To cut costs the first job is to insulate the ceiling through which most heat is lost. This means fitting solid internal insulation and re-plastering, a quite complicated and expensive operation requiring internal scaffolding. While the scaffolding is in place a low energy lighting system will be installed. The present arrangement requires ~7kW to run. Following these improvements it becomes worthwhile to install a new boiler, preferably biomass, to replace the worn out oil system currently installed. Finally solar panels may be erected.

Other safety and storage improvements are planned as well as some internal rearrangements and redecorating. As can be imagined the whole project will cost a great deal of money and the Hall Trust will be soon launching an appeal to residents for funds and to enlist support to allow grant applications to be made.

BRA supports this initiative which will benefit the whole community and recommends members to support the project in any way they can.